Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?
anyone ['eniw?n] pron. anyone p.2
anywhere ['eniwe?(r)] adv. anywhere p.2
wonderful ['w?nd?fl] adj. wonderful; superb p.2
few [fju?] adj. & pron. not many; very few p.2
quite afew Quite a lot; quite a lot p.2
most [m? st] adj., adv. & pron. most; most p.2
something ['s?mθ?] pron. something; something p.3
nothing ['n?θ?] pron. nothing; not a thing p.3
myself [ma?'self ] pron. myself p.3
everyone ['evriw?n] pron. each person; everyone; all people p.3
of course [k?(r)s] of course; naturally p.3
myself [ma?'self] pron. myself; my own self p.3
yourself [j?(r)'self] pron. (pl. yourselves [j?(r)'selvz]) yourself; yourself p.3
hen [hen] n. hen p.3
pig [p?g] n. pig p.3
seem [si?m] v. as if; seemingly ; seem p.3
bored [b?d] adj. bored; tiresome p.3
someone ['s?mw?n] pron. someone p.3
diary ['da?ri] n. diary; notepad p.3
activity [?k't?v?ti] n. activity p.5
decide [d?'sa?d] v. to decide; to select p.5
try [tra?] v. to attempt; to try; to endeavor p.5
paragliding ['p?r?ɡla?d?] n. the sport of paragliding p.5
feel like to give ------ a feel; to feel p.5
bird [b?(r)d] n. bird p.5
bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n. bicycle; pedal car p.5
building ['b?ld?] n. building; house p.5
trader ['tre?d?(r)] n . trader p.5
wonder ['w?nd?(r)] v. to wonder; to mull over p.5
difference ['d?fr?ns] n. difference; discrepancy p.5
top [t?p], [tɑ:p] n. top; surface p.5
wait [we?t] v. to wait for; to await p.5
trade ['tre?d?(r)] n. a building; a house p.5
trader ['tre?d?(r)] n. a person who is a trader. Wait; wait for p.5
umbrella [?m'brel?] n. umbrella; umbrella p.5
wet [wet] adj. wet; damp; rainy p.5
becauseof p.5
below [b?'l?] prep. & adv. under- ----- below; to ------ below p.5
enough [?' n?f] adj. sufficient; adequate p.5
hungry ['h?ɡri] adj. hungry p.5
as [?z; ?z] adv. like ------; as p.6
hill [h?l] n. hill; hill p.6
duck [d?k] n. duck p.7
dislike [d?s'la?k] v. & n. dislike (thing); loathe (thing) p.7
CentralPark Central Park (New York, U.S.A.) p.2
HuangguoshuWaterfall ['w?t?(r)f?l] Huangguoshu Waterfall (Guizhou) p.2
HongKong [?h?'k?], [?hɑ?'kɑ?] Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China*** and the People's Republic of China) p.3
Malaysia [m?'lei?] Malaysia p.5
Malaysian [m?'lei?n] adj. n. Malaysian p.5
Georgetown['d?:(r)d?taun] Georgetown (Malaysia) p.5
Weld[weld] Quay [ki?] Hay (Penang) p.5
Penang[p?'n?] Hill Penang (Malaysia) p.5
Tian'anmenSen (Malaysia) p.5
Malaysia[m?'lei?] adj. p>Tian'anmenSquare [skwe?], [skwer] Tian'anmen Square p.7
thePalace ['p?l?s] Museum Forbidden City Museum p.7
Mark [mɑ?(r)k] Mark (male name) p.3
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
housework ['ha?sw?(r)k] n. household work; chores p.9
hardly ['hɑ?dli] adv. hardly; hardly ever p.9
ever ['ev?(r)] adv. At any time; never; ever p.9
hardlyever Almost never p.9
once [w?ns] adv. once; ever p.10
twice [twa?s] adv. twice; twice p.10
Internet['?nt?(r)net] n. (International) Internet; Internet p.10
program['pr?ɡr?m] n. (=programme) program p.10
full [f?l] adj. busy; full; full of p.10
swing [sw?] n. to swing; swing v. (to make) to swing; to sway p.10
swingdance swing dance p.10
maybe ['me?bi] adv. probably; perhaps; possibly p.11
least [li?st] adv. smallest; most adj. & pron. smallest; least p.11
at least; not less than; at least p.11
junk [dk] n. useless thing; worthless thing p.12
junk food junk food p.12
coffee['k?fi], ['k?:fi] n. coffee p.12
