A big brother in Shandong was in a foreign country when, but bravely went to save a driver who fell into the water, resulting in the sacrifice of this big brother in Shandong. This Shandong big brother can be called a hero, because he knew that he does not know how to water, but he chose to be righteous and desperate to save the driver who fell into the water. This big brother before the Mid-Autumn Festival, but also called his wife in the fifteenth or sixteenth to go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The wife has been over the Mid-Autumn Festival need to prepare things are ready, but waited for the news of her husband's sacrifice.
Bravely save the driver fell into the waterThis one Shandong big brother, due to the body in a foreign country absolutely, most people consider people in the field will not care about the local people's business. But this big brother has made a good example to the Shandong people, being in a foreign country, but brave to save the driver fell into the water. After seeing the cab driver fall into the water, because the driver does not know how to water, soon realized that the car has sunk to the surface. This big brother rushed over and jumped into the water, smashed the window with a hammer and saved the driver from falling into the water, but this big brother sacrificed his life.
Big brother can be called a heroIn life will see a large part of the people, know that they can not swim, as long as they see others in the water, but also urgent want to go to save others. It is because of this courageous, to be able to inspire more people to rescue people in danger, but to do this kind of thing is obviously not desirable. Big brother clearly know that they also do not know water, but also unhesitatingly go to the water to save others, save a life, but gave up his precious life let people have to sigh.
Man sacrificed himself to save othersAs this one big brother is the backbone of the family, for the wife of the family, in the news of her husband's sacrifice, feel very broken. Should be given to the big brother of this rescuer additional sealed as a hero, in the community, there are still a lot of good people. When you see others in urgent danger, you will still be desperate to save others, the man's self-sacrifice to save the government's understanding, the local government have gone to the brother's home for condolences.