If a person dies, but there are deposits in the bank that no one knows about, will the bank notify the family?

Tell a true story, by the way, for everyone to do a reminder.

My sister-in-law's father was in a car accident in 2017 and became a vegetable, my sister-in-law's father has always been very good and good to my sister-in-law, and we never thought that he hid 200,000 private money alone.

After my sister-in-law's father became a vegetable, suddenly one day, he received a short message in his cell phone, a text message advertisement from CCB, my sister-in-law took a look at it, followed the text message up a little bit, and looked at the history information, only to find out that my sister-in-law's father's deposit records! Only then did I realize that he had deposited 200,000 private money behind his back!

After that, my sister-in-law had to run around, find connections, and open certificates to get the 200,000 out, and it took two months from the discovery of the text message to get the 200,000 out.

From this incident, we can understand that, after the death of the person, the bank is simply impossible to notify the family, because the bank itself does not know that you are dead or not dead! The first thing we can do is to get the information from the bank, and then we can get the information from the family!

Second, the personal account of the money in the bank, the bank can be used to accumulate a huge amount of deposits to do their own loans to eat interest, so good thing, why do they have to notify the family to go to the collar? The first is that the government is not going to be able to make use of the money to pay for the new program, but it is going to be able to do so.

Third, be sure to open the SMS notification business! Try to save at least one stay deposit balance of the text message in the phone, do not delete all! In case of their own accident, maybe they can really leave some evidence and information for their family members, so that they can go to the extraction!

If a person dies and there is a deposit in the bank that no one knows about, will the bank notify the family?

If the depositor unfortunately died, and the bank will obviously not notify the depositor's family; and the family does not know that there is this money, let the money lying in the bank, the money continues to the bank, that money how to deal with it?

Why didn't the bank notify the depositor's family?

Because the bank is to open the door to do business, their tool for making money is money, the bank is how much they want you to put money in the bank, the longer the deposit the more interest they have. The bank can continue to call on this money and lend it out to their own benefit.

Another point is that according to the banking law system, the bank is not obliged to notify the family of the deceased to collect the money. The bank is only free to deposit and withdraw money, entirely by virtue of the password. As long as the depositor has a card, there is a password can be withdrawn through the ATM machine, in any case, the bank will not be able to track which depositor's specific situation.

The last point is that the bank does not know which depositor has died, which depositor did not die, the bank is also not aware of.

The last point is that the bank does not know which depositors are dead and which ones are not, and most importantly, the bank does not have the contact information of the depositors' families.

These are the real reasons why banks will not contact the families of the deceased depositors.

What about the money?

The bank will settle the interest according to the agreement made during the lifetime of the depositor, and this money is divided into two cases.

One of the money continues to stay in the bank, the bank according to the provisions of the deduction of certain fees, but also according to the agreement to settle the interest to the depositor card. If there has been no one to pick up, the bank until the money is deducted until the end of the deduction of some of the costs associated with it.

Secondly, the family of the deceased to receive the money, and do not know the password, if you know the password and have a card, the bank will give the family of the deceased to take. But if the family members of the deceased do not know the password, the family must take the notarized certificate of the deceased to the bank to deposit, otherwise the family members of the deceased can not get the money.

In short, this situation is a very complex problem, the bank has the bank's rules, the bank is also based on the law to carry over in this matter.

This kind of money is tens of billions of dollars a year.

And a very real problem is that in the face of "dormant deposits" banks generally do not take the initiative to look for the parties or stakeholders, because the banks do not have such an obligation.

Absolutely not. As I lent you the money, one day I over, think about it you will return the money to my child? Of course if my kid knows you owe me money, he will ask you for it. What if he doesn't? That only depends on your awareness.

01 The more wrongful deaths there are, the richer the banks get.

Just think of Switzerland, a neutral country during World War II. When the Nazis and other war dead people stored a lot of gold and silver money still remain in the bank, is to let the bank donations relief under the war victims are difficult, not to mention that it will take the initiative to the families of the depositors. In peacetime, there are many people who died suddenly or disappeared in natural or man-made disasters, and they also left huge deposits in the bank that could not be disposed of. No wonder the bank is rarely bankruptcy and closure, this is because there is a fly in the ointment, for others is a fly in the ointment.

