Why is Yang Mi's dad's wrist so strong?

Because he works out a lot, so his wrist strength is amazing.

Asked why he chose to work out, Xiaolin said than his peers practiced Taiji square dance, he likes more "violent" point of the movement, simple and dry, full of Beijing old gun style. In fact, the system fitness only about a year, but Xiao Lin brother harvest, before the "three high" all gone, physical and mental state are very full.

Yang Mi's father amazing wrist, bench press 100 kilograms, pull the shoulder lifting barbell sit-ups a not fall, how does it sound like a nearly 60-year-old star father can handle things. And that's what Yang Mi's dad, Yang Xiaolin, usually does in the gym. He likes it when people call him Xiaolin because it sounds younger, and he actually has the body fat content and metabolism equivalent of a 42-year-old, so he's totally got that going for him.