It's just a self-perception, not specific to certain companies or branded stores. I feel like that's really like a pyramid scheme, and passers-by look at them and feel silly. So personally I don't like it. But as a promotional tool, it should be successful. At least the passersby managed to remember them dancing or shouting slogans so that they might go into the store to check it out or might go to that store when in need.
A year or two ago, there were suddenly a lot more of these videos of store clerks shouting slogans to promote themselves online. Every single person in the video was shouting and stomping their feet very hard. It was supposed to be an inspection by a higher-up, so to show that they were especially spirited, they were going super hard. It was like the floor was about to be stomped through by them, heartbreaking the floor. From the video, it looks like they have been brainwashed by their company and will do anything for the sake of the so-called corporate culture and spirit. I think if their friends and relatives see them on the video, they should be very distressed, in order to make a living, they can only do so. Whatever the OP says is what it is.
A friend of mine told us when she watched that video that she used to work as a summer job in high school during the summer vacation, and that she worked as a shopper in a very famous sports brand store. That brand just had to ask their employees to dance every morning, and it was in front of the store, on the street. Anyway, she was super embarrassed every morning during her summer job. Every passerby would stop and look at them when they walked by, and she said she didn't want to go to work because of that, so she only did it for a month and then quit the second month on the grounds that she had to get ready for school.
My friend didn't go to work because she was forced to by life, so she could just say she was leaving, and the people who do this as a job, they can't go. It's a great way to achieve branding, but I still don't agree with it.