02 Banks are skillfully avoiding situations where it might know of the unnatural death of a depositor.

Banks are the economic lifelines of the state and society, and are extremely important in economic and social development. The state's laws and preferential policies, the bank's system of regulations also ensures the normal operation of the bank and full profitability, do not believe you see the major industries in China, only the financial sector is the highest average income almost every year. In the modern information society, the bank wants to know the depositors are still alive, it is really no more than a simple thing, even if you ask the community square dancers will know immediately. But the bank I just don't check, don't ask, don't look, knowingly pretend not to know, the depositors died unnatural deaths also don't inform the family to get the money. Especially for those who have been deposited for hundreds of years, the bank will not take the initiative to contact the family for withdrawal matters. The total one is: the bank is afraid of depositors' families know that it has depositors' money in the hands of the depositors, and do everything possible to let the families do not know and prevent them from knowing.

03 Compulsory legal and institutional mechanisms should be put in place to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the deceased and their families.

Relevant laws, regulations and ordinances should be formulated to return the deposits of the dead as an indicator of bank creditworthiness, and punitive measures should be developed. Collaborate with public security, courts, civil affairs, social security, hospitals, and other departments to inform, locate, verify, and determine the details of the dead person so that the dead person's deposits are accurately delivered to his or her family. In the event that the family of the deceased is unaware of the status of the deceased's deposit, the family will be able to access the deposit from the financial institution in an unobstructed and easy-to-use manner.

Money that is not theirs, even if it is the state's, cannot just be taken. There are some things that you have to do on the high ground of morality and credibility even if it doesn't benefit you. But no matter what and walk and cherish, do not appear in the person is not in the money is still in the bank this tragic situation.


Hello, I'm glad to answer your question, if a person dies, but the bank has a deposit no one knows, the bank will notify the family? My answer is no, and in fact it would not. Reason:

First, the principle of confidentiality of bank deposits

Depositors to the bank deposits, the bank collected depositors' personal information, reserved for depositors' personal cell phone number, the bank in line with the "voluntary deposits, withdrawals free, deposits interest, for depositors confidentiality," the principle of confidentiality, will not be to any person, any organization, and will not disclose the depositor's information, including family members. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new car, and you'll be able to do that. For the depositor's family, the bank does not collect information about customers other than the depositor, nor does it know whether the depositor has a family member or not, and so on.

So when a depositor dies, the bank does not notify the depositor's family.

How do you know if a depositor has a bank account when they die? There are two easiest ways.

First, find the depositor's belongings

For the depositor's death there is no deposit, you can find the depositor's belongings to get. For example, you can query the cell phone, from the depositor's cell phone to get information. Starting from the download of cell phone software, for example: WeChat, Alipay, mobile banking, etc., if the phone has downloaded the bank information, you will know which bank, as for how many deposits, you can log on to the cell phone through the cell phone banking query, do not know the password, you can log on to the query through the method of short message notification. In addition, you can also know through the bank SMS notification or bank app notification system.

Then there is the search for relics, find passbooks, deposit slips, debit cards, etc., through the search for relics to obtain information about the depositor's deposits.

Second, through the bank counter query

Depositor death, query depositor deposits, you can go to the bank counter query, as long as you bring all the relevant procedures can be. Such as: the depositor's death certificate, the inquirer's identity, and the depositor's relationship with the certificate, etc., the bank will assist in the query, through the bank counter query to obtain the depositor's deposit information.

The above is my answer, I hope to help you.

If a person dies and owes the bank money, the bank will quickly notify the guarantor and the stakeholders to pay the debt, which is very efficient and allows you to realize that the banker's professional ethics and sense of responsibility are very strong.

But if the stakeholders want to know the bank has no money, you have to get proof of identity, open a letter of inquiry to the bank, and then the bank to play the relevant account of the recent water balance;

Take these papers to the notary public, a pass through the process, the payment of fees, and then the production of notary public certificates, the process of short one month, the long several months. Because the notary office and to fulfill a pass checking procedures, even if the bank is next door, but also to the relevant letter to the letter (silver water and this type of business is an important business of EMS), after receiving the notary certificate, you go to the bank, for the cancellation of the account, and then a few days later the money will be on your account, through the handling of this matter, I was moved to tears, in order to the safety of our people's property, the state for us to think of it really considerate! Behind how many behind-the-scenes heroes for our hard work ah !!!!

