Follicle 1.8*1.3 about when to ovulate

As we all know, eggs are formed by follicle development, so the quality of follicle development has a certain relationship with the quality of eggs. If the follicles are not well developed, it will cause women to have difficulty in bearing children. Women who want to have children should pay more attention to the development of follicles and take good care of them. So, when does a follicle 1.8*1.3 ovulate?

The follicle 1.8*1.3 when ovulation

At present this follicle has reached the dominant follicle, and has basically matured. As for when you will ovulate, everyone is different, ovulation can occur at any time, sometimes you can use ovulation test paper to detect. If there is a strong positive, can be measured once every four hours strong positive to weak, 24 hours or so will be ovulated, normal follicle daily enlargement is about 0.2 centimeters.

At present, this size is not unexpected, should be two or three days on the ovulation, and follicular development size more than 2.5 cm, after ovulation, the success rate of fertilization is not high, but also two days to do ultrasound to monitor, generally in the reach of 1.8 can be arranged to have sex, require every other day coitus, because the sperm can survive for three days, at this time there is a chance of pregnancy.

The follicle is round or oval, with a diameter of 18-23mm, which is lower or greater than the normal value of this follicle size, will affect normal ovulation. And once you fail to ovulate normally, it will affect conception. Therefore, when the follicle is underdeveloped or oversized, women should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

In daily life, diet must pay attention to, to light food, balanced nutrition, drink more water, eat more meals, avoid spicy, tobacco, alcohol, coffee and cold stimulating food, etc., appropriate to do some exercise to relieve stress, enhance physical fitness, such as: yoga, square dance and walking, etc., personal hygiene should be paid attention to, don't share pots with others, towels, underwear in the sun. Personal hygiene should also be paid attention to. Keep a happy mood, do not be affected by the disease. Usually know more about medical knowledge to prevent the occurrence of disease, no matter whether it is useful or not, know a little medical knowledge on their own good.

The follicle 18 * 15mm count advantage follicle

The follicle 18 × 15 is considered advantage follicle, about 1 ~ 2 days will be eliminated can be in the ovulation before and after the day of intercourse, can increase the chances of pregnancy, preparation for pregnancy can also be used in some beans and milk food, is conducive to the development of follicles, but also in advance of the taking of folic acid, can be effective in avoiding fetal abnormality, usually pay attention to more rest, pay attention to balanced nutrition, and also pay attention to the development of the follicles. Pay attention to the nutritional balance.

The dominant follicle refers to the follicle in the dominant follicle, the ovarian cortex by an oocyte and many small follicular cells around the composition. According to the morphological and functional changes in follicular development, it can be divided into three stages: primordial follicle, growing follicle and mature follicle. The primordial follicle is composed of a large primary oocyte and a surrounding single layer of flattened follicular cells. There are about 1 million primordial follicles in the ovarian cortex of newborns, but most of them fail to reach the mature stage, and they successively atrophy and degenerate to form atretic follicles. The development of a primordial follicle into a growing follicle does not require hormonal regulation.

In the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, under the action of estrogen, multiple follicles develop one after another, gradually grow, and near ovulation there is always a follicle that develops into a mature follicle and ovulation occurs. The follicle that can ovulate is called the dominant follicle, while the other remaining follicles are absorbed and disappear. If the menstrual period is normal for 30 days and the follicle grows to 1.0mm or more on the 10th day of menstruation, it can be counted as a dominant follicle.