What are some of the penetrating scenes in The Bear?

The Bear is a relatively simple anime, is one of the more popular works of Chinese anime. But even the best works, there will be some penetrating scenes.

A variety of fruits always appear in the anime, such as apples, bananas, pears, dragon fruit, pineapples and so on. The forest in "Bears" is in the north, but a bunch of southern fruits can be found, and, not being seasonal, may mislead kids and teach them wrong perceptions.

Baldhead in "The Bear" never uses his keys when driving, but has a keyhole, so I really don't know what it's for.

"The Bear" has a circus owner who has a string of rosary beads that are strong enough to hang a big fat man.

Bear and Bear put on human clothes many times to trick Baldur, but I think animals wearing human clothes is simply worse than cross-dressing.

In the movie version of the bald head strong obviously hanging on the body of the bullet, but always say that they have no bullets, once or twice okay, always say so, should be and we take the phone to find the phone is not the same thing, right?

Baldhead has a set of surveillance equipment, he was watching the surveillance only one screen shows Bear, Bear, but in fact, the surveillance equipment is a wrap-around, should be on each screen, which is obviously the producers are lazy, do not want to do.

Baldhead has a pair of red underpants that I'm sure everyone knows about by now, but he never takes them off when he showers either and doesn't change them.

When Bear 2 bakes the groundnuts, he puts them outside the oven to cook them as well, but we all know that the groundnuts are supposed to be inside the oven, which is an obvious common sense mistake that can be misunderstood by kids.