It is true that many people are worried that the family has deposits in the bank, but in case of illness or accident after death, the family does not know the money, it is wasted in the bank. For example, after the death of an old man in Qingdao, his second wife and children because of the division of property and housing disputes in court, through the court to inquire about the property, the results found that the old man in a number of banks have more than 200 million deposits.

Many people complain that the bank does not notify the family is trying to obscure the depositor's deposit, in fact, this is some wrong bank. Banks are just a specialized type of depository institutions, without the responsibility of social management. For example, in the past, state-owned enterprises have to issue pensions for retirees, and they manage their own retirees. But with the progress and development of society, retiree pensions are all social security fund through the bank account issued by the state to promote the management of state-owned enterprises to implement the social management of all retirees, to reduce the burden on enterprises.

Retirees must be certified annually for pension eligibility, which ensures that pensions are paid on a monthly basis, and if they do not pass the pension eligibility certification, the pension will be suspended. Even government departments, assisted by the vast number of community service centers and street offices, and limited to the conditions of the retired elderly, each person only a pensioner relationship is only able to do this point. And how can our nation's banks be able to verify the survival of more than 1 billion depositors?

In addition, if the verification of the death of the participant will take what measures? The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new computer, and you'll be able to do that. How does the bank know that the person's family doesn't know about it? The family may just want to take some time to go through the process.

But everything is true okay, in case the notification is wrong, the deposit Lan will not be very angry? A person "was dead", is definitely a blow to the reputation of the bank, some people do not comply with the people, and even ask for compensation or published in the newspaper to restore the right to honor.

Who should bear the cost of such verification? The depositor or the notified? Or maybe the bank? The bank will certainly not bear the obligation that is not stipulated in the law for economic reasons. Since the law does not provide, the bank to notify, this is not "nothing to find trouble"? I don't think any manager or decision maker would do that.

Households' deposits will not be embezzled in the bank. It is the primary responsibility of banks to safeguard the security and privacy of tenants' deposits. For accounts that have not been in circulation for a long period of time, banks will treat them as "long term inactive accounts" or "long outstanding accounts", and generally accounts that have not been in circulation for one to two years can be treated as long term inactive accounts. The management of the relevant account is generally to transfer the relevant funds to a special account, which is under the unified supervision of the bank. When the real person concerned comes to withdraw the deposit by virtue of a valid identity document, he or she has to go through a very stringent verification process and can never withdraw the money casually.

These practices are common standards for banks, whether domestic or foreign. Swiss banks even have thousands of accounts and personal savings cabinets that have not been used for more than 100 years, and it is only in this case that Swiss banks have the practice of looking for the person concerned and their heirs through the relevant legacy identification information. Just think about how difficult it really is to find again after 100 years have passed. If say you only have one dollar in your personal account, is it worth the bank's trouble? In fact, vaults like those at Swiss banks are subject to an administrative fee, which gives the bank the right to open and dispose of the property when it's due.

So, it's only been 71 years since the founding of New China, and our country has experienced sweeping changes, so it's unlikely that banks will take the initiative to look for depositors anytime soon, and at the very least, we'll have to wait a hundred years. There are not many problems accumulating in this way now, and I believe the country will introduce relevant policies to deal with them in the future.

After all, banks are just profit-making organizations, and they won't give you your money back if you don't take the initiative to take it out.

First of all, when a depositor puts his money in a bank, he is essentially entering into a savings contract with the bank. According to that savings contract, while the depositor can withdraw the principal and its interest as agreed, at the same time the bank will possess, use and benefit from that money. And, the longer the money stays with the bank, the longer they will be able to utilize it, and thus earn more.

So, naturally, the bank wants the depositor to keep the money as long as possible in order to make more money, and they even want the depositor to forget about the money and never come to withdraw it. Therefore, when the depositor dies, as long as his heirs do not come to tell the bank that the depositor is dead, then the bank, whether or not it knows that he is dead, will presume that he is still alive, and thus continue to take possession of, use, and benefit from the money as always, in order to strive for a greater benefit for itself.

Second, after all, banks do not interconnect with specific institutions that are "in charge of life and death" such as civil registries and funeral parlors, so it is unlikely that they will be able to learn about the death of a depositor in a timely manner. Moreover, banks do not regularly verify the survival status of all depositors, and they do not know whether they are still alive or not. As long as no one comes to withdraw the deposit, the bank will remain in possession of it. That's why passbooks with hundreds of years or even hundreds of years of deposits are often exposed on the internet.

