The chrysalis looked at the beautiful butterfly fluttering in the flowers and envied it very much, so it asked: "Can I fly freely in the sunshine like you do
Read the following material, according to the requirements to write an article of not less than 800 words. The chrysalis looked at the beautiful butterfly fluttering in the flowers, very envious, and asked: "Can I fly freely in the sunlight like you?" The butterfly told it, "First, you must desire to fly; second, you must have the courage to break away from your very safe, warm nest." The chrysalis then asked the butterfly, "Does that mean death?" The butterfly told it, "In the chrysalis' sense of life, you have died; in the butterfly's sense of life, you have been given a new life." This fable tells us that, to realize the ideal, to have an extraordinary life, must dare to realize the ideal and experience the hard grind, in the grind to regenerate, shape a "new me". Requirements choose the right angle, clear intention, self-selected style, self-title; do not detach from the content of the material and the scope of the meaning of the composition, do not set, not plagiarized, not less than 800 words.