This article will give you an all-around summer vacation strategy from three aspects: why we should try to have a meaningful summer vacation, as well as setting summer vacation goals and executing summer vacation plans.
From the time point of view, college students spend a quarter of the year on summer and winter vacations, and more than 50 days on summer vacation. In the usual school time, our time is cut by classes, student work, dinner and other matters, it is difficult to spare a whole block of time to do their favorite things. The large chunk of time during summer vacation, on the other hand, is a perfect opportunity for us to improve ourselves. Being able to take advantage of such a long period of time to do something meaningful is enough to give yourself a qualitative improvement.
On the other hand, the summer vacation is here, most people have a lazy life, coupled with the hot weather, many people are eating ice-cream and lying down, eyes closed and open, the day will pass. In this case, but it is a very good opportunity to bend the road, as the saying goes, the summer vacationers get the university.
If you simply tell yourself that you want to have a meaningful summer vacation without a specific goal, then you almost don't have to think about it, the summer vacation will certainly be spent in waste. If you don't have a goal for a while, stop and think about what you really want to improve over the summer. If you already have your summer vacation goals, well, you still need to freshen up your goals with a nine-grid model.
Let's take a look at what a nine-box model is
A nine-box model is simply drawing a nine-box grid and filling in each section with the most important words in your life. Here is a list of words for reference: success, happiness, health, respect, love, freedom, wealth, inner strength. The nine-pointed grid is useful not only to help us identify and refine our goals, but also to balance our life among the many goals.
Russell said: Raggedness is the source of happiness. By categorizing our visions into these nine compartments, we can set the tone for a balanced life ahead of time. We set a variety of life goals mainly for the pursuit of that kind of happiness.
This is one of my favorite career planning models, and with a whole life perspective, this nine-grid can be used to plan for an entire life stage, and with a monthly perspective, it can also be used for summer vacation planning.
In each box, you can fill in the broad categories of school, family, health, recreation, hobbies, and friends. Then you fill in the corresponding box in the nine-panel grid with your summer vacation goals. For example, in the family box, you can put "go shopping with my parents once", and in the health box, you can put "run two kilometers every day", "play ball 10 times" and so on.
In fact, most people, not no flags, on the contrary, just set up a lot of flags and did not stick to it. Therefore, after making and combing the goals, we focus on how to implement these goals, many people's summer vacation program is folded here.
First of all, we need to distinguish the kinds of goals. In fact, the goals we set for the summer vacation can be divided into two categories, one is the project-based goals. For example, learn to play and sing a song, learn to swim, etc., they have a specific result can be tested, sometimes the time invested is not proportional to the results, need to deliberately practice efficient time. The other category is habit-based goals. For example, adhere to running, adhere to go to the gym, etc., this type of goal final results are not good to measure, need to use the length of time invested to measure the completion of the task.
For project-based goals. The solution is to break down the tasks and review them at regular intervals.
For example, I want to learn to play a song in about 7 weeks. Learning how to play a song is broken down into three parts. Learning the guitar part of the song (which is usually easier), familiarizing yourself with the melody, and learning the guitar intro and outro.
Then, each part is subdivided until the three parts are filled into the schedule.
For habitual goals, a better way to stick to them is to make a schedule and hang it on your bedroom wall, checking off each day as you complete it. Create a sense of fulfillment.
For example, I made a plan to run 2 kilometers every morning during the summer vacation, and on the first day I came home from vacation, I had already made a running schedule on A4 paper, see the picture below. Tick the box after completing each day.
In the implementation of the process must pay attention to:
1, to ensure that they have a certain gap, for example, I will leave two days a week for themselves to deal with unexpected situations. This means that as long as I reach my goal of five + days a week I will be considered to have accomplished my goal. The advantage of doing so is that if there is an unexpected interruption in the middle, the psychology will feel that it does not disrupt their entire program.
2. Utilize the power of your parents to monitor your performance. The parents have a healthy routine. They get up early to go to work every day, even if they are on vacation, they usually go to bed early and get up early, and some parents have the habit of getting up early and going out to exercise. For early morning running this summer vacation plan, if you are a bed-ridden serious patients, then parents are the best supervisor, and parents talk about your vacation plan.
I have a classmate, summer vacation time every day to play ball, we were surprised at his willpower, asked to know, the original his mother every morning like to go to the square dance, before leaving will be pulled up. This need to set a lot of their own alarm struggling to get up, spend a lot of willpower ah!
Of course, if there is no other remaining activities, get up early and accompany your parents to go out for a walk, exchange feelings, is also a good choice.
In this way, my summer vacation goal execution system has two, a schedule and a task list. Handle different types of goals separately.
1. Go to bed early, get up early, and keep a routine.
Just through the university I know, now the university life environment, early to bed and early to get up is always an unaccomplishable goal. Analyze the reasons, in addition to their own every day always like to play the phone to late at night, the more important reason is the dormitory environment, to the point when most people in the dormitory do not go to bed, and often their own can not sleep. But at home during the summer, it's a little easier to accomplish this goal because the only person we need to control is ourselves. And unlike in the dorms, our parents usually go to bed early and wake up early, which gives us a great environment to maintain a healthy routine.
If you can't get up, make a date with your vacationing classmates who want to get up early and urge them to get up early to play ball and go for a run. Peer supervision is the best way to motivate yourself to get up early.
2, moderately watch the drama, the output of the experience.
Many people like to take advantage of the summer vacation time to stay at home and brush up on their dramas. The time spent watching dramas is always pleasant and short. However, the feeling of emptiness after brushing dramas is also quite difficult. In fact, even if the summer vacation time hope to spend meaningful, there is no need to be as strict as usual, watching dramas to be no excuse. What we have to do is, firstly, not to brush dramas all day long. Secondly, in the process of watching dramas, try to structure and think about some things to make watching dramas become more meaningful. For example, when watching American dramas, you can try to learn the pronunciation, even if you watch Chinese dramas, you can try to find some angles in the drama, write some of your own views, and it is best to output a movie review of your own.
You can refer to a piece of insight I output after watching "In the Name of the People": Watching Drama to Learn - Watching "In the Name of the People" in the Name of Learning to Write Good Stories.
3. The river and mountains are great, go out and walk.
Here said go out and walk, does not mean that we must go far away from home to travel, just we in the phone computer lure, become more and more home, summer vacation, many people are a few days do not step out of the door half step. In fact, it is not easy to go home, it is best to find time to go out to see the changes in the hometown, to visit the alma mater. Or about a few usually can not see a few close friends to go out shopping, are a good way.
4, lack of willpower, then efficient two hours a day
Finally, the summer vacation, after all, is different from the usual, if you really do not have the willpower to adhere to the implementation of their daily tasks. Then do the opposite and give yourself only two hours of efficient time per day. The other time can be wasted as much as you want, but in these two hours must be absolutely focused. You can use the tomato work method and eat up six to seven tomato clocks a day. This way, you will also have more than 100 hours of productive time throughout the summer. Small persistence can make a big difference.
5, after the summer vacation, remember to review
If this is not the last summer vacation in your student career, then it is best to have a review the day before the end of the summer vacation to summarize the gains and regrets of their own vacation.
I usually write a summary on each train ride back to school and record it in my cloud notes. On the next vacation will start home on the train to turn out to review and make plans for that vacation. In the process of summarizing, I often find that there are many things that I regret not doing only when the vacation is about to be lost. I hope this advice is helpful to you as well.
Many of you may be halfway through your summer vacation by the time you write this, but even so, try to make the most of it by doing something worthwhile. Remember: the best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, followed by now.