Finally, the bank did not violate the law, because although the depositor himself died, but according to the general principle of "generalized inheritance", his legal heirs automatically bear his debts, and thus automatically took over the "depositor status". "and the related rights and obligations. Thus, the saving party of the savings contract, the heir automatically replaces the heir, and the bank continues to legally take possession of the money.

In summary, when a depositor dies, the heir should bring the relevant documents to the bank in time to take out the money or transfer it to his account.

No, and it's a pain in the ass to get this money out of the bank! It took almost half a year to figure out the process, and it's a good idea to give everyone a heads up.

Grandpa died in May last year, he was sick to death relatively quickly, a lot of things are not accounted for, coupled with the old man is usually together with food, clothing, housing and transportation, there is nothing to spend money on, our family does not know how much money he has.

Because grandpa is a retired enterprise worker, every month can receive a lot of pension, sick when the old man said with his pension card money to cure the disease.

At that time, the grandfather is the password told the three children, and then the money father three sisters also know, there are 200,000 a little bit. The doctor spent close to 100,000, the aftercare spent more than 60,000, the back of the 50,000, because the grandmother is very early in life, is the three sisters negotiated to share.

In organizing the grandfather's belongings, the family was in a state of grief, and did not find any other bank cards or passbooks, and so on, the three siblings thought that the grandfather is the pension card this money.

Back is the process of receiving the death benefits

Simply put, the process of receiving the death benefits is:

1.unit or relatives to apply and submit the appropriate information to prove it

2.social security agencies to review;

3.accounting for the death benefits and issued. (Death benefits are divided into 3 parts: funeral expenses, pension, personal account return)

Family members need to provide the information to the Social Security Administration is generally (at that time, our family is the following materials provided to the grandfather's original unit, the grandfather's original unit also has a person to deal with, there are acquaintances, the process is also particularly familiar with the process, so it is also relatively smooth)

1, the original and a copy of the hospital issued a death certificate

2, the original cremation certificate and the original and a copy of the administrative fee bill of the funeral parlor

3, the original and a copy of the certificate of cancellation of the household registration issued by the police station where the household registration is located

4, the identity of the claimant and the relationship with the deceased original and a copy of the certificate; power of attorney of the person with the right to inheritance, and notary public certificate is required for more than one heir

5, the designated bank card (for the transfer of death benefits)

Then fill in the Social Security Bureau of the Individual Account Lump-sum Payment (lump-sum treatment) Application Form and the "application for funeral and compassionate treatment of insured persons who died due to illness or not due to work," two forms on the line.

Follow-up social security agencies will be verified, verification through the treatment issued:

20 months of basic pension + 3 months of social wage + personal account lump sum return.

Seriously, it's a lot of money, and then Grandpa's original unit mailed a confirmation letter, which wasn't on our minds at the time, because Grandpa's original unit had already called and said so.

One day when my father was organizing the groceries, he found the letter from my grandfather's original unit and took it out to look at it, only to find that he had almost missed the big event!

It turns out that Grandpa's original unit this letter inside, in addition to saying death treatment to receive entrusted to deal with the confirmation of things (basically already done), but also said Grandpa's original unit of the death of the enterprise employees and the unit of the pension is issued in the employee welfare card.

Dividing line -------

Next is the process of complicated inquiry, justice, inquiry process, the whole process is centered around the bank to start, the bank will not move, anyway, just wait for you there.

This father realized that his grandfather should still have a card, and at that time, he could not find a bank card, his father knew from his grandfather's original unit of the bank card number, the first to go to the bank to check how much balance, the bank staff replied - no! The first thing you need to do is to go to a notary public and get a certificate of family relationship!

Father also expressed understanding, but also afraid of what the bank said half, the original death treatment for the receipt of materials are prepared again, but also let the second father and sister-in-law whole a power of attorney sent over (second father and sister-in-law in the field).

The father thought he was very well prepared, and should have, this time as long as the replacement of the bank card, reset the password on the line, a bank or not, the bank staff said that the need to inherit the relatives of all present to do.

Later, the father's three siblings in line with their own can get the money resolutely do not leave the bank, finally three people together to the bank, or not, because there is no bank card, but also need to grandfather's original unit to provide the flow of money vouchers, but also need to go to the notary public notarization.

Anyway, the process is cumbersome and complicated, finally know the balance of the bank card, and then the bank asked to go to the notary public notarization.

