Please tell me: the most most specific information about all the characters in Rosebud Girls.

The first doll: Mercury Lampe (すいぎんとう/スィギントウ) Mercury Lampe CV: Tanaka Rie / Noto Mamiko

Rosebud Girls series of the first doll, the artificial elf is Mei Mei (メイメイ). Self-esteem is very high, with a cruel and arrogant personality, to other dolls do not see eye to eye, always with "stupid" (おバカさん)称呼, but for the "junk" word is very disgusting. Due to his love for his father, he is obsessed with winning the Alice Game and wants to achieve his goal even if it means hurting someone, and he regards Magenta as a thorn in his side, and he can tell the exact time between his previous battle with Magenta (586,920 hours and 37 minutes, or about 67 years). The main weapon and biggest feature comes from the black feathers on the wings on her back, in a manner similar to True Red's rosebud petals, however in the anime the black feathers can also change into swords, and even the wings form into giant black dragons, as well as the ability to manipulate dolls in a manner similar to True Red's, but it seems to be mandatory. The stylization is Gothic Lolita (ゴシック アンドロリータ), which is also quite popular due to its stylization and voice acting (Rie Tanaka has also cosplayed Mercury Lamp herself). In the first anime issue, there is no medium as a source of power, but the combat ability can already be equal to the red and others, and in the sixth episode of the second anime issue, "Angel" and Kakizaki Megumi contract (manga has not yet been contracted), compared to the other people, Megumi for the mercury lamp is a special existence. In the eighth episode of the anime, "Pale Star Stone", she says to Grandpa Shibasaki, "Do you take lactobacillus bacteria?" In the eighth episode of the anime, "Aoshinishi", he said to Grandpa Shibasaki, "Do you take lactobacilli?

Second figure: Canary (カナリア) Kanarienvogel CV: Shimura Yumi / no debut

The second figure in the Rose Maiden series, the artificial spirit is (ピチカート). Self-proclaimed as the Rose Maiden in the first brain faction of the curator, but its own actions and the final result often contrary to the failure, self-confessed beyond the expected. She tries to invade the Sakurada family in order to steal the Rose Maiden from Magenta and the others, but fails countless times. He fights by using his violin to play sound waves with attacking power, and his known moves are "Attacking Waltz" (攻撃のワルツ) in the first movement, and "Pursuing Kanon" (追擊のカノン) in the second movement, "Dissonance" (ディスコード), "Variations on a Counterattack" (反撃のパルティータ) and "Final Movement Symphony of Destruction" (破壊のシンフォニー) are surprisingly high. The main character is Koumei, who surprisingly has a high level of combat ability (Anime 2, Episode VII). Her medium is Mei, and she likes Mei very much. He loves picnics, especially Japanese omelettes (Tamago Yaki). He is the most frequent user of the Artificial Sprites, and has a good rapport with them as he always carries them around and talks to them about tactics. Kinshito speaks with a serious "...". Kashira? which is similar to the Chinese phrase "...........? Kashira?" "... Right?" The phrase "かしら?" is similar to "...??" in Chinese, but is also mostly meaningless, and is one of Kinshito's most notable personality traits.

