The gentleman said: Learning can not be already. Green, taken from the blue and blue; ice, water for it and cold in the water. Wood straight in the rope, wheel band for the wheel, its curved in the rules. The wheel band makes it possible for the wheel to be straight. Therefore, the wood is subject to the rope is straight, the gold on the sharpening of the sharp, the gentleman learned and day to day reference to their own, then know and do not go too far.
I have been thinking all day long, not as much as a moment of learning. I've been crawling and look forward to, not as high as the Bo see also. If you fake a carriage or a horse, it is not good for your feet, but it will lead you to thousands of miles; if you fake an oar, it is not good for water, but it will lead you to the end of the river. The gentleman's life is not different, but good at making use of things.
The accumulation of earth into a mountain, the wind and rain will rise; the accumulation of water into an abyss, the dragon will be born; the accumulation of goodness into virtue, and the gods will be able to obtain themselves, and the holy heart will be ready. A horse can't take ten steps without a single leap, and an incompetent horse can't do more than ten steps without giving up. If you persevere, a rotten tree will not break; if you persevere, a golden stone can be skeletonized. The earthworm has no claws and teeth, sinews and bones of the strong, up to eat the earth, down to drink the Yellow Springs, with a heart of one. Crab six kneeling and two chelates, non-snake and eel of the cave can not be hosted, with the heart of the manic also.
The teacher said
Ancient scholars must have a teacher. Teachers, so preach the way to be educated to solve puzzles also. People are not born to know, who can not be confused? Confused and not from the teacher, the confusion is also, the end will not be resolved. Born before me, its hear the way also solid first to me, I thus teacher; born after me, its hear the way also first to me, I thus teacher. I teacher of the road, the man who knows the succession of years born in me? Therefore, there is no noble, there is no low, there is no long, there is no young, the existence of the Road, the teacher of the existence of the same.
Contempt! The teacher of the road is not transmitted for a long time! Want people without confusion is also difficult! Ancient saints, its out of the people are far away, but also from the teacher and ask yam; today's crowd, the saints under the saints are also far away, and ashamed to learn from the teacher. Therefore, the saint is more holy, stupid more stupid. The reason why saints are saints, the reason why fools are fools, are all out of this? Love their children, choose a teacher and teach them; in their own body, they are ashamed of the teacher, confused. The teacher of his children, the book and practice their sentence readers, not my so-called transmission of the way to solve their confusion. Sentence reading do not know, confusion is not solved, or teacher, or not, elementary school and the great legacy, I have not seen its bright. Witch doctors, musicians, people of all kinds of work, not ashamed of the teacher. Shi Da Fu's family, said that the division said that the disciple cloud, then the group gathered and laughed. Asked, then said: "He and his years are similar, the road is similar. The low position is enough to shame, the official is close to flattery. Woo-hoo! Division of the road is no longer knowable. It is not surprising that those who are witch doctors, musicians, and craftsmen, who were disdained by the gentlemen, are not as wise as they are now!
The sages had no regular teachers. Confucius studied under Tantanzi, Janghong, Shixiang, and Laozi. Tantanzi's disciples were not as wise as Confucius. Confucius said: three people, then there must be my teacher. Therefore, the disciple does not have to be as good as the teacher, the teacher does not have to be better than the disciple, hear the way there are successive, the art of specialization, and so on.
Li's ZiBan, year 17, good ancient text, six arts, scriptures and biographies are all through the study of the time, not confined to the study in the Yu. The first is the "The Master's Commentary", which was written by the author of "The Master's Commentary".
The Red Cliff Fugue
In the fall of the year of Nianxu, in the month of July, Su Zi and his guests traveled in a boat under the Red Cliff. The wind was blowing and the waves were not rising. He was drinking wine, reciting poems about the bright moon, and singing songs about the beautiful moon. After a while, the moon rose above the eastern mountains and hovered between the bulls. The white dew was across the river, and the water glowed to the sky. The water was so bright that it reached the sky. The wind is like the wind, and I do not know where it stops; floating like the world of independence, feathered and ascended to immortality.
So the drink is very happy, buckle the gangway and sing. The song said: "Guizhao Ruolan paddle, hit the sky bright Ruolong. Misty Ruoxi I Huai, looking at the beauty Ruoxi heaven side." Guests have a blowjob player, leaning song and the song. His voice was whimpering, like a complaint, like admiration, like a sob, like a complaint, with the aftermath curling up, unceasingly like a wisp. The sound of a widow in a lonely boat, weeping in the gully.