Warm tips:

(The balance of the bank inquiries must be clearly remembered to go to the notary certificate, if the notary certificate written on the amount of money is wrong, the bank is not for you to do it.)

At that time, the bank provided the balance of the bank card, the father's three siblings also went to the bank again, the result is still not work, saying that the balance is not right, said the grandfather also has a 20,000 yuan deposit slip.

At that time, the father's three siblings were angry, I do not know whether the bank staff is authorized to do a cut say a cut, no way, because the second father and sister-in-law work reasons are back to the workplace.

Later, my father found a bank friend information plus help, and finally a notary public notarized written proof of inheritance rights, as well as my sister-in-law and my father's power of attorney, in the standardized operation of the results of half an hour on the transfer of the money deposited, obviously half an hour of things are really screwed up for a few months.


Foreign banks for the death of the depositor is generally entrusted to a third-party agency to find the heir, if you find the heir to the heir, can not be found, then donated to public welfare organizations.

Domestic banks generally do not take the initiative to notify the families of the depositors, the funds in these sleep accounts will be listed as non-operating income, temporarily owned by the bank. Then you say, if the heir comes to the door, the bank will give the deposit with interest to the heir again, counting it as a non-operating expense.

But in the country as an heir of course you can inherit the deposits of your deceased relatives, but the first thing you have to do is to prove that you are the heir, and you need to have a notary public notarization of your inheritance rights to be able to do so.

Additionally, the cost of notarization is usually 300-500, and if the bank card does not have a lot of savings, if it is not like my father's three siblings to fight for the sake of a breath of fresh air, only to give the money to the bank.

The subject's question reminds me of an incident in college. At that time, the university school work an employee's husband back from the field, suddenly felt a severe headache and a trance. Went to the hospital for a CT, and nuclear magnetic **** vibration after the diagnosis of a brain tumor. The medical advice was for surgery. His wife signed the notice of surgery. Her husband was usually in good health, and they encouraged each other as they were wheeled into the operating room. However, on the third day after the operation, the patient suddenly swelled up in the head, fell into a deep coma, had a high fever, and finally died.

The worker's husband did not leave a word: what he did for a living, how much money. He only told her that he was an orphan and was escorting goods for a southern boss. He gave her 1,000 yuan a month to spend as she pleased, just let her should not ask don't ask. 70s, the monthly living expenses of 1,000 yuan is a very objective amount of money. The two of them didn't have any children either. Her parents are in the countryside, and she has a sister who is also in a school factory.

The woman's husband left suddenly, she calmed down and thought: my husband will give me 1000 yuan a month, he should certainly have a lot of money, but his money will be where? If the existence of the bank, no passbook how to find? If it was at home, where would it be hidden? She was puzzled. She took care of the aftermath, while rummaging through the house, but still found nothing. One day, she found an ICBC voucher in her husband's pocket. She found the voucher in her husband's pocket and went to the ICBC savings center. She was refused to look for it because there was no deposit voucher. Under the guidance of a knowledgeable person, she sued the court. As a result of the search, her husband just existed in ICBC 3,000 yuan. She was so disappointed that she could not believe that her husband had deposited only 3,000 dollars. But where does he keep the rest of the money?

She did not want to tell her sister. One day, she was so bitter that she couldn't hold it in, and told her sister. Her sister said: Sister, he will not renovate the house, leaving a secret compartment, put money ah?

"Hey! How did I not think of it!" . So the sisters began in the walls of the house. Floor, skirting board, ceiling and other places to knock and knock. See if there is a sound hair empty place. As a result, the effort is not hard to find, but also really let them find it. In a skirting board at the obvious traces of frequent start, and knocked, the walls inside the hollow "Peng, Peng" sound. They opened the skirting board, the wall leaks out a rectangular space. Inside the space was an elaborate openwork wooden chest. They were so excited that their hearts were about to pop out. After opening the wooden chest. They were stunned, there are nine five-year and three-year certificates of deposit from Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank of China. The amount totaled 28 million.

The sisters went through the procedures and took out the money. Afterwards the woman worker gave her sister 30,000, her sister said: without me, the money will never sink! From then on, the sisters turned against each other.

The question asked by the subject can be expressed more clearly: the depositor died, no one knows whether the depositor has a sum of money, if the estimate may have money, but also did not find the credentials, but also do not know which bank exists. From the real case above, the query is indeed very troublesome.