Third Doll:Jade Stern (すいせいせき/スィセイセキ)Jade Stern CV: Natsuko Kuwatani/Nana Mizuki

The third doll in the Rose Maiden series. Artificial elf is (スィドリーム), allusion from Xiao Zhimei (Anna Sui) brand perfume Sui Dream. with the fourth work of the pale star stone is Twin dolls, two eyes of different colors, right eye is ruby red, left eye is emerald green, clothing is a Bavarian style of the shape, the ability to "gardener's such as the rain" (gardeners of the rain), to give with the rain, the gardeners of the rain. His ability is "Yuru the Gardener" (庭师の雨露), which gives nutrients to the Tree of Hearts so that it can grow. He is a pair with Aoshinishi's Gardener's Scissors, and together they are known as the "Gardener of Dreams" (夢の庭師) and can open the door to the Dream Realm with an Artificial Spirit. In battle, he can use his Artificial Spirit to open dream gates. When he fights, he mainly sprinkles out rain like dew, and wherever he touches, the plants will quickly grow into huge vines to trap the enemy. He is the second doll to make a contract with Jun. He has the personality of a small animal that is afraid of strangers, and seems to be quiet on the surface, but his words are quite vicious, and he calls Jun "Chibi" (チビ) when we first meet him, while he hides himself behind a suitcase. Personality is not honest, after coming to the Sakurada family often to pure and daisy berry pranks, so by pure called "black heart doll" (sex evil humanoid) (so some people call her black stone), but although often show a bad heart side, but the heart is in fact very good, for the fight is always unable to be ruthless (however, in the animation of her bad heart side even greater). (however, in the anime, her bad side is carried forward even more, and she is more active as a result). Although Jade Starfish is unforgiving and always criticizes Pure, she is the doll that cares the most about Pure, and is the standard "cold on the outside, hot on the inside" (ツンデレ) type, who bakes cookies to cheer Pure up when he's feeling down (manga 31), and when faced with Pure's proximity to Magenta, she will be a little bit jealous and try to make a fuss and try to get into his good graces (manga 24), and will try to make an effort to win Pure's favor (manga 24). When faced with Jun's closeness to Makoto, he gets a little jealous and upset and tries to win Jun's favor by doing something about it (manga 24 or anime 2, episode 5). She is very good at making sweets, and is also good at brewing tea (anime 2, episode 4), but seems to not know how to use a microwave or vacuum cleaner and makes a mess (anime 2, episode 5 or manga 24). Jade Starstone speaks with a severe "... ですぅ" (ですぅ), which is similar to "...

Fourth Doll:

Lapislazuli Stern (そうせいせき/ソウセイセキ)Lapislazuli Stern CV: Morinaga Riku/No appearance

The fourth doll in the Rose Maiden series. The artificial sprite is Lepica (レンピカ), alluding to the French brand of perfume Lolita Lempicka, which is characterized as being divided into two types for women and men. The twin sister of Jade Starbuck, who also has two different colored eyes but is the opposite of Jade Starbuck, wears men's clothes and has the ability to remove weeds that hinder the growth of the Tree of Hearts with the "Gardener's Scissors" (庭师の铗), and uses the Gardener's Scissors in battle to attack, and can also open the door to the Dream Realm with the use of Artificial Sprites. Although they are twins, their personalities are very different, and they have a mature and calm mind, and are very loyal to their masters (mediums). In the original manga, the medium was Yubihashi Ichiba, while in the anime version, it was Shibasaki Motoharu.

Fifth Doll:

Reiner Rubin CV: Miyuki Sawashiro/Yuko Horie

The fifth doll of the Rose Maiden series, the Artificial Spirit is Hollier (ホーリエ). As the first heroine of the series, she has a blue gear, a blonde double ponytail that reaches the ground, and an eye-catching look in a bright red dress. She is the first Rose Maiden to enter into a contract with Sakurada Jun. She has a haughty personality, high self-esteem, and a queenly demeanor (nicknamed the True Red Queen), and she speaks to others in a commanding tone, and treats Jun and Daisy as her servants. Her main attack weapon is a rose that she blows out of the palm of her hand. She has the ability to communicate with her dolls' minds, and can make them move when necessary, as well as the special ability to reverse the clockwork of objects, which she often uses on the broken windows of the Sakurada house. She loves to drink black tea, and is very particular about how it is brewed, and has her own black tea cup set. She likes to read German novels, and almost never leaves her hands without a book, and she likes to watch the TV series "Detective Kuko" (doll show), and is quite obsessed with the protagonist of the series, "Kuko". He is quite obsessed with the main character "Kuku". She is called a "cursed doll" (呪い人形)because of her love for Jun, but she only shows her fragile and pampered side in front of Jun. She has a bitter rivalry with another Rose Maiden, Mercury Lamp, and loses her cool when she meets her. When she gets agitated, she calls Mercury Lamp "junk" (ジャンク 为垃圾或废物). Other things she hates are cats, Laplace's Demon, and darkness. He wants to end the Alice games on his own terms.

