For example: there was a gray cloud crying and walking towards the sun. When the sun saw the gray cloud, it hastened to say, "My child, why are you crying in answer to me?" The gray cloud wiped away its tears and gathered its courage and said, "Dear Father Sun, save me!" The sun said, "What can I do for you? You name it and I'll try to help you as long as it's not too hard or unreasonable." The gray cloud said, "Because I'm gray, the blue sky won't allow me to decorate, saying that I'm unlucky and that my other partners have driven me away." After saying this, he cried again. Father Sun laughed, "What's so hard about it? I will make you more beautiful and let you decorate the blue sky."
Sun told him to close his eyes, then watched him jump up and down. Suddenly, like magic, the gray cloud was no longer gray and became a golden yellow cloud that gave off all kinds of light. The gray cloud opened his eyes and realized how beautiful he was. He said goodbye to the sun and left with a mischievous wink. He ran to the blue sky and decorated the beautiful sky. The sun saw it and kept praising the sky for being so beautiful. The sun knew that one-third of it was due to the sun.