The smart way is: one, live well, two, have money must tell your beloved relatives and friends, three, make a good will.

Fourth, really can not, the heirs can carry their own ID card, household registration, as well as the decedent is the identity card of the deceased, the death certificate, as well as proof of kinship, to the local notary public for "deposit inquiry letter", and, then, go to the relevant bank inquiries. But, the notary fee is charged according to the subject matter of the assets.

Therefore, it is better to save for a rainy day and take precautionary measures!

In fact, this is a "dormant deposit" issue.

The so-called "dormant deposits" are in fact those personal deposits that have no transaction records for a long time. Of course, some of these are "active deposits" and some are "inactive deposits". The problem we are going to discuss today is in fact the problem of "unclaimed deposits" because the family members of the deceased did not know that they had deposits, and the bank did not know that the depositor had died. Therefore, this part of the deposit will be placed with the bank's transaction system for a long time.

There has been no clear solution to the problem of "orphaned deposits" in the event of the death of a depositor.

The bank is not obliged to look for depositors who have not been contacted for a long time, and it is not obliged to notify the families of those who have died, and in fact, the bank does not have any specific information about their families. In general, the bank is just letting these deposits accrue normal interest. But there are some banks practice is to those long-term "unclaimed deposits" as "non-operating income", to avoid occupying the bank's internal system resources, once someone to claim this side of the deposit, and then to "non-operating expenses "But this practice actually has its limitations. But this practice is actually very controversial, to a certain extent, there is the possibility of "unjust enrichment".

In fact, this kind of "unclaimed deposits" may appear most often after some large-scale disasters, sudden accidents will make a lot of family deposits are forgotten by everyone, such as our country after the Tangshan earthquake, in order to deal with the corresponding "unclaimed deposits "The problem is that it took about 8 years to get to the point where it was very difficult to deal with, and there was a lack of a clear legal basis to do so.

In fact, every year, the amount of such "dormant deposits" is increasing, and there is a need to target the development of corresponding legal provisions to be constrained, and once there is a clear legal provision, the relevant banks will be able to better deal with the corresponding capital issues.

Some of the foreign reference methods.

In foreign countries this kind of "unclaimed deposits" is also very common, a lot of foreign banks to deal with is when the deposits after a long period of unclaimed, the unified transfer to a specialized third-party institutions, continue to target the search for the depositors or their legitimate heirs, if still unable to find the relevant person for a long period of time, it will be the establishment of the appropriate The fund will be set up and the corresponding funds will be utilized for the expenditure of public welfare undertakings.

In fact, this part of the funds is still relatively large, the effective use of the core value, so it is still necessary to develop special laws and regulations, and supplemented by effective management methods, so that the relevant funds to maximize the possibility of returning to the depositors or their heirs, such as can not be found, but also can be used in the part of the funds for the community to make a corresponding contribution.

First of all, this question implies three premises:

If these three conditions are established, we can explore why the bank did not notify the family.

Obviously these three premises are not valid, first of all, the bank's system is not strong enough to be associated with hospitals, public security bureaus and even funeral parlors so powerful, it only depositors of financial information, and some simple such as occupation, age, address, education and other information. As for his son's name, how old, what is his wife's name, what are the grandparents called, this can be the customer's account manager to communicate with the customer to learn, and even if you know, out of professional ethics can not talk nonsense. And account managers randomly and privately notify the family is illegal, because this is the customer's privacy, not to mention the customer's family specifically how the relationship between the relationship between the power to inherit, these are legal ways to solve the more legitimate, such as going to the Public Security Bureau to open a letter of inquiry, have the right to inheritance of family members can go to the bank to inquire about the deceased's deposits.

I just entered the bank to work especially do not understand, why the bank window inquiry card balance must be personally ID card, for example, if the customer's wife (husband) know the password to check are not given to check, resulting in a very unpleasant customer. Later, I know a complaint case, understand, before a husband because his wife took his card to check the bank card deposit information to our bank to complain, it turned out that the two people want to divorce, the wife hid her husband to check, and as a staff bank is not aware of these things husband and wife ah

In fact, the customer does not have to be more serious about this, because now the Internet banking, cell phone banking, including ATMs are available! The first thing you need to do is to get the information you need to know about your account.

To summarize

The best way to get this kind of information is to go through the courts.