Sixth doll: Daisy Berry (ひないちご/ヒナイチゴ) Kleine Beere CV: Nogawa Sakura/Kaneda Tomoko

Rose Maiden series of the sixth doll, the artificial sprite is (ベリーベル). When she first appeared on the scene, she made a contract with "Kashiwa Ba", and although she looks harmless with her crying and fear of silence, she almost consumed the power of the original medium, Ba, in a game of Alice with Magenta, and she regretted that she hurriedly canceled the contract in order to save Ba's life. After losing to Magenta, he used Magenta as an indirect medium to gain the power to move from Pure, and willingly became Magenta's servant, and has lived in the Sakurada household ever since. She has the ability to make Muppets huge in her own domain, and her main attack weapon is strawberry vines that grow from her body to trap her enemies. She has a sweet tooth, especially "Strawberry Daifuku" and Norisaku Sakurada's "Hanamaru Hanabaru" (egg burger). Her hobbies include doodling and watching "Detective Kuku" with Magenta, and she often hums a song she sings on the side of her mouth. She was always bullied by Jade Seishi and doted on by Nori, but her dependence on the others has slowly changed, and she wants to accomplish things on her own (see the fifth episode of the second anime series or the manga version of the extra chapter). She is nicknamed "Chibi Chibi Berry" (チビチビ莓)by Jade Seishi. Chibi Berry seems to use the Artificial Elves infrequently, causing the Artificial Elves to shy away due to a lack of self-confidence. Chibi Berry's speech ends with the phrase "...なの~". Nano~" at the end of her speech, which sounds like a child's tone, and "うにゅ~" when she's confused.

Seventh Doll: Rose Crystal (Pseudo) (ばらすいしょう/barasuensis) Rosen Kristall CV: Goto Saori/no appearance

The seventh doll of the Rose Maiden series is a pseudo-seventh doll made by Samuel, with an artificial sprite that is unknown at this time. The ultimate Rose Maiden full of mysteries, her most distinctive feature is the purple rose on her eyes (in the anime version, there is a rose-shaped eyepatch above her left eye, while in the manga version, there is a purple rose in the place of her right eye), and she has a different style of clothing styling than the other dolls (the anime version is lilac, while in the manga version, it is on the white side). She has a strong fighting ability, with amethyst crystals formed from the ground as her main attack weapon, and can form a wall-like shield with one hand to block attacks (anime version). He is quiet, but has a strange habit of repeating what he says. He is expressionless, but when he encounters a strong enemy, he will show a smile and is a warlike person (anime version). Afterwards, he was unable to bear the Rosemary of the other six dolls and collapsed.

Seventh Doll: Yukihua Erika:

Rose Maiden's seventh doll, name revealed in manga serialization 35, artificial sprite unknown. One-eyed, different from Rose Crystal in that she is born with a white rose naturally covering her right eye, and her costume is white-based. However, both have a strange speech quirk of repeating each other's words. In order to create Alice to go to the extreme, Luo Zhen even discarded her body in the material world when making Yukiwa Erika, so Yukiwa Erika has no physical body and can only appear in the virtual world.

