Is life about exercise, or is it about rest and relaxation? Survey of 1,500 elderly people, the study gives the answer

"How can I not fly, the world of flowers, it turns out I am a, drunken butterfly ......"

Night falls, on the way home from work, passing through the street plaza, the ears always ringing this network of God song. The first thing you need to do is to look at the square, and you'll see the big mom dancing again.

Simple movements, stiff expressions, clumsy dance, although slippery funny, but people have to marvel at the vitality of the Chinese women, let people feel friendly and lovely.

Walking to the entrance of the village, another scene came into view. The world will be finalized when the "General" is heard.

Square dance and chess, healing the body and mind of millions of retired elderly in our country. Sweat sprinkled plaza, an ounce of will come; and sit quietly playing chess, seems to be able to cultivate the mind and temperament.

This can't help but make me think about it: dancing in the square, compared with the chess grandpa, who is more long-lived, more healthy? Life in the end lies in the movement, or lies in the quiet?

Life is about movement, and it has always been a golden rule in the mind. However, nowadays, many people are beginning to promote the "quiet" lifestyle, and feel that the quiet is the secret of life.

So, in the "life is what" on this topic, the river and lake formed two factions, respectively, for the "quiet school" and "sports school". The movement vs. rest, in the end, which is good, we may want to try than try.

In October 2020, BMJ (British Medical Journal) a paper, the researchers included more than 1500 elderly people in the study, and divided them into 3 groups.

Group 1 did high-intensity exercise twice a week at 90% of their maximum heart rate; Group 2 did moderate-intensity exercise twice a week for 50 minutes at a heart rate of 90% of their maximum heart rate; and group 2 did moderate-intensity exercise twice a week for 50 minutes at a heart rate of 90% of their maximum heart rate. Group 2 elderly people, do two moderate intensity exercise twice a week, each time to adhere to 50 minutes, heart rate of 70% of the maximum heart rate; Group 3 for the control group, do not mandatory exercise , as long as a regular body check can be.

After five years of tracking, the researchers analyzed the physical performance of the three groups and found that group 1 was better than the other two groups in terms of both psychological and physiological status, and also had the lowest mortality rate.

This study confirms the importance of exercise. So it looks like the exercise side of the "what's in life" debate is winning for now.

So, "life is about exercise" is the truth? The woman who dances is more likely to live longer than the man who plays chess?

Don't jump to conclusions. As we all know, exercise brings a lot of benefits, such as strengthening the body, promoting metabolism, improving cardiorespiratory function, etc. However, the world knows that exercise is good. However, while everyone knows that exercise is good, no one knows that excessive exercise is actually bad!

A recent study published in Cell Metabolism shows that in the short term, normal exercise is good for mitochondrial function, but excessive exercise impairs mitochondrial function and induces insulin resistance.

Mitochondria are the "power stations" of the cell, and if their function is impaired, the cell is unable to obtain energy; and insulin resistance is a risk factor for diabetes!

In addition, over-exercise can also damage the human kidneys. A search on the Internet shows that excessive exercise induces rhabdomyolysis syndrome, leading to acute kidney injury.

Some people may even be over-exercised involved in cardiovascular accidents, which can lead to sudden death. For example, the male star Gao Yixiang, who participated in the recording of the program, due to prolonged over-exercise, eventually induced sudden cardiac death; the 23-year-old Taiwanese model Zhang Zhixuan, also due to over-exercise, sudden death, which is regrettable!

Also, according to a tracking survey involving 45,000 people in Germany and Sweden, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease in people who exercise excessively is twice as high as that of ordinary people!

It turns out that exercise is not the only thing that makes life interesting.
Life may be about exercise, but it's not about overdoing it!
We must not try to get too much out of it, and we must not try to get too much out of it.

So what constitutes excessive exercise? How much exercise is appropriate for a person? There are usually two ways to look at this, one is to look at heart rate and the other is to look at symptoms.

The optimal heart rate is one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of exercise, and it is calculated as follows:

Another way to determine the amount of exercise is to look at the symptoms, and when the exercise process appears to be the following bad subjective feelings, it should be wary of the amount of exercise is excessive:

And as for the amount of exercise to do is appropriate, you can refer to the last year

The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a set of guidelines for the amount of exercise to be done. The World Health Organization (WHO) developed the Guidelines for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior:

Overall, life is about exercise, or is it about rest? I can't give a definitive answer. Who lives longer than the square-dancing mom, as opposed to the chess-playing grandpa? I can't say for sure. Perhaps, according to their own situation "combination of static and dynamic", is the king of the road to longevity.

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