Katerina is 170cm tall.
Katerina Katerina was born in 1988, age 35, height 17cm, is Russian. Katerina speaks Chinese fluently, in addition to her love of square dancing, there is another factor, that is, the love of music is inseparable from having a strong talent for language.
It is worth mentioning here that Katerina's learning of Chinese has led her to a new discovery, that is, the profound Chinese culture has also gradually fascinated her. Because of her obsession with music, in 2014, Katerina Kelley returned to Russia to participate in the music talent show "The Voice of Russia", and eventually won the third place in the finals. After that, she chose to leave Russia and came to China to focus on her music career.
Katerina's Character Evaluation:
In the variety show "Hi-Singing Spin Up", Katerina from Russia sang "Like You" in pure Chinese, with every word full of love for Chinese culture, showing her outstanding singing skills and fluent Mandarin. She conquered the audience in front of the TV with a beautiful Russian version of "A Night Outside Moscow" and a Chinese version of "Katyusha".
When interviewed by reporters, she smiled broadly, as if she was still immersed in the stage of Hi Sing Turn Up. Katerina speaks Chinese so well that she can even manage the dialect. From her performance, 60 seconds of music extreme expression, although the form is simple, but the content is rich, with charm, talent to convey personal energy, sing the spirit of the times.