The main character of this work is a closed-off boy who refuses to go to school for unknown reasons, always hides in his room, and is a fan of online mail order. He is a second-year junior high school student, and is quite unimpressed by his own sister "Sakurada Nori's" concern, and often talks to her with a reprimanding or commanding tone, but gradually opens up his heart when he meets the dolls, such as Magenta. However, after meeting the dolls such as Magenta, her defenses gradually open up. She is regarded by Magenta as a servant and is always called upon to do her bidding, which she is unwilling to do but can do nothing about, and she is also teased by Jade Hoshi Shi as "Chibi-human" (チビ人人). He has excellent tailoring skills to repair dolls and can bring back lost souls, and can even repair the lost arm of Magenta, which requires master craftsmanship such as Rozen's. He was originally contracted to work with Magenta. Initially with the red contract, in the Daisy Berry defeat to the red also through the red indirectly use of pure power, and later in a critical situation with the emerald star stone contract, in essence, for the three dolls of the medium (Medium ミーディアム).

Sakurada Nori (桜田のり) CV: Rikumaru Neriko/Kugawa Aya

Taiwan's Changhong flipped Sakurada Noriko, pure of the biological sister, high school students, instead of working overseas to take care of pure of the parents, very concerned about pure of the condition of the drowning to the point of love. Natural dull personality like a silly sister, for orders such as making black tea, etc. will immediately go to the implementation. She is an all-rounder and has excellent cooking skills, and her specialty dish "Hanamaru Hanabaru" (Flower Egg Burger) is very popular among the dolls. Her personality is usually very easy-going and gentle, and even though Jun always talks to her in a commanding tone, she can be quite scary when she gets angry (see the fifth episode of the anime or the 14th episode of the manga). She is a member of the Lacrosse club at school.

Kashiwa Yaba CV: Masashi Kurata/Ayako Kawasumi

Pure's childhood friend and fellow classmate, the original medium of Daisyberry. When he initially made a contract with Daisy Berry, he indulged Daisy Berry because he loved her and felt guilty for not being able to be with her for a long period of time. During a game of Alice between Daisy Berry and Magenta, Ba was on the verge of death due to Daisy Berry's overuse of her powers, and was saved by Daisy Berry's emergency release of the contract. He is a member of the kendo club at school, and has studied kendo with his father since he was a child, and also serves as a member of the school's grade committee, making him an exemplary student.

Yamamoto-kun CV: Junji Mashima

(Only appeared in the anime) A classmate who has a crush on Nori, but every time he tries to ask Nori out, he always encounters unfortunate circumstances and fails.

Motoharu Shibasaki CV: Yoshio Nishikawa

(only in anime)The medium of the anime version of Aoshinishi is an over 100 year old watchmaker who, after the loss of his son and the coma of his wife, mistook Aoshinishi for his son Kazuki, and has a twisted affection for Aoshinishi, but is not allowed to sleep in the box. After his wife wakes up, he admits that his son is dead.

Ichiba Knotting

(Original manga only) The contractee of the original manga's Aoshinishi. She feels betrayed by her twin brother, Futaba Kabayashi, who ran away with his lover, but Futaba was killed in a shipwreck, so she tries to take revenge on her lover, who survived the shipwreck. The Jade Hoshi Shi is unable to accept this and leaves for Sakurada's house alone.

Knotsuhashi Futaba

(Original manga only) Futaba's twin brother, who ran away with his fiancée but died in a shipwreck.


(Original manga only) Jun's class advisor, a young and serious young man who wants to help Jun go back to school, but doesn't understand what's going on.

Kakizaki Megumi (柿崎めぐ) CV: Kawaragi Shiho

The medium of the anime version of the mercury lamp (the manga version has not yet concluded a contract) is a young girl with congenital heart disease, who has to undergo a heart transplant operation in order to survive, and who feels helpless and misanthropic about her fate. She calls herself a "kaikuretsuko" (broken child) and sees the mercury lamp as an "angel" that will take away her life. She loves to sing (the songs she sings in the anime and manga are different).

Mimi (みっちゃん) CV: Kawase Akiko

Kinshitsuke's medium is a hopeless doll fanatic who works as an OL, and because of her love of people she occasionally dotes on Kinshitsuke, and is very interested in the existence of the other Rosemary's Maidens. He is also a good cook, and always prepares bento for Kinshitsuko, with tamago-yaki being Kinshitsuko's favorite.

