How about the surrounding facilities of Baoding North Base Construction Home Community?

Address of North Base Construction Community: No.485, Wu Si West Road, Jingxiu District, Jingxiu District (200 meters west of the intersection of Wu Si Road and Xiangyang North Street).

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (Jingxiu District Government, Xianfeng Street Market, Xiangyang Street intersection of Wusi Road, Xiangyang Street intersection of Wusi Road, Xiangyang Factory, Yulan Garden (Zhonglianliang), Second Hospital of the City, Xiangyang Street intersection of Qiyi Road, West intersection of Wusi Road, thermal power plant) and so on.

Educational resources within 2KM straight line 10 (East Campus of Baoding New Market Primary School, Yousheng Language Art Education, Meng Qi Self-created Art Workshop, Huitong Education, Waseda Education (Le Kai Store), Da Qiao Education, Zhuohui Education, Yuan Yi Dance (Headquarters), Wuyun Dance School, Shangxue Education).

There are 6 medical resources around 2KM, among which Baoding Jianshe Hospital is 350m away from the community, Baoding Geriatric Hospital is 35 m away from the community, Jingxiu Hospital is 63 m away from the community, Yimian Hospital is 860m away from the community, and Baoding Third Central Hospital is 35 m away from the community.

The commercial facilities around the north base construction home include: (Su Shixing, Harmony Alcohol and Tobacco, Kangzi Baide (May 4th West Road Store), Hongliang Sea Cucumber, Jinmei Office Supplies, Doctor Shen's glasses, Hui You Lifestyle Supermarket (Xiangyang Store), Baifu Baokelong Supermarket (Pioneer Store), Baixili Lifestyle Supermarket (Xiangyang Store), Letao Life Plaza, etc.

Click to view more: details of home community construction in North Base.