Japanese translation, please translate the lyrics of Yong気のカタチ by Tanimura Shinji

After the summer heat, see the dance, I will write to you at the end of summer, how are you?

Your face emerge Writing postcards in my mind

Yesterday, yesterday, tomorrow, tomorrow, big cut, yesterday is yesterday, tomorrow is tomorrow, the most important thing is

「Today」is over and over 「Today」この时 がprivate そのものですNow this time is mine

あーEarly いものですねOne year ah so fast ah one year

あーThis year もsummer ends わりますね Ah, this summer is coming to an end

あの时あなたが叱ってくれた Then you scolded me

Words of the leaf がprivate を変えてくれましたThose words changed me


Writing to you at the end of summer once a year in late summer

Private を変えてくれたあなたへココロのカタチです has changed me A postcard from your heart

It has been a long time since I wrote to you at the end of summer in the late summer season.です I write to you who I can’t see now, thank you very much

花は scatteredるから咲くんですよねすべてひたすらにThe flowers have faded and bloomed again wholeheartedly

人の明もlimitりあるから "Today" を生きていますThe limited life of human beings is going on now

あーあなたが Sleeping placeに来てAh, come to this place when you sleep

あーThis year's もハガキ setい てゆきますAh, I also wrote a postcard this year

あの时あなたが叱ってくれた Then you scolded me

Words of speech がprivate を変えてくれましたThose words changed

Writing to you at the end of summer in the late summer of the year.

Let me tell you about this. The postcard is from the heart

あの时あなたが勇気をくれた Then you gave me courage

人じゃないよと教えてくれました Tell me that I am not alone

Writing to you at the end of summer in your language

生かされているprivate からの勇気のカタチです Let me live on The source of my courage

The end of summer to write to you in your language

My continued life is the source of my courage