health [helθ] n. good health; one's physical (or mental) state p.12
result [r?'z?lt] n. result; consequence p.13
percent [p?(r)'sent] n. (=per cent) percent ------ p.13
online [?n'la?n], [?ɑ?n'la?n ] adj. online; networked p.13
television['tel?v?n] n. television program; television set p.13
although[?l'] conj. though; although; even though p.13
through[θru?] prep. to; by virtue of; through p.13
mind [ma?nd] n. mind; mind p.13
body ['b?di], ['bɑ?di] n. body p.13
such [s?t?] adj. & pron. like this; like that; resembling p.13
such as e.g.; like ---. --- like this p.13
together [t?'ɡe?(r)] adv. together; *** with p.13
die [da?] v. to disappear; to perish; to die p.13
writer['ra?t?(r)] n. author; writer p.14
dentist['dent?st] n. a person who is a writer; an author who is a writer p.14
dentist['dent? 'dent?st] n. a dentist p.15
magazine[?m?ɡ?'zi?n], ['m?ɡ?'zi?n] n. a magazine; a periodical p.15
however[ha?'ev?(r)] adv. however; nevertheless p.15
than [?n],[?n] conj. (used to introduce the second part of a comparison) more than p.15
morethan more than p.15
almost ['?lm?st] adv. almost; nearly p.16
none [n?n] pron. without a single one; none at all p.16
less[les] adv. less; smaller adj. adv. less; smaller adj. & pron. less; lesser p.16
less than less than p.16
point [p?nt] n. score; point p.16
Claire [kle?], [kler] Clare (f. name) p.10
Sue [su?] Sue (female name)
AmericanTeenager ['ti?ne?d?(r)] American Teenager (the name of a fictional magazine in the text) p.15
Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.
Outgoing ['a?t ɡ] adj. outgoing p.17
better ['bet?(r)] adj. & adv. (comparative of good and well) better (ground); better (ground) p.17
loudly ['la?dli] adv. noisily; loudly; loudly p.17
quietly ['kwa?tli] adv. softly; softly; quietly p.17
hard-working [?hɑ?(r)d'w?k?] adj. hard-working; industrious p.18
competition [?k?mp?'t?n], [?kɑ?mp?'t?n ] n. a race; contest; competition p.18
fantastic [f?n't?st?k] adj. excellent; marvelous p.18
which [w?t?] pron. & adj. which; which some p.18
clearly ['kl?li], ['kl? rli] adv. clearly; distinctly; intelligibly p.18
win [w?n] v. to prevail; to win; to win p.18
though [] adv. however; but; yet conj. though; although; nevertheless p.18
talented ['t?l?nt?d] adj; talented p.20
truly ['tru?li] adv. truly; indeed p.20
care [ke?] , [ker] v. to be concerned with; to worry about; to care for p.20
care about; to care for p.20
serious ['s?ri?s], ['s ?ri?s] adj. serious; steady p.21
mirror ['m?r?(r)] n. mirror p.21
kid [k?d] n. child; young person p.21
as long as; since p.21
necessary ['nes?seri] , ['nes?seri? , ['nes?seri] adj. necessary; essential p.21
bedifferent from ------; differing from ------ p.21
both [b?θ] adj. & pron. both; both are p.21
bring out make show; make manifest p.21
grade [gre?d] n. grade; grading scale p.21
should [?d] , [?d] modal v. should; ought to; could p.21
the sameas and ------ the same as; in agreement with ------ p.21
< p>saying ['se] n. proverb; maxim; aphorism p.21reach [ri?t?] v. to reach; to reach; to arrive p.21
hand [h?nd] n. hand p.21
touch [t?t?] v. to touch; to touch p.21
heart [hɑ?( r)t] n. the inner part of the body; the heart p.21
heart [hɑ?( r)t] n. the inner part of the body; the heart of the mind p.21
touch [hɑ? r)t] n. inner; heart p.21
fact [f?kt] n. reality; fact p.21
in fact exactly; in fact; practically p.21
break [bre?k] v. (broke [br?k]) (to cause to) break; to crack; to shatter; to damage p.21
arm [ɑ?m] n. arm; upper limb p.21
