Watchman pioneer 2Push advance mode play introduction new map list

Watchman Pioneer 2Push advance mode is one of the main gameplay in the game, what are the maps of Push advance mode? The following take a look at the Watchtower Pioneer 2Push advance mode gameplay introduction

"Watchtower Pioneer 2" new mode Push advance mode, requiring both players to escort the robot to push the transport target through the enemy target points, after reaching the corresponding target points, will unlock a new resurrection point, in order to advance the pace of the game, conceptually simple, in fact, in high-level matches there will be a lot of potential complications.

Map setup and basic gameplay

So far (and I think this is the beta stage), there are only two maps that host the PUSH mode: "New Queen Street" and "Colosseo". "Colosseo. As with other OW modes, targets and bots will be activated 30 seconds into the game's setup time, and when one team is eliminated by the other, the bots will advance toward the eliminated team's respawn point, with the winning condition being whichever team advances farther away from the center point after the clock runs out. When one team pushes this robot to the other team's checkpoint, it will occupy this checkpoint as the new resurrection point, but when the other team pushes back to the center point, this checkpoint will naturally be reset, note that it's the push to the center point, not the checkpoint Oh, means that if it doesn't push back to the center point, the enemy will still respawn from this checkpoint position.

When moving towards the final stopping point of the team's push (roughly, you can understand this way, your team pushed to a certain distance, then both sides began to tug-of-war, the enemy got the upper hand and pushed back the robot, your distance will be positioned to the final stopping point of the push), the speed of movement will be accelerated, and when you pushed back to the end of the robot, the speed of the robot will be returned to normal again, and the robot will make some encouraging speech during the game. During the match, the bots will give out inspirational messages and lines.

The ultimate goal of the battle is to push to the enemy's lair, which will make the game end immediately, which is a draw; the second goal is to see which side pushes further (distance in meters) as time runs out, which was mentioned above.

Corresponding strategy outlook, Tips:

From the core design, Push mode will be faster paced, for the high level of the game, the potential differences in the game, the diversity is there, the best battle strategy that is certainly not all run to push the robot. Because the new Queen Street and the Colosseum map design is also to encourage players to plan attack routes and flanking pulls from multiple angles, such as stores, ruins, and multiple vertical spots, etc. will guide players to spread out and occupy these spaces, which will increase the diversity of the game offense/defense, not like the King's Road as a limited offensive and defensive routes, the formulaic serious.

If a team is all about pushing bots, you're going to get an unusually high amount of pressure from the flanks and verticals when you're attacking, so it's going to be a test of a team's offensive/defensive mindset at this point, and with such high-mobility heroes like and Sojourner pulling back and forth between flanks, high platforms, etc. and the targets of the carries, the match naturally sinks in depth.

The focus of the match is then on taking the first objective and maintaining this new resurrection point, enjoying the fast-paced gameplay that comes with a good Push mode.

The four new maps at a glance

There are also detailed explanations about each point in the maps, but I'm not going to move them here, it's too tedious to explain them graphically, so we'll just look at a general overview.

Colosseo in Push Advance mode:

Rebirth Point

Bot Initial Position

New Queen Street in Push Advance mode:

Birth Point

Bot Initial Position

Midtown in Checkpoint Mixed Mode:<

Point A

Point A

Circuit Royal in Push advance mode:

Rebirth Point

Rebirth Point