The most popular wife name now.

The wife's name is Zitong, madam, humble Jing and so on.

The emperor called his wife Zitong; The prime minister called his wife a lady; Literati call his wife humble as Jing; Estee asked his wife to sweep the broom; Businessmen call their wives "wives", also known as "inn owners" and "inner masters"; Scholars call wives wives wives; Sour scholar calls his wife a lady; The plowman called his wife aunt; Educated people call their wives wives; People without culture call their wives wives; Those who have drunk foreign ink are called darling; Born and raised, call that mouth.

Young people call their wives daughter-in-law; The old man called his wife his wife. People who like to ridicule call their wives "Taizuo". Northerners call children his mother; Southerners call it mama. Call a lover on the mainland; The name of Taiwan Province Province is my wife. Hebei people call it home; Henan people call it the master; Many southerners call their wives Tangke. People who are reluctant to part with their wives are called heart and soul; People who leave their wives are called babies. Say dear when making out with your wife; Call that bitch when you hate your wife.


Wife, the original meaning refers to elderly women. Now the wife refers to the husband's address for his wife, and also refers to the woman who lives with her husband forever. A wife is someone who shares joys and sorrows with you, who quarrels with you, who is not related by blood, but who accompanies you all your life!

Never think that someone else's wife is better than your own, because she doesn't love you! After all, it is your own wife who shares weal and woe with you. When you encounter difficulties and risks and need help most, no one else but your wife can stand by you firmly.