Su Zi countenance, sitting upright, and asked the guest said: "Why is it also?" The guest said: "'The moon and stars are sparse, magpies fly south', this is not Cao Mengde's poem? Looking west at Xiakou, looking east at Wuchang. The mountains and rivers are in harmony, and the sky is lush, is this not Meng De's trapped in the Zhou Lang? Fang its broken Jingzhou, down the Jiangling, downstream and east also, poopdeck thousands of miles, flags cover the sky, the wine at the river, cross long lance poetry, solid one of the world's heroes also, but today is not? What's more, I am with my son fishing and woodcutting on the river islet, with fish and shrimp and friends and elk, driving a flat boat and lifting a bottle to belong to each other. Sending mayflies to heaven and earth, a small drop in the ocean. I am sorry for the short period of my life, and envy the endlessness of the Yangtze River. I would like to travel with a flying fairy, hold the bright moon and die long. I know that it is not possible to get it suddenly, and I will entrust the last sound to the sad wind."
Su Zi said: "Guests also know the water and the moon? The passing is like this, and never go also; the surplus and void like him, and pawns do not eliminate the long also. Cover will be viewed from its change, then the world had can not be a moment; from its unchanged and viewed, then things and I are endless, and why envy? And between heaven and earth, things have their own masters, if not all my own, although a millimeter and do not take. But the wind on the river, and the mountains of the moon, the ear to get and for the sound, the eye meets the color, take the forbidden, inexhaustible, is the creator of the endless hide, and I and the son of the **** fit."
Guests happy and smile, wash the more drink. The food nuclear both exhausted, cups and plates were wiped out. The two of them were in a boat, not knowing the white of the east.
The Six Kingdoms
The Qi people have never bribed Qin, but they have finally succeeded the Five Kingdoms. The first is that it is not a matter of time before you are in the middle of a battle. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new pair of shoes or boots. The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to do it. The Yan and Zhao kings had a far-reaching strategy, and were able to defend their land without bribing Qin. To Dan to Jing Qing as a plan, began to speed up the disaster. Zhao tasted five wars in Qin, two defeats and three victories. After the Qin hit Zhao again, Li Mu even but. Cook Mak was executed by slander, Handan for the county, pity its use of martial arts and not end also. And Yan Zhao at the time of Qin's destruction, can be said to be intellectually isolated, defeat and death, really had no choice. In the past, the three countries love their own land, Qi people do not attach to the Qin, assassins do not work, good generals are still there, then the number of victories and defeats, the rationale for survival, when compared with the Qin, or not easy to measure.
Whoops! To bribe the Qin land to seal the world's strategist, in order to serve the Qin heart courtesy of the world's talent, and force westward, then I fear that the Qin people can not swallow the food. Sadness! There is such a situation, but for the Qin people to accumulate the power of the hijacking, day cutting month cut, to tend to the death. I'm not sure if you're a good person, but I'm a good person, and I'm not a good person!
The six countries and Qin are all vassals, their power is weaker than the Qin, but still can not bribe and win the momentum. The world's largest, down and from the six countries of the story of the collapse, is again in the six countries under the carry on.
Afang Palace Fugue
Six Kings Bi, the four seas one. The mountain of Shushan, Afang out. It is a very important part of the world's history, and it's a very important part of the world's history. The Lixi Mountain was constructed in the north and folded in the west, going straight to Xianyang. Two rivers dissolve, into the palace wall. Five steps to a building, ten steps to a pavilion; Corridor waist Aman back, eaves high pecking; Each hold the terrain, hooks and corners. Pan Pan Yan, granary Yan, beehive water eddy, stand do not know its several tens of millions of fall. Long bridge lying wave, not cloud what dragon? Complex road traveling in the air, not clearing up any rainbow? High and low, I don't know what. Singing platform warm sound, spring light melting; dance hall cold sleeve, wind and rain bleak. Within a day, a palace, and the climate is not the same.
Concubines and concubines, princes and grandchildren, resigned from the downstairs, the emperor's carriage to Qin. The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night. Star fluorescence, open makeup mirror; green clouds disturbed, combing the dawn maid also; we flow up greasy, abandoned fat water also; smoke oblique fog horizontal, burning pepper orchid also. Thunder at first startled, the palace car over also; reel far listening, do not know where it is also. A muscle and a face, all the state of extreme beauty, Aman standing far away, and look forward to fortunate. There are not seen, thirty-six years.
The collection of Yan and Zhao, the operation of Han and Wei, and the elites of Qi and Chu, has been a source of inspiration for several years. The first time I saw it, I was able to lose it. The Qin people are not too proud to see them. Contempt! A person's heart, ten million people's hearts. Qin love the luxury, people also miss their homes. Why do you take every cent and use it like mud and sand? The columns of the building are more than the farmers in Nanmu; the rafters of the beams are more than the workers on the machine; the heads of the nails are more than the grains of corn in Yu; the seams of the tiles are more than the threads of the silk of the body; the straight railings and horizontal thresholds are more than the cities and towns of Nintu; and the piping, the vomiting, and the mute, are more than the words of the city people. The people of the world did not dare to speak but dared to be angry. The heart of the dictator became more and more arrogant. The soldiers called out, the Hangu raised, the Chu people a torch, poor scorched earth!
Whoops! The destruction of the six countries, six countries, not Qin also; family Qin, Qin also, not the world also. Contempt! So that the six countries love their own people, it is enough to reject the Qin; so that the Qin love the six countries of people, then pass the three generations can be up to ten thousand and for the king, who have to be and the family destroyed also? The first thing I want to say is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure that I'm going to be able to do it, and I'm sure that I'm going to be able to do it.
Nian Nujiao? The Red Cliffs
The great river goes east, the waves have been exhausted, the people of the past. The west side of the old fortress, people are, the Three Kingdoms Zhoulang Red Cliff. The rocks are piercing through the air, the waves are beating the shore, and a thousand piles of snow are being rolled up. The mountains and rivers are like a picture, how many heroes at a time.
Reminiscent of Gongzhuan in the year, Xiao Qiao first married, and the majestic hair. The fan, the towel, talk and laugh, the strongest captors in the smoke. The old country traveled, love should laugh at me, early Chinese hair. The world is like a dream, a libation.
The ancient Jiangshan, heroes are not looking for, Sun Zhongmou place. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world. The sun is slanting, the grass trees, ordinary streets and lanes, people say that the slave once lived. I want to think of the past: Jingge Iron Horse, swallowed ten thousand miles like a tiger.
Yuanjia grass, sealing the wolf Juxu, won the hasty north. The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of a fire, and I remembered it. I can look back and see a piece of God's crows and drums under the Buddha's Beaver Shrine. I'm not sure who to ask, "Can I still eat if I'm an old man?
At the top of the mountain
The wind is blowing, the apes are whistling, the sand is clear and the birds are flying back.
The fallen trees are falling, and the Yangtze River is rolling.
This is the first time I've ever been to a place where I've been a guest, and I've been on the stage alone for a hundred years.
They are the most important thing that you can do to make your life easier.
Lian Po Lin Xiangru's biography
Lian Po said, "I am a general of Zhao, and I have made great achievements in attacking the city and fighting in the field, while Lin Xiangru is only doing his job with his words, but he is on top of me. And Xiangru Su bitch, I am ashamed, can not bear to be under!" He declared, "When I see Xiangru, I will insult him." Xiangru heard, refused to attend the meeting. When Xiangru was in the court, he often claimed to be sick and did not want to compete with Lian Po. When Xiangru went out and saw Lian Po, Xiangru drew his car to hide. So, Xiangru was reminded by the Sheriff, who said, "The reason why I left my relatives to serve the king is that I only admire the high righteousness of the king. Now you and Lian Po are in the same column, Lian Jun declared bad words, and you are afraid to hide, fear is very much. And mediocre people are still ashamed of it, let alone the generals and prime ministers? I am unworthy of you, so I beg to resign." Lin Xiangru solid stop, said: "Gong's view of General Lian who with the King of Qin?" He said, "Not as well." Xiangru said: "The king of Qin's authority, and Xiangru court scolded, humiliated his ministers. Although incompetent, only fear of General Lian? Gu I think of, the reason why the strong Qin dare not add troops to Zhao, but only because of my two in also. Now the two tigers **** fight, its momentum is not born. I so for this reason, to the first national urgency and then personal revenge also." Lian Po heard that, meat and bare thorns, because guests to Lin Xiangru door to thank, said: "lowly people, I do not know the general width of this also!" The two of them were in the same boat, and the two of them were in the same boat, and the two of them were in the same boat.
Widow's in the country
King Hui of Liang said: "widow's in the country also, do my best to ears. Hanoi fierce, then move its people in Hedong, move its corn in Hanoi; Hedong fierce also. The neighboring country's politics, no such as the widow's heart. The people of the neighboring countries do not add less, but the people of the oligarchs do not add more, why?"
Mengzi said: "The king is good at war, please use the war metaphor. The king was so eager to fight that he asked for an analogy of war. The king's army would stop after a hundred paces, or after fifty paces. With fifty paces to laugh at a hundred paces, then how?"
Said: "not! Straight not a hundred steps ear, is also walking."
Said: "The king, if you know this, there is no hope that the people of more than neighboring countries. Not against the agricultural time, the grain can not win food; several birds do not enter the stagnant water pool, fish and turtles can not win food; axe catty in time into the forest, wood can not win also. Valley and fish and turtle can not win food, wood can not win use, is to make the people live and die without regret. The beginning of the way of the king is also to raise life and death without regret. Five acres of house, tree with mulberry, fifty people can be clothes and silk. Chickens, dogs and swine animals, no loss of time, seventy people can eat meat. Hundreds of acres of land, do not take away the time, the family of several mouths can be no hunger carry on; honor the ziangxiang of the teaching, applying the filial piety and fraternal duty, the award of the white people do not negatively wear on the road carry on. Seventy people clothes, food and meat, the people are not hungry and not cold, but not the king, not yet there. Dogs and swine eat human food and do not know the check, coated with starving culm and do not know the hair, people die, it is said: 'not me, years. What is the difference between stabbing someone and killing them, saying: 'It's not me, the soldiers are also.' The king is not guilty of age, the people of the world to."
