Double fly has straight fly, pull flower, fast flower, wind flower, dragon flower five basic movements, and divided into the front fly, back fly two kinds of fly, front fly is the rope from the back of the front shake jump, back fly is the rope from the body to the back of the shake jump, so that the evolution of ten basic movements, plus double single (double fly single-legged jump), double for (double fly exchange leg jump) can also be jumped before and after the flight of the ten movements, the fact is that the double fly has thirty movements.
1, straight fly: jump up once before the leg landing, the rope straight swing over the body two circles.
2, pull flowers: jump up once before the feet hit the ground, first do a two-armed cross braided flower action, and then do a straight shake action.
3. Quick Flower: Before jumping up once and landing on the ground, do a straight yao, and then do a two-armed cross-flowering movement (the opposite of the flower-pulling movement).
4, phoenix flower: jump up once, before the foot falls to the ground, the two arms in front of the body cross the flower shake twice.
5. Dragon Flower: jump up once and do a cross-flowering movement with both arms before the foot hits the ground, then change the position of both arms up and down and do a cross-flowering movement with both arms.
6, on the dragon flower continuous jumping method After a dragon flower, before doing the next dragon flower, the two arms should be up and down to restore, back to do the first dragon flower before the first choreographed position, that is to say, in the continuous dragon flower, arm choreographed position order: up and down (the first dragon flower), up and down (the second dragon flower), up and down (the third dragon flower).
7, double single: single-footed jump up single-footed landing, can jump 1 - 5 movements.
8, double exchange: two feet exchange landing, (like pedal bicycle) can also jump 1 - 5 movements.
9, a combination of double flying action sets Double flying each action can be repeated continuously jump, especially in addition to the other actions of the straight flight, continuous repetitive jumping is more difficult.
Expanded information:
Double Fly can be freely combined to form a set of two movements.
For example: two combinations of repeated jumps: straight fly ...... fast flower straight fly ...... rip flower straight fly ...... phoenix flower straight fly ... ...Dragon Flower Quick Flower ...... Direct Flight Quick Flower ...... Rip Flower Quick Flower ...... Phoenix Flower Quick Flower ... ...Dragon Flower Rip Flower ...... Direct Flight Rip Flower ...... Fast Flower Rip Flower ...... Phoenix Flower Rip Flower... ...Dragon Flower Phoenix Flower ...... Direct Flight Phoenix Flower ...... Fast Flower Phoenix Flower ...... Rip Flower Phoenix Flower... ...Dragon Flower.Baidu Encyclopedia - Patterned Rope Skipping