Soda Green "Applause Falls

Applause Falling is a song from Soda Green's 2009-09-11 album {Summer/Frenzy}.

The album [Summer? /Frenzy].

From the music production, singing, mastering, styling, photo shoots, and music videos, Sodagreen worked in London, England. Since they decided to go to London, UK for the album, Sodagreen of course did a pretty thorough job, and all the staff from the recording engineer, recording assistant, musician, mixer, stylist, hair stylist, make-up artist, and music video director all worked with the local staff in the UK. Because of this arrangement, there was always a sense of nervousness and even a bit of uncertainty about the work before departure. However, as soon as the crew arrived in London, they were surprised to see the sky still lit up at 9:00pm, the coolness in the air even though it was the summer season, and the perfect blend of vintage humanities and modern modernity along the way, which instantly made all the uneasiness go away, and started the work journey of praising London as "so beautiful~".

The hit song "Frenzy", as the literal meaning, is direct, persistent, authentic British rock style, the head of the hustle and bustle of Soda Green has always been exciting music vitality, as the passion of the summer, frenzied and direct. The youthfulness and rebelliousness of the student orchestra converge into a marvelous sensory experience. The impulse to blast everything and the insistence on beautiful ideals are signaling the never-compromising world of Soda Green's inner self.

The image is the album cover photo.