Shu Road is difficult
Yelp play! The danger is high! The road to Shu is more difficult than the sky.
The Silkworms and the Fish Eiders, the founding of the country is not clear!
It has been forty-eight thousand years since I was born, and I have not been able to communicate with the Qin Dynasty.
There is a bird path in the west of Taibai that leads across Emei.
The earth is crumbling and the mountains are crumbling and the men are dying, and then the heavenly ladders and stone stacks are linked together.
There are six dragons back to the sun on the high mark, under the wave of the reversal of the back of the river.
The Yellow Crane's flight is still not allowed to pass, and the apes and briskets want to climb the mountain.
The green mud is so coiled that a hundred steps and nine twists and turns will haunt the rocky mountains.
Looking into the wells, I sighed and sighed with my hand on my breast.
When will you return to the west? I'm not going to be able to climb the rocks in the north-west of the country.
But I saw the sad birds calling to the ancient trees, and the males and females flying around the forest.
And I heard Zi Gui crowing the moon at night, worrying about the empty mountains.
The difficulty of the road to Shu is more difficult than that of the blue sky, which makes people wither their faces when they listen to it.
The peaks of the mountain are not more than a foot from the sky, and the pines are hanging upside down on the wall.
The clash of waterfalls, the thunder of ravines, and the clash of gardens.
The risk is also like this, contend that the people who are far away from the road to come to the world!
Jiange is lofty and lofty, a man when the gate, ten thousand can not open!
The guarded or bandit relatives, turned into wolves and jackals.
Toward avoiding fierce tigers, avoiding long snakes at night.
They grind their teeth and suck their blood, and they kill people.
Though the city of brocade is a happy place, it is better to return home early.
The road to Shu is more difficult than the road to heaven, and I often look sideways to the west!
Pipa Xing
Xunyang Jiangtou night to send guests, maple leaves and dirigible flowers in the fall. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm going to be able to do it, and I'm going to be able to do it. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the services you need. I suddenly heard the sound of a pipa on the water, and the master forgot to return to the ship, but the guest did not send it.
Searching for the sound of the lute, I asked who was playing it. The first time I heard the sound of the lute was when I was late. The first time I saw him, I was so happy to see him, and he was so happy to see me, and I was so happy to see him. The pipa is still half-hidden, but it's still holding the lute. The pipa is still holding its face, but it is still holding the pipa. The pipa's strings are plucked three or two times, and there is a feeling before the tune is played. The strings hide the sound of thoughts, seeming to tell of a life of discontent; the low-brow letter formalities continue to play, saying all the infinite things in the heart. The first one is "Nishang" and the second one is "Green Waist". The big strings are as noisy as the rain, and the small strings are like whispers. The big strings are like rain, the small strings are like whispers. The big strings are like rain, the small strings are like whispers. The warbler's words are slippery under the flowers, and the spring's flow is difficult under the ice. The ice spring is cold and the strings are frozen, and the sound will not be heard for a while. There is no sound at this time that is better than sound. The silver bottle is broken at first, and the iron horsemen stand out with their swords and spears. At the end of the song, when the plucking is done, the four strings make a sound like cracking silk. The east boat and the west boat are silent, only see the white moon in the center of the river.
The song was played in the middle of the strings, and the dresses were straightened and the face was restrained. She said that she was originally a woman from the capital, and her family lived under the Toadstools. I learned to play the pipa on my thirteenth day, and it was the first thing I learned in my workshop. She was once taught how to play the pipa, and her makeup was always envied by the Autumn Lady. She was a young girl who had a lot of fun with the lute, and she had no idea how many red silks she had. The first time I saw this song, I was so jealous of her that I was able to make up for it. I was so happy to see you again next year, and I was so happy to see you again next year, and I was so happy to see you again next year. The color is the same as it was in the past, but the color is still the same in the future. The oldest married a merchant's wife. The businessman emphasizes profit over parting, so he went to buy tea in Fuuliang in the month before last. When I came to the mouth of the river to guard the empty boat, the moonlight around the boat was bright and the river water was cold. The night is deep and I suddenly dream of my youth, and I cry in my sleep and make up tears.
