Transformers 2 plot, I hope it's from beginning to end thanks!


Allspark created the first thirteen Transformers, known as "The Primes" (The Leaders), who, in order to obtain more energy, invented the Matrix of Leadership, which can be used to power a device that draws energy from the sun (the same device that produces the Energon energy block). "In order to obtain more energy, the Primes invented the Matrix of Leadership, which could be used to power a device that drew energy from the sun (the same device that produced the Energon energy block). "The Primes searched the universe for a sun that could provide them with energy, but they also swore that if there was life around that sun, they wouldn't do anything about it.

The Primes came to Earth and met the early humans, who were treated as gods. The Fallen wanted the Leadership Module for himself, so he chose to betray his oath. The other 12 Transformers hid the Leadership Module in a tomb to keep him from succeeding. The Fallen kills his compatriots and doesn't stop looking, and only Optimus Prime, the last surviving descendant of The Primes, can stop him.

Act 1: Shanghai

NEST (Non-Extraterrestrial Species Division) is still tracking the Decepticons, with Ironhide, Sideswipe, Optimus Prime, the Twin Robots, and the military's Epps and Lennox. They follow Demolisher's signal and find him, but as they get closer Demolisher morphs into a giant wheel (the scene in the trailer), though Optimus Prime and Ironhide flank him and eventually defeat him. Meanwhile, Crossfire takes out Sideways (Sideways). Before he dies, the Destroyer reveals the name of the Fallen Kingpin.

Scene 2: Sam's Home

The TV is broadcasting a hearing about Mission City, the city from the battle at the end of the first episode, and they're accusing a robotics company of hiding the truth, but Sam, Mikaela and Sam's parents know the truth. Sam is packing for college when Mikaela calls and is very upset about her long-distance relationship. The pieces of the Rubik's Cube in Sam's pocket fell to the floor at this point and burned a hole in the floor, it fell back downstairs to the kitchen and turned about 6 kitchen appliances into Transformers, the microwave and the cell phone fought, the microwave swallowed the cell phone and heated it up and killed it, these robots ran up the stairs and chased after Sam, luckily Bumblebee came along and he destroyed the robots but he also wrecked the house.

Sam gave the Rubik's Cube pieces to Mikayla for safekeeping, who hid them in her father's motorcycle dealership. Decepticon spy Wheelie overhears their plans and prepares to steal the shard.

Act III: NEST Headquarters

Optimus Prime reports on the Saboteur, and Galloway, an advisor to the NSA, doesn't trust the Autobots, saying that the Decepticons came to Earth because the Autobots invited them here, and even suggests that the President deport the Autobots. The Autobots don't know who the Fallen are because the Tesseract, which holds all their history, has been destroyed. Soundwave eavesdrops on them debriefing their mission and learns exactly where Megatron is at the bottom of the ocean.

Soundwave releases Ravage, who then breaks into NEST headquarters with the arachnid robot Doctor and steals the Tesseract pieces.

Act 4: College

Sam's roommate Leo is so convinced of the existence of the Transformers that he has started a website dedicated to reporting on Transformers everywhere, but it's always preempted by another website run by a guy named Robo Warrior. Robo Warrior.

Leo hacked into the school's Web site database and put the prettiest girls on their dormitory floor. And that's how Alice (Alice) came into Sam's life.

Sam and Leo go to a party, and Sam keeps hallucinating strange symbols (hieroglyphics) that he tries to draw on the cake. Alice drags him to the dance, when Sam hears a familiar car outside, he goes out to see it's Bumblebee, who takes Sam to a graveyard where Optimus Prime is. They warn Sam that the Tesseract pieces have been stolen and offer to make Sam the spokesman for the Autobots. Sam is reluctant, he wants to live a normal life and he doesn't know what he can do because Optimus can't convince those people how can he? Optimus believed Sam and didn't force him.

Act 5: Under the Sea

Machine Dog and Doc dive to the bottom of the ocean and insert the Tesseract shard into Megatron bringing him back to life.

Act VI: Classroom

Sam's professor, played by Rainn Wilson, is teaching a class when Sam opens a book and starts speed-reading it, then hallucinates again, having a seizure and making a lot of tall tales about how Einstein was wrong, how the universe was formed, etc., and he ends up getting kicked out of the classroom and running off to the library to read one of his grandfather's books.

Act VII: Space

Megatron takes the form of the Planet Cybertron airplane to leave Earth and travel to another planet (possibly Mars). There he meets Starscream, who is waiting for him, and the Fallen. With the Fallen, Megatron has to bow down, and their relationship is similar to that of the Sith Lords and Darth Vader in Star Wars. The Fallen says that there is a way to rebuild the Tesseract, Megatron says that the Tesseract has already been destroyed, and the Fallen asks him "Aren't you the same". The Fallen tells Megatron that Sam knows where the Leader Module is buried and wants them to find him immediately. Megatron wants the power of the Primes, and the Fallen promises to fulfill him, so 15 Decepticons set out to follow Megatron and Starscream to Earth, with Sam already under the Decepticons' watchful eye.

Act VIII: Mikaela's Motorcycle Row

Mikaela finds Turner, who is always hanging around, and Turner confesses that the Fallen Kingpin ordered him to gain access to the knowledge hidden in the shards, and Mikaela locks Turner up and takes him to Sam.

Scene 9: Sam's University

Alice is in Sam's dorm room, cornering Sam and about to kiss him when Mikayla arrives. In the hallway Leo sees a robot on TV that looks just like Alice, who turns out to be a humanoid robot from Disneyland, manipulated by the Decepticons. After a fight, Sam, Mikayla, and Leo get in the car and escape the dorm. In the midst of this tension, Leo is not above snickering and asking Sam if he's been sent from the future to save him from himself (a Terminator joke), and in the middle of the joke the car slams into a utility pole and rolls over Alice. Before they can celebrate however they are captured by a Decepticon helicopter robot.

