Zippy: It's hard not to get rich if you understand this underlying logic

? Recently, there happen to be two big mom's story, very interesting, these two stories behind it but contains a very profound wealth logic.

? The first big mom it, in 2008 to spend 50,000 dollars to buy a stock, accidentally forgot the password, more than ten years after the past it, suddenly remembered one day, so they are ready to go to the business office to cancel the account, the result is to find that he 13 years ago to buy the stock rose into happy, even rose more than 100 times, now is this more than 5 million, and then this big mom a moment of confusion, the people are almost did not stand still.

? There is also a big mom it, in 1977 deposited 400 dollars bank also forgot a *** is 33 years, until 2010 the bank notified the big mom's daughter-in-law to pick up the money, the last 400 deposits with interest for 33 years how much? 835.82. Note that the 1977 400 is definitely not the current 400, according to the 33 years of the speed of the m2 devaluation of the currency, that year's 400 in the In 2010, the equivalent of 340,000. 340,000, in 2010 in the first-tier cities, can easily pay the down payment of a house.

? The two amazons also forgot a sum of money, but it is completely different end, these two stories tell us what it is, there are two problems, must first understand: "money" is not wealth? The first one is that the money is not the wealth?

"Money", just a kind of equivalent exchange, its essence is a credit note, and still behind the national credit in support.

? So we must understand a truth, money itself is not valuable, "money" if you want to produce value, you must let it flow, static "money" is the world's most waste of money.

? Justin Yifu Lin has a saying that he said: poor people put money in the bank, in fact, is subsidizing the rich. This is a mean statement but it makes sense, the reason why the rich are rich is because they let the "money" create value.

? You see, the whole of human development is that so-called wealth is characterized by only two things: it is either something that people need, or it is something that people believe in.

? So there are only three paths to creating wealth: 1 either create the value of being needed, 2 either create the value of ****ing knowledge , 3 or both.

? But it is not possible for everyone to be entrepreneurs, so to be free of wealth, either with the ability to create wealth with the people who do, or invest in the ability to create wealth, how to take their ride, so to get wealth of the underlying logic is only one, either "create wealth", or "invest in wealth ".

? Here you find what, whether it is to create wealth or invest in wealth, "money" must be flowing, not let him be static. The thinking of the poor is to seek stability and security for peace of mind. All static, behind the stagnant human attitude, the thinking of the rich tend to be more in pursuit of breakthroughs, the pursuit of innovation, the pursuit of growth, all dynamic, behind the human attitude to embrace change.

? I know that today this article must also be controversial, many people will take the ordinary people and non-ordinary people to define themselves, then the ordinary people love to seek peace and stability, tossing will die, and their attitudes are static, they do not know that the world has a "Taleb's barbell" strategy, they do not know that human beings can come to today, the evolution of mankind is itself a breakthrough adventure in entrepreneurial history.

? And I'm sure there will be people who will say that the 1st big mom just happened to buy Changchun Hi-Tech as a good company because of luck, so let him buy a LeTV and see what happens. I'll show you another video of Chinese amazons talking about defI, when 99% of young people still don't know what defI is, some amazons are able to try to think about his nature. Frankly speaking, in the past few years, I feel more and more that Chinese amazons are a group that deserves respect, they love life, they have the self-discipline to keep on dancing every day, they are willing to get in touch with new things, and they are actually more discriminating and learning than many of us. Wake up, China's big moms will not be synonymous with reverse indicators again, I dare to put this sentence here, OK?