I heard that the pipa had sighed, and then I heard the words again. The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of a conversation with a man who had been in the middle of the world for a long time, and I thought it was a good idea. I resigned from the emperor's capital last year, banished to Xunyang City. Xunyang is a remote place without music, do not hear the sound of silk and bamboo all year round. Dwelling near the Penjiang River, low humidity, yellow reeds and bitter bamboo around the house. What do you hear in the middle of the day and night? Cuckoo cries blood ape wailing. The spring river flowers towards the autumn moon night, often take the wine also pour alone. There are no mountain songs and village flutes, but they are hard to hear. Tonight, when I heard your pipa words, it was like listening to immortal music. I'll play a song for you, and I'll write Pipa Xing for you.
It's been a long time since I've said this, but I've been sitting on a string for a long time, and it's been a long time since I've been sitting on a string. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it, and I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I'm not sure who's crying the most, but I'm not sure who's crying the most. I'm not going to be able to do that, but I'm going to be able to do it.
Kincer has fifty strings for no reason, one string and one pillar, thinking of Chinese years.
The Zhuang Sheng dream of butterflies, and the Wang Di's heart of spring is in the azalea.
There are tears in the moon of the ocean, and smoke in the warmth of the blue field.
This love can be recalled, but at that time it was already lost.
Mermaid of Yu
When will the spring flowers, autumn and moon come to an end, and how much do we know about the past? The small building had an east wind last night, and the old country was in the moonlight.
The carving of the jade masonry should still be there, but the color of the face has changed. I'd like to ask you how many sorrows you can have, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward.
The Butterfly Lovers
The threshold chrysanthemums and the orchids are in a state of mourning, and they are in a state of mourning, and they are in a state of mourning. The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. The moon is not familiar with the pain of parting, and the slanting light penetrates the vermilion house at dawn.
Last night, the west wind blew away the blue trees. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get a good deal on this, but I'm sure I'll be able to. I want to send a colorful paper without a ruler, but I don't know where the mountains are long and the water is wide.
Rain Lin Bells
The cold cicadas are woefully absent, and the sudden rain has broken at night in the pavilion. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get a good look at you, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to get a good look at you. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get my hands on them, but I'm going to be able to get my hands on them and look at them. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to get a good look at this, but I'm sure you're going to be able to get a good look at this," he said.
Since ancient times, many people have been sad to part with each other, and it is even more embarrassing to see the cold fall of the autumn festival! The first thing you need to do is to get a good look at your favorite products and services, and you'll be able to see what you're getting yourself into. The next year, it should be a good time and a good view of the virtual world. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get a good deal on this, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to get a good deal on this! The first warm and cold time, it is most difficult to rest. I'm not sure how I can beat the winds of the evening," he said! The first time I saw this, I was saddened by the fact that I knew him from the old days.
The yellow flowers piled up all over the ground, emaciated loss, now who can pick? I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm going to be able to do it," he said! The wutong is more and more fine rain, to dusk, dotted. This time, how can I say the word "sorrow"?
Tengwang Pavilion Preface
The time dimension is September, the sequence of the three autumns. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world, and you'll be able to do that. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a horse and visit the scenery at Chong'a. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a horse. Pro emperor son of Cheung Chau, get the immortal's old hall. Layers of mountains towering Cui, up out of the sky; Flying Pavilion Xiang Dan, down to no place. Crane Ting Teal Islet, poor island of the haunting; Gui Hall Orchid Palace, list of the body of the situation of the mountains. Phi embroidered door, overlooking the carved roof. The mountains and plains are open to their full view, and the rivers and lakes are twisted to their horrifying view. Coconut land, bells and dinners home; barge ship lost, green sparrow yellow dragon poopdeck. The clouds cleared up and the rain cleared up, and the area was bright with color. The sunset sun and the lonely semblance of flying together, the autumn water *** long sky a color. The fishing boat sang the evening, the sound of poor Peng Li's shore; geese formation shock cold, sound broken Hengyang Pu.
They are the first to be able to get to the top of the list of the most popular places in the world, and the most popular places in the world. The winds of the sea are blowing, and the white clouds of the sky are curbed by the songs of the people. The green bamboo in the Sui-Yuan is the bottle of Pengze; the Zhu Hua in Yeshui is the pen of Linchuan. The four beauties are all there, and the two are difficult to combine. I have been looking around in the middle of the sky and enjoying myself in my free time. The sky and the earth are very high, and I feel the infinity of the universe; I am sad to see the end of my life, and I know that there is a number of the surplus and the void. Looking at Chang'an in the sun, the eye Wu will be in the clouds. The terrain is extreme and deep in the southern sea, the heavenly pillar is high and the northern star is far away. It is difficult to cross the mountains, who is sad to lose the way of the people; Ping Shui meets, all are the guests of other countries. The doorkeeper of the emperor is not seen, and the room of the emperor is not seen. Contempt! The time is not favorable, the life is full of misfortunes; Feng Tang is easy to grow old, Li Guang is hard to seal. Qu Jia Yi in Changsha, not without a holy master; scuttling Liang Hong in Haiqu, is not there a lack of bright time? I rely on the gentleman to see the opportunity, and the man of honor to know his destiny. If you are old and strong, why would you want to be gray-headed? If you are poor, you will not lose your ambition. I feel refreshed by the greed of the spring, and I am happy to be in a dry place. Although the North Sea is on credit, it can be picked up; the East has passed away, and it is not too late for the Sanyu. Meng Chang is a noble man, but he has no feelings of serving his country; Ruan Ji is a wild man, but he is not a poor man's cry!
