1, kidney-yang deficiency. The most common cause of cold hands and feet is kidney-yang deficiency, and patients with kidney-yang deficiency are prone to feel cold even at room temperature.
2. Poor cardiovascular circulation. Cold hands and feet have a lot to do with the blood vessels of the heart, because blood is sent by the heart and brings oxygen to all parts of the body. When sugar is oxidized, it can generate heat energy, which will warm hands and feet. Once the function of cardiovascular system is damaged, it will affect the delivery of blood, causing cold hands and feet.
3. Hypoglycemia or hypotension. When you lose too much weight and your blood sugar is too low, your hands and feet will be cold, and when your blood pressure is low and your blood circulation is not smooth, people will easily feel cold in their limbs.
4. Too much pressure. Long-term mental stress, fatigue, physical weakness, but also easy to cold hands and feet.
5, caused by disease. For example, hypothyroidism, patients' body heat production is obviously reduced due to the decline of basal metabolic rate, and even if they wear more clothes in cold winter, their hands and feet are always cold.
6. Too few clothes. In cold weather, if you don't wear enough clothes to keep warm, it is especially easy to feel cold hands and feet.
In addition to the above reasons, circulatory disorders often occur, such as heart weakness, anemia, poor blood circulation and so on. Traditional medicine believes that qi deficiency and blood deficiency will cause poor blood circulation and insufficient blood volume, resulting in cold hands and feet all year round.