Smoking for decades of people still long life this phenomenon is there, but not the majority of people, nor many people, he is just a small number of people, and smoking is just one of a variety of habits of a person, this issue needs to be dialectical to look at.
The phenomenon you are talking about is not non-existent, it is in real life, and it is estimated that many people have heard or seen it. But this does not mean that smoking is not harmful to the body. A variety of scientific studies have shown that smoking is harmful to health.
You mention this issue is actually just a single focus on the old smoker who smoked for many years and still live a long life, but not focus on many people because of long-term smoking lung disease, etc., just focus on what you want to focus on, and draw the conclusion that you want to get just.
Carefully analyze the long-term smoking of old smokers, some of them are very long life, you can find that you do not know his habits, diet, dietary laws and other specific issues, and do not know that the long-lived old man is not the existence of a lot of other aspects of the disease, a person can be a very long time, but it does not mean that he does not have a disease, perhaps the family is a long-lived family, China, and even the world, there are many families have a long life, and even a lot of families have a long life. There are many families in China and even around the world that have longevity genes.
As for the harm of smoking on the human body, casually Baidu will come out a lot of scientific reports on the harmful effects of smoking, if you really want to live a long life, from now on, quit smoking it.
So, don't try to find an excuse for the bad habits you've developed over the years, there are no shortcuts to good health, you have to take your body seriously, take responsibility for your own body, if you don't even cherish yourself, don't care about it, how can anyone else love you, cherish you.