Autumn Sound Fugue
Yu said: "Yelp sadness! This is the sound of autumn. The first thing I want to say is that I'm not sure what I'm talking about. Covered by the autumn for the shape, its color is bleak, the smoke fall cloud convergence; its face clear, the sky high sun crystal; its gas chestnut cold, acupuncture people's muscles and bones; its intention is depressed, mountains and rivers are lonely. Therefore, its sound is also, bleak and sincere, hooting and hollering. The grass is green and colorful, and the trees are green and pleasant. Grass whisked and color change, wood by the leaves off. The so destroyed and scattered, is a gas of the remaining strong. The autumn, the criminal also, at the time for the yin; and military image also, in the line with gold. It is said that the righteousness of heaven and earth, often to kill and for the heart. Heaven's in things, spring and fall. Therefore, it is also in the music, the sound of the Lord of the Western sound, razor for the law of July. Shang is the sound of sadness; Yi is the sound of killing; it is the sound of killing when things are too rich to be killed."
Farewell at the Long Pavilion
The sky of blue clouds, the land of yellow flowers, the west wind is tight, the north geese fly south. Who dyed the frosty forest drunk in the dawn? I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm sure I'll be able to.
Rolling the embroidered ball, I hate to see each other late, and complain about the speed of return. The willow wire is long and the jade buckskin is difficult to tie, hate not Qian Sin sparse forest hangs the slanting sunshine. The horse faltered and faltered, the car quickly followed, but told the love of avoidance, the question of the early parting of the child. Hearing a "go also", loose the gold bracelet; see ten miles long pavilion, reduce the jade muscle: this hate who knows?
One of the most important things to remember is that the green hills are not the only place where we can see each other off, and the forests are not the only place where we can see each other off, but they are the only place where we can see each other off. I'm not sure why I'm so lazy to get in the car, but I'm in a hurry to get here, so I'm not sure why I'm late to get there.
The end of the four surrounded by the color of the mountains, a whip in the residual light. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to afford to buy a car, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a way to make it work for me.
Reporting Ren'an book
Ancient rich and famous Mo extinction, can not be remembered, only suave and very people called it. Cover King Wen detained and perform the "Zhou Yi"; Zhong Ni Er and made the "Spring and Autumn Annals"; Qu Yuan banished, was assigned "Li Sao"; Zuo Qiu lost his sight, and there is the "Guoyu"; Sun Zi Bin feet, the "Art of War" to repair the columns; not Wei moved Shu, the world passed on the "Lü Duan"; Han Fei imprisoned Qin, "said difficult," "loneliness and anger"; Poetry, "300", most of the sages are angry for the work also. All of these people have their own thoughts, and they are not allowed to pass through the way, therefore, they describe the past and think about the future. The first is like Zuoqiu who had no eyes, Sun Zi who had a broken foot, and was not available, so he retreated to discuss the book and the strategy in order to relieve his anger, and thought of putting down an empty text in order to see for himself.
Servant theft is not inferior to the recent self-trusted inability to speak, the net of the world to put the loss of the old news, examined to act, audit its success or failure to rise and fall of the reason, on the count of Xuanyuan, down to this, for the ten table, twelve of the book of the twelve, the book of the eight chapters, the family of thirty, seventy biographies, where one hundred and thirty articles. Also want to study the sky and mankind, through the changes of the past and present, into a family of words. Grass creation is not yet, will suffer this disaster, pity it is not, it is on the extreme punishment without a pout. Servant Cheng has written this book, hidden in the famous mountains, passed on to his people, through the Eup Eup Metropolis, then the servant to compensate for the responsibility of the previous humiliation, although ten thousand were killed, there is no remorse? But this can be a wise man's way, it is difficult for ordinary people to say also!
Qu Yuan was released, swimming in the river pool, walking along the river, color emaciated, withered. The fisherman saw him and asked him, "Is the son not a daffodil of Sanlu? Why are you here?" Qu Yuan said: "The world is turbid I alone clear, all people are drunk I alone awake, is to see the release."
