2, the edge of the century, a piece of teppanyaki: its characteristics are as long as you specify the amount of per capita consumption, for example, he has a 58, 78, 128 packages, no matter which package you order, as long as it Provisions can not point to the other can be unlimited supply! Calamari, scallops, steak and so on. Anyway, you can eat everything, you can also eat a small hot pot. I'd recommend the 58-person set menu, there's a lot of variety!
3, pot pot incense: located in Xinjiekou Hongwu Road, Changfa Ginza, branch in Hunan Road, Matai Street. Its features are mainly dry pot, their dry pot each kind is very delicious, there are many special dishes, taste pure Sichuan flavor, numb, spicy. So friends who like to eat Sichuan food can go to try oh.
4, my village canteen: located near Xinjiekou, rich road. Although the name of this store is inconspicuous, the store is characterized by the decoration is to the liberation period of that era style is mainly, the staff are wearing military uniforms, the arm with a red armband for the people's service. The restaurant is cheap and has a large amount of food, so you can say that it is inexpensive and good value for money! You can go and try it.
5, fat frogs: located in Moling Road, and Wangfu Street adjacent to a road. Hear the name should know is mainly bullfrog restaurant, bullfrog flavor is quite good, like bullfrog friends can go to try.
6, Taco Theme Western Restaurant: located in the Pearl River Road, opposite the Huahai Computer City. The style is good, western food flavor can be. People who like western food can go to try.
7, Yuxian Meidi: located in Xinjiekou China World Trade Center 5th floor. Not because they are good and recommended to everyone, but because the environment is good, now the Chinese also like to learn Westerners drink afternoon tea, so a few friends can go here to point a pot of tea, sitting playing cards, chatting, look at magazines, play chess. The environment is good.
8, Zhuge Grilled Fish local dishes restaurant: located in Ruijin Road, 7 bus stop. Look at the name we think is a barbecue, in fact, he is the authentic local dishes restaurant Oh.
9, bearded barbecue: located in Xinjiekou and Sanyuan Lane, the intersection of the alleyway. I also inadvertently found, is the Suning appliances of the alley has been walking can be seen, their family barbecue flavor is good, also accompanied by local dishes, hot pot. The taste is good, I like to go to their home after dinner to eat barbecue.
10, Macao Douluo Workshop: is located in the Oriental Shopping Center on the first floor, and Wangfu Street, Macao Douluo is not the same, this Douluo is in the form of small hot pots, packages affordable, there are a lot of self-selected dipping sauces for you to eat, their home-made slippery class is very special, such as: beef slippery, cuttlefish slippery, etc., come to their home to eat is not only to eat, but also to save money.
11, Ziqi hot pot: located in Daxinggong New Times Square opposite. Only high-grade hot pot Ziqi has a unique flavor, and other hot pot is different, their family pot bottom using mother pot bottom, as for how to describe, you go to know.
12, Aladdin: Located in Luolang Lane store, Wangfu Street store, Hongwu Road store of the three stores taste good, Xinjiang flavored dishes, homemade yogurt, and different barbecue, not only can you eat the food, but also can enjoy the Xinjiang people to bring us the dance. It really allows everyone to meet the special ethnic flavors.
13, Nanjing stalls: located in Hunan Road, Lion Bridge Food Street, Deji Plaza, seventh floor of the stalls. Not only the flavor characteristics, the people inside is also very special, in which to eat, chat, listen to a little song, a different flavor.
14, Kwonjin City Korean barbecue: located in Hunan Road, Suning Global 7 floor. Characteristic of Korean barbecue, good flavor, optional dishes are also many, like to eat barbecue friends can try.
15, cannon salt chicken: located in Xinjiekou McLeodi KTV diagonally across the street, if you are tired of shopping, you can go to this to eat, very cheap, the owner is Taiwanese, rice is also good.
16, Taipei Inn (eight beef noodles): Dayang Department Store negative one. If you want to eat and afraid of delaying the shopping time to go to this try eight blocks of beef noodles, noodles are very strong, beef is also a lot. The flavor is good.
17, seven Bay Beef Potstickers: located in Sanshan Street, next to Sanshan Garden, where the potstickers outside the crispy tender, if you often stroll friends under the subway to the Fuzimiao walk in the direction of the Fuzimiao you can see it.
18, Fangbao cake dumpling store: located in Wangfu Street. A very tasty snack store, where the spicy soup, porridge, wine punch Lantern and hemp dough, pumpkin cake, dumplings and so on. Is a good place for everyone to eat breakfast.