laugh [lɑ?f], [l?f] v. to laugh; to laugh n. laughter p.21
share [?e?] , [?er] v. to share, ***share; ***use; apportion p.21
loud [la?d] adj. to be loud; to speak loudly p.22
similar ['s?m?l?(r)] adj. resembling; similar p.22
besimilar to resembling ------; similar to ------ p.22
primary ['pra?m?ri], ['pra?meri] adj. Initial, earliest p.24
primaryschool Elementary school p.24
information [?nf?(r)'me?n] n. information; message p.24
Tara ['tɑ?r?], ['t?r?] Tara (female name) p.17
Sam [s? m]Sam (male name) p.17
Nelly ['nel?] Nelly (female name) p.18
Larry ['l?r?] Larry (male name) p.21
Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?
theater ['θ?t?], ['θi:t?], ['θi:t?], ['θi:t?], ['θi:t?]. ['θi:?t?r] (=theatre) n. theater; theatre p.25
comfortable ['k?mf?(r) t?bl] adj. making comfortable; cozy p.25
seat [si?t] n. a seat; a place to sit (e.g., a chair) p.25
screen ['skri? skri?n] n. screen; screen p.25
close [kl?s] adj. (in space, time) close p.25
ticket ['t?k?t] n. ticket; admission p.25
worst [w?st] adj. & adv. (bad and badly of the highest) worst(s); worst(s); worst(s) p.26
cheaply ['t?i?pli] adv. cheaply; inexpensively p.26
song [s?] n. a song; singing p.26
DJ ['di: d?ei] n. a music program (on a radio station, TV station, or club) Host p26
choose [t?u?z] v. to choose; select p.26
carefully ['ke?f?li] adv. carefully, meticulously; cautiously p.26
reporter [r?'p?t?(r)] n. a journalist p.26
so far to so far; so far p.26
fresh [fre?] adj. fresh; refreshing p.26
comfortably ['k?mft?bli] adv. comfortably; comfortably p.26
worse [w?s] adj. & adv. (bad and badly comparative) worse (of); worse (of); worse (of) p.27
service ['s?v?s] n. to receive; to serve p.27
pretty ['pr?ti] adv. rather; very; very adj. pretty p.27
menu ['menju?] n. menu p.27
act [?kt] v. to play n. a performer p.27
meal [mi?l] n. morning (or midday or evening) meal; food eaten at a meal p.27
creative [kri'e?t?v] adj. creating, creative; p.28
performer [p?'f?m?(r)]n. a performer; an actor p.28
talent ['t?l?nt]n. a gift; giftedness p.29
have ... in common['k?m?n] to have the same traits; to be alike (in ideas, interests, etc.) p.29 p>
magician [m?'dn] n. magician p.29
all kinds of all kinds of; various types of p.29
beautifully ['bju?t?fli] adv. beautifully; beautifully p.29
be up to be ....... the duty of; by ....... decide p.29
role [r?l] n. role; function; character p.29
play a role to play; have an influence p.29
winner ['w?n?(r)] n. winner p.29
prize [pra?z] n. a prize; award; prize money p.29 p>
everybody ['evrib?di]pron. each person; everyone; all people p.29
make up make up (a story, a lie, etc.) p.29
example [?ɡ'zɑ?mpl] n. an instance; an example; a role model p.29
for example for example p.29
poor [p?(r); p?]adj. poor; destitute p.29
seriously ['s?ri?sli]adj. gravely, seriously; earnestly p.29
take... seriously seriously ...... p.29
give [ɡ?v] v. to give; provide p.29
crowded ['kra?d?d] adj. crowded; crowded; packed p.31
Greg [greg] Greg (male name) p.26
Depp [dep] Depp (last name) p.27
Danny ['d?n?] Danny (male name) p.27
Eliza [i'laiz?] Eliza (female name) p.28
Vera ['v?r?] Vera (female name) p.28
Dennis ['den? s] Dennis (male name) p.28
American Idol ['a?d(?) l] American Idol (name of TV program in text) p.29
America's GotTalent America's Got Talent (name of TV program in text) p.29
China's GotTalent China's Got Talent (name of TV program in text) p.29
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a gameshow?