The fisherman said: "The saint is not stagnant in things, but can move with the world. The world is muddy, why not quench its mud and raise its waves? If all people are drunk, why don't they suck their dregs and dregs of wine? Why do they not think y and raise themselves up, and let themselves go?"
Qu Yuan said: "I have heard that the newly bathed must flick the crown, the newly bathed must vibrate the clothes; can the body of the Tsa Tsa, by the things of the Wen Wen it? Would rather go to the Xiangliu, buried in the belly of the river fish. I would rather be buried in the belly of a river fish. Can I be white and covered with the dust of the world?"
The fisherman smiled, drummed and went, and sang, "The water of Canglang is clear, I can wash my tassel; the water of Canglang is turbid, I can wash my feet." He then went away and did not speak to him again.
Traveling at Large
There is a fish in the northern underworld, and its name is Kun. The size of the kun was so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles it was; it turned into a bird and was called the roc. The back of the roc, I do not know how many thousands of miles also; angry and fly, its wings as hanging sky clouds. It is a bird that will migrate to Nanmei for transportation. The South Underworld is also known as the Heavenly Pond.
The Qi Harmonization is also a strange one. The words of the "Harmony" said: "The roc's migration to the South Plain, the water hit the three thousand miles, tuan shaking up the ninety thousand miles, go to the June rest also." Wild horses also, dust also, the creatures of the breath blow each other also. The sky's pale, its positive color evil? It is far away and there is no ultimate evil? The first thing I want to say is that I'm not going to be able to do anything about it, but I'm going to be able to do something about it.
And the accumulation of water is not thick, then its negative boat is powerless. Overlay cup of water in the Au tang above, then mustard for the boat; set the cup is rubber, water shallow and boat is also large. The accumulation of wind is not thick, then its negative big wing is also powerless. Therefore, 90,000 miles, then the winds in the next carry on, and then is now Pei Feng; back of the blue sky and Mo Zhi Xiongnu, and then is now will be Figure South.
The Analects
1. Zi said, "To govern with virtue is like the North Star, residing in its place and the stars **** it."
2. Zi said, "The way of government, and Qi to punishment, the people are free from shame; the way of virtue, and Qi to rites, there is a shame and the frame."
3. "Qiu also heard that there is a state who has a family, do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from unevenness, do not suffer from poverty but suffer from uneasiness. The man who has a family does not suffer from unevenness, does not suffer from poverty, does not suffer from restlessness, and does not suffer from poverty. If this is the case, then when people from afar are not convinced, they will come to us by repairing their culture and virtue. If they come, they will be at peace. Now by and seek also phase husband, distant people do not serve and can not come also; the state is divided and can not be defended also, and plan to move the war in the state. I am afraid that Jisun's worries are not in Zhuan Yu, but within the Xiaowei wall."
4. Zi said, "If you are upright, you will not obey orders; if you are not upright, you will not obey orders."
5. Yan Yuan asked Ren. Zi said, "To be benevolent is to be able to return to one's own self and to return to one's own rites. The world will be benevolent if you return to the rituals of the world. The world will return to benevolence. Is benevolence to be done by oneself, but not by others?" Yan Yuan said, "Please ask about the purpose." Zi said, "Do not look at anything that is not a gift, do not listen to anything that is not a gift, do not speak anything that is not a gift, and do not move anything that is not a gift." Yan Yuan said, "Although the return is not sensitive, please matter S language is carried out."
6. Confucius said to Ji: "Eight rows of dancers dancing in the court, is tolerable, who can not be tolerated?"
7. "If the world has a way, then the rites and music and conquests come from the Son of Heaven; if the world does not have a way, then the rites and music and conquests come from the vassals. Since the vassal out, the cover ten years Xi not lost carry on; from the doctor out, five years Xi not lost carry on; accompanying ministers to execute the state order, three generations Xi not lost carry on. There is a way in the world, then the government is not a doctor. If there is a way in the world, then the common people will not discuss it."
8. Zi Lu said: "Wei Jun wait for the son and politics, son will Xi first?" Zi said: "must also correct the name!" Zi Lu said: "There is yes, the son of the pedantic also! What's the right thing to do?" 9. Zi said, "Wild, by also! A gentleman is not aware of what he is doing, but he is not aware of what he is doing. If the name is not correct, then it is not; if it is not, then it is not; if it is not, then it is not; if it is not, then it is not; if it is not, then it is not; if it is not, then it is not; if it is not, then it is not; if it is not, then it is not, then it is not. Therefore, a gentleman's name must be verifiable, and his words must be feasible. A gentleman's words will be nothing more than his words."
10. Chu crazy catch mikoshi song and passed Confucius said: "Phoenix! Fengxi! What is the decline of virtue? The past can not be admonished, the future can still be pursued. The past is not to be admonished, and the future can still be pursued! Today's politicians are in danger!" Confucius came down and wanted to speak with him. He was not allowed to speak to him.
