Russian original:
Я вас любил А.С. Пушкин
Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,
В душе моей угасла не совсем;
Н о пусть она вас больше не тревожит;
Я не хочу печалить вас ничем.
Я вас любил безмолвно, безнадежно,
То робостью, то ревностью томи м;
Я вас любил так искренно, так нежно,
Как дай вам бог любимой быть другим.
Chinese translation:
I used to love you?A.С Pushkin
I used to love you;
Love, perhaps,
is not quite gone from my mind;
wish it would not bother you any more;
and I do not want to grieve and sadden you any more.
I have loved you in silence and without hope,
I have endured both shyness and jealousy;
I have loved you with such sincerity and tenderness.
May God bless you, and another will love you as I did.
Source: from "I Once Loved You" by Russian writer Pushkin.
The sublime ideology and perfect artistry of Pushkin's works have given him a major worldwide influence, and his works have been translated into many languages. In his works, Pushkin demonstrated his love for freedom and life, his firm belief that light will triumph over darkness and reason over prejudice, and his noble sense of mission and great ambition to "light up people's hearts and minds with words" y touched people from generation to generation.
His works have inspired many Russian musicians. Pushkin's poetry as the script of the opera "Yevgeny Onegin", "Boris Godunov", "Queen of Spades", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Tzigane" and so on, Pushkin's lyrical poems have been set to music, into a popular art song; there are also works that have been adapted into a ballet, and become an immortal classic on the stage.
Expanded Information:
Author's biography:
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (Александр Сергевич Пушкин; 1799~1837) was a famous Russian literary figure and poet, novelist, the founder of modern Russian literature, and the main representative of Russian Romantic literature in the 19th century.
At the same time, he is also the founder of realist literature, the founder of modern standard Russian, and is known as the "Father of Russian Literature", "The Sun of Russian Poetry", and "The Bronze Horseman". He is known as "the father of Russian literature", "the sun of Russian poetry" and "the Bronze Horseman".
He founded the Russian national literature and literary language, and created a model for Russian literature in all fields of literature, such as poetry, novels, theater and even fairy tales. Pushkin was also hailed by Gorky as "the beginning of all beginnings". Born into an aristocratic family, he began writing poetry in his childhood and studied at the Imperial Village Higher School, which was set up by the Russian Imperial Government to train the children of the nobility.
During his studies, he was influenced by the progressive Decembrists and some progressive thinkers of the time. Many of the poems he later published attacked serfdom and celebrated freedom and progress. Pushkin's main works, in addition to poetry, there are mainly a middle grade novel "The Captain's Daughter", the founder of the historical documentary language, middle grade novel "Dubrovsky", "Belkin's Novels" and so on.
Pushkin was persecuted by the tsarist government for his creative activities. he was killed in 1837 in a duel over the arrangement. His creative work had a profound influence on the development of Russian literature and language.
Reference:Baidu Encyclopedia-Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin