Why do people like square dancing?

1, every day can regularly exercise. 2, in the exercise to make friends. 3, in the exercise to listen to the intoxicating tune. 4, in the exercise to revel in the beautiful lyrics. 5, in the exercise to constantly learn new dance music, challenge themselves. 6, in the exercise to continue to grow in the dance skills. 7, in the exercise to strengthen the body. 8, in the exercise of the self-image to build a good image. 9, in the exercise to delight in the mind, to enhance the quality of humanities. 10, square dance does not distinguish between young and old, everyone can participate. 11, square dance requires simple equipment, as long as the music venue can be danced. 12, as long as the music venue can be used. Square dance is not divided into young and old, everyone can participate. 11, square dance requires simple equipment, as long as there is music and a venue can be danced up. 12, square dance is a beneficial and harmless activities, can get the strong support of the family and the community. 13, square dance is the most popular dance in China. ......