11. Zi Lu said: "Not to serve without justice. The section of young and old, can not be abolished; the righteousness of the officials and ministers, such as how to abolish it? Want to clean up their bodies, but disorganized. The gentleman's service is also, to fulfill its righteousness. The way of not being able to do so is known."
12. Zi said: "Disciples enter the filial piety, out of the younger brother, careful and trustworthy, general love for all and pro-kindness. If you have the ability to do so, you should learn the language."
13. Yan Yuan and Ji Lu served. Zi said: "Why don't you say what you want?" Zi Lu said, "I would like to wear light furs on my horse and cart, and to be with my friends ****. I have no regrets." Yan Yuan said, "I would like to have no good deeds and no labor." Zi Lu said, "I wish to hear what Zi wishes." Zi said, "The old man is at peace, the friend is trustworthy, and the young man is embraced."
14. Zi said, "The aspirant is not seeking life to harm benevolence, but is killing himself to fulfill benevolence."
15. Zi said, "A gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness, while a villain is a metaphor for profit."
16. Zi said, "Virtuous is the return! A round basket of food and a dipper of water in the ugly alley. The people can't bear to worry about it, but I don't change my joy. The man who is not able to live with his own sorrows will not change his joy."
17. Zi said, "I eat sparsely, drink water, and rest my head on my humerus, and I am happy in it. Unrighteousness and wealth, in me as floating clouds."
18. Duke Ye asked Confucius in Zilu, Zilu is not right. Zi said: "female Xi not say, he is a man, angry and forget to eat, happy to forget to worry, do not know that old age will come to the cloud."
19. Zi said: "The knower is happy with the water, the benevolent is happy with the mountain; the knower moves, the benevolent is quiet; the knower is happy, the benevolent lives."
20. Zeng Zi said, "The scholar can't help but be vigorous and resolute, and the task is heavy and the road is long. Ren as his own responsibility, is not also heavy? To die before one's death, isn't it far away?"
21. Zi said, "A gentleman is circumspect but not circumspect, while a villain is circumspect but not circumspect."
22. Confucius said, "The benefit of three friends, the loss of three friends. Friends straight, friends understanding, friends heard a lot, benefit. Friends will be open, friendly and soft, friends will be sycophantic, loss."
23. Zi said, "A gentleman does not lift up people by their words, and does not abolish them by their words."
24. Zeng Zi said, "Gentlemen meet friends with literature, and support benevolence with friends."
25. Zi said, "If you are not angry, you will not be able to speak, and if you do not want to speak, if you do not lift one part to three parts, you will not be able to repeat it."
26. Zi Lu asked, "Went to hear the line?" Zi said, "There is a father and a brother, such as it is how to hear the Si-Hang?" Ran You asked, "Wenshi xingju?" Zi said, "I hear what I do." Gong Xihua said, "Yu also asked 'Wenshi Xingzhu,' and Zi said, 'There is a father and a brother'; Seek also asked 'Wenshi Xingzhu,' and Zi said The son said, 'I have a father and a brother'. Red also confused, dare to ask." Zi said, "Seek also retreat, so advance; by also both people, so retreat."
27. Zi's Wucheng, heard the sound of strings and songs. Zi guffawed and laughed, saying, "How can you cut a chicken with a bull's knife?" Zi You said to: "In the past, Yan also heard all the husband said: 'The gentleman learns the way to love people, the small man learns the way to make it easy to make.'" Zi said: "Two or three sons! Yan's words are also. The foregoing words play on the ear."
28. Yan Yuan sighed tersely and said, "I am very high up, and I am very firm in my drilling; I look forward to it, but I am not behind it. I am very happy to see that you are so good at seducing people, and I am very happy to see that you are so good at seducing people. I have exhausted my talent, as if I had something to establish, Zhuoer. Though I wish to follow it, I will not be able to do so."
29. "Point! What about you?" Drum Thursey, Clangor, shed Thursey and made. Said: "Different from the three sons of the writer." The son said: "Why hurt? Also each say their will." Said: "Mo spring, spring clothing has been completed. Crowned five or six people, children six or seven people, bath Yuyi, wind and summer dance, singing and return." Fu Zi sighed tersely and said, "I am with the point!"
30. Zigong asked, "Which is more virtuous, the teacher or Shang Yu?" Zi said: "The division is also over, the business is not as good." Said: " Then the division healed with?" Zi said: "Too much is not enough."
31. Zi said: "Gentlemen and different, small people with the same and not and."
32. Zigong asked, "What if all the townspeople are good at it?" Zi said, "Not yet." "If all the townspeople are evil, how is it?" Zi said, "Not yet. It would be better for the good of the townspeople to be good, and for their bad to be evil."
33. Zi said, "Hyungwon, the thief of virtue."
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