sitcom ['s?tk?m] n. situation comedy (= situation comedy) p.33
news [nju?z] n. news program; news; news p.33
soap [s?p] opera ['?pr?] soap opera p.33
mind [ma?nd] v. to mind; to be annoyed by (something) p.33
stand [st?nd] v. to stand; to endure p.33
educational [?ed?u'kenl] adj. Educational; educated p.34
plan [pl?n] n. plan; method v. to intend; plan p.34
hope [h?p] v. & n. to wish for; to expect p.34
find out to ascertain, figure out p.34
discussion [d?'sk? n] n. to discuss; to consult p.34
happen ['h?p?n] vi. to occur; to happen; to appear p.34
expect [?k'spekt] v. to anticipate; to look forward to; to look forward to p.34
joke [dk] n. a joke; a jest p.35
comedy ['k? ?di] n. comedy; comedy film p.35
meaningless ['mi?n?l?s] adj. meaningless; unclear in meaning p.36
action ['?k?n] n. behavior; activity p.36
actionmovie action film p.36
cartoon[kɑ?'tu?n] n. animated film; cartoon p.36
culture['k?lt?(r)] n. culture; civilization p.37
famous['fe?m?s] adj. famous; notable p.37
appear [?' p?(r)]vi. to appear; to publish; to appear p.37
become [b?'k?m]v. (beame[b?'ke?m]) to begin to become; to turn into; to become p.37
rich [r?t?]adj. to be rich; to be bountiful; to be abundant p.37
successful[s ?k'sesfl] adj. successful; successful p.37
might [ma?t]aux. possible; perhaps p.37
main [me?n]adj. main; most important p.37
reason ['ri?zn] n. cause; reason p.37
common ['k?m?n] adj. ordinary; common p.37
film [f?lm] n. movie p.37
unlucky [?n'l?ki] adj. unlucky; unfortunate; inauspicious p.37
lose [lu?z] vt. (lost[l?st]) lost; lost p.37
girlfriend['g?lfrend] n. girlfriend p.37
ready['redi] adj. ready; willing p.37
be readyto be willing (to do something); be ready (to do something) p.37
character['k?r?kt?(r)] n. personality; character; role p.37
simple['s?mpl] adj. simple; plain; pure p.37
dress up dress; disguise p.39
take sb.'s place instead of; replace p.39
army ['ɑ?mi]n. the army; the Army Corps p.39
do a goodjob job well done; do well p.39
Sarah ['s?r?] Sarah (female name) p.34
Walt ['w?lt]Disney [' d?zn?] Walt Disney p.37
Minnie ['mini] Minnie p.37
MickeyMouse [,m?k? 'ma?s] Mickey Mouse
SteamboatWillie [,sti?mb?'t 'wili] The first animated cartoon with sound, produced by Disney. The first animated sound film, Steamboat Willie p.37
Hollywood ['h?liwud] Hollywood; the American film industry p.37
theHollywood Walk of Fame [fe?m] Hollywood Walk of Fame (U.S.) p.37