Scene 10: The Factory

Red Spider splits Sam and their car in half, and Megatron says to Sam, "Remember me? I remember you." They then begin to torture Sam as the arachnid robot "Doc" uses a hacksaw to get information out of Sam's head. Optimus Prime and Bumblebee arrive just in time to save Sam and the others, and the fight goes on, all the way to the woods outside the factory. Optimus Prime asks Megatron who the Fallen One is and Megatron says you'll know when he gets here. Optimus Prime fights 3 Decepticons by himself and ends up getting stabbed in the back by Megatron and the Decepticons leave only after Ironhide, the ambulance and the twin robots arrive.

After this battle, the Autobots hid Sam and the Decepticons could no longer find him, so they turned to Sonic, who broadcast a message to every Earthling in Megatron's name, publicizing the Transformers and threatening the humans with Decepticon after Decepticon destroying cities one by one if they couldn't locate the boy within one solar cycle. Sam's parents, who happen to be vacationing in Paris, see this and panic.

Act XI: NEST Headquarters

Optimus Prime is dead and the NEST organization is disbanded by the National Security Association. Sam felt remorse and regretted not agreeing to Optimus Prime's request. Still haunted by visions of strange symbols, he writes them down, and the twins recognize them as the language of the Primes, and Leo says he's seen them on the RoboCop website. They go to find the Primes, but they don't realize it's Simmons, the agent from the first episode, who now works at his mother's deli. Simmons tells them that the Transformers actually came to Earth a long time ago.

Sam says that Megatron is convinced that there is another source of energy on Earth, and that the Autobots can't do anything about it because it's too old for them, too, and Mikaela suddenly remembers that he's captured the Decepticon Spinning Wheel and decides to pry information out of him. Wheel tells them that there are some ancient Transformers called "Seekers" on Earth, but it's not clear what they're looking for, except that they're neither Autobots nor Decepticons, and Wheel locates ten "Seekers". ", the closest one being in Washington, DC.

Chapter 12: Washington, D.C.

It turns out that the Seeker in Washington, D.C. is Jetfire, who has turned into an airplane and is staying at the museum. Jetfire is like a forgetful old man who can't remember where he is or what he's looking for. Sam and the others promise Jetfire that if he helps them, they will help him regain his memory. Skyfire is very disappointed to learn that the war is still going on, and Sam mentions the Fallen Vajra, triggering Skyfire's memory.

Sam drew the symbols, which were translated by Skyfire and realized that those were directions. So Skyfire opened a wormhole and sent everyone to Egypt. Skyfire introduced the history of the Fallen and the sun-sucking device, saying that only the descendants of Prime could defeat the Fallen, and Optimus Prime was the last descendant of Prime, who had gone to great lengths on the planet Cybertron in order to find out what happened to him as an orphan. The Fallen went to great lengths to find him as an orphan and start a war on Cybertron. Sam asks if the Leadership Module can save Optimus, and Skyfire says it should.

Sam sends a message to his friend Lennox in the military to ship Optimus Prime to Egypt, and Lennox agrees, sending a fleet of ships to help. But by now Sonic, who has eyes and ears in all directions, already knows where Sam is. Sam and Mikaela are sitting under the stars, talking, when they realize that the Leadership Module is hidden in the tomb! But they find nothing in the tomb until a rock accidentally smashes a hole in the wall, and they see the Leadership Module hidden behind the wall! Sam goes to reach the module and it falls to the ground as soon as it touches the air. Sam picks it up from the ground and puts it in his sock, ready to save Optimus Prime.

The warships and Decepticons arrive almost simultaneously, and Sonic cuts off communications around them, giving the warship commanders the wrong orders and making them sit there and wait for nothing. Sam and Mikayla run to Optimus Prime, being attacked by Starscream on the way. That's when Fallen Vajra shows up, teleporting himself to the top of the Golden Tower. On the other hand, the Navy senses something is wrong and sends out a scout plane.

The construction faction merged to become Hercules. Megatron says he has found the device that sucks the sun's energy to create the Energon (energy block) for the Fallen, who asks him for the Leader Module because the device can't start without it. Hercules climbs the pyramid and destroys it, revealing the device inside. Simmons realizes that this is the same device that sucked the sun's energy, and he uses his cell phone to get in touch with the warships, telling them to get ready for battle, at which point the latter realizes that they've been played by Sonic.

Samfred managed to get to Optimus Prime, but passed out, and in his stupor he met the Primes, who told him a bunch of things about destiny and handed him the Leadership Module. Sam wakes up to find that the module has reorganized itself into a short dagger-like object (the one Sam picks up off the ground in the trailer). Sam rushes to insert the module into Optimus Prime's chest, and Optimus comes back to life, but weakly. Fallen Kong teleports himself over, snatches the module, and returns to the top of the pyramid. Realizing he must sacrifice himself to help Optimus Prime, Skyfire contributes a part of himself (a merge?) , died peacefully, and then the ambulance came to help with the repairs, and eventually Optimus Prime was refreshed and reloaded.

With Megatron, Starscream, and the Fallen all on top of the pyramid, Simmons commands the fleet to fire on Hercules, breaking him up again. The energy block device activates and Optimus Prime arrives in time to deflect the device and hit Megatron and Starscream. The Fallen calls himself "Prime", and Optimus says he abandoned his name when he killed his brethren. Optimus destroys the device and pummels the Fallen with debris, while Megatron and Starscream sneak away while they fight.

The Fallen opened a wormhole and prepared to escape, Optimus used the leadership module to close the wormhole and reopened a new one throwing the Fallen inside, after which it disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the Fallen imprisoned forever.