The physical problem would be that the music causes the plane the little man is on to vibrate, so the little man dances, like beans on a drum, and when the drum vibrates, the beans jump.
Everything that is making sound is vibrating, and when the vibration stops, the sound stops. The sound of the music from the speakers in the title is the source of the sound, and if you turn the music up, the more violently the little man will dance as well, which also shows that the higher the pitch of an object, the louder the sound it produces. Turn the music off, and the little man will stop dancing, vibrating, and producing sound.
One of the conclusions drawn from this question is that when an object vibrates, it is accompanied by the production of sound. When the vibrating body stops vibrating, the sound stops. This leads to the conclusion that sound is caused by the vibration of an object.
Physical Parameters
represents the distance from equilibrium of a point of mass, reflecting the change in pressure from the crest to the trough of a waveform, as well as the amount of energy carried by the wave. High-amplitude waveforms are louder; low-amplitude waveforms are quieter.
Describes a single, repeating sequence of pressure changes. The duration of time from zero pressure, to high pressure, to low pressure, and finally back to zero is considered a cycle. For example, a wave crest to the next crest and a trough to the next trough are both considered a cycle.
The frequency of a sound wave is the number of times the mass in the wave train vibrates per unit time. Measured in hertz (Hz), it describes the number of cycles per second. For example, a 440 Hz waveform has 440 cycles per second. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of the music.