Shirasaki CV: Takahiro Sakurai

(Only appeared in the anime) An enigmatic doll store clerk who seems to have a relationship with the Rose Crystal.

Samuel (エンジュ) CV: Daisuke Ono

(Only in the anime) An enigmatic doll maker who looks like a "father" to the dolls.

Rozen (ローゼン)

Chohong translates Rose, the mysterious puppeteer who made the fantastic Rose Maiden series of dolls, also known as "Father-sama" in the mouths of the dolls, in order to recreate the most perfect maiden "Alice". In order to recreate the most perfect girl "Alice", he created seven Rose Maidens using the Rose Mother of God, but none of the dolls reached the level of Alice, and his whereabouts remain a mystery in the midst of his grief, and he may be somewhere in the N Realm at the present time. The dolls are playing the Alice Game to take the Rose Maiden from each other in order to become Alice and be reunited with their father.

Detective Kuku (Detective Kukun Kukun) CV: Tsunkui-Keisen

Changhong translates Woof Woof, the main character of the TV series (doll show) that people like Zhenhong are keen to watch, the appearance is a dog muppet. In the drama, he is a calm and collected detective, and in every case, he is able to turn misfortune into good fortune and clear up the case, and even Magenta can't escape his charm. She always says, "Kuku is a genius," and in the fifth episode of the anime, "The Ladder" (manga #14), she is fooled by a Kuku doll that pretends to be Kuku by using ventriloquism, so her fascination is evident.

Laplace's Demon (拉プララスの魔) CV: Tsunkuai Gyozo/Nakata Jeanji

An enigmatic rabbit who wanders around in the realm of n, wearing a tuxedo and always talking out of his ass, who seems to have some degree of relevance to Alice's games.

Noun: Medium

Medium, a human who makes a contract with the Rose Maiden. Those who become Mediums provide their own energy to give the Rose Maiden the power to move around, and with a Medium, the Rose Maiden can use her special abilities in the real world, and the presence of a Medium in a battle can be a significant factor in victory or defeat.

Rose Ring

The proof of the contract between the medium and the Rose Maiden, which does not disappear and cannot be removed until the contract is canceled. In the original manga, the contract is made by the Rose Maiden obtaining the ring, putting it on, and then kissing the ring herself to signify the formation of the contract, while in the anime version, the contractor must kiss the ring on the Rose Maiden's hand to signify the formation of the contract, and the ring will then be formed on his or her finger.


Alice is the only pure and innocent girl who symbolizes perfection. It is the goal of the Rose Maidens.

Alice game

Alice game

The destiny of the Rose Maidens, they must fight with each other to get each other's Rose Mother, and the Rose Maiden who finally wins and gets all the Rose Mother can become Alice.

Rosa Mystica

Rosa Mystica is the source of the Rose Maiden's life, and if she loses her Rose Maiden, she will become a normal doll.

The Realm of n

The world of the imaginary and the real, the positive and the negative, the world where everything exists and nothing exists.

The World Tree

The giant tree that exists in the Dream World, the tree that connects the hearts of all humans.

The Sea of Subconsciousness

The special area of the N Realm, where the present, past, and future are interspersed with a torrent of time, and which contains all thoughts and memories, and where if one walks on a shallow surface, one will see many illusions.

The Artificial Spirit

The spirit controlled by the Rose Maiden. Every Rose Maiden has an Artifact that possesses incredible power, and it helps the Rose Maiden to find mediums, and is an indispensable aid to the Rose Maiden in battle


The chest that the Rose Maiden puts in when she sleeps, and is encrusted with the symbol of the Rose, and the Rose Maiden must sleep in the chest in order to truly rest. The Chest can be used as a means of transportation by using the Asterite and Pale Asterite.