What does the rain building mean in the lyrics of "Fast Horse"?

In the lyrics of Andy Lau's "Hurry Up", "Lou Yu" actually means "Yulu", which means "raincoat".

"Lu" is a polyphonic word in Cantonese, and its Cantonese phonetic notation (Cantonese spelling) and pronunciation are as follows: (It is a Cantonese pronunciation, and it is not accurate to pronounce it with a homophone in Mandarin)

1, leoi5, pronounced "Lu", meaning: ① skirt; ② rags.

2. lau 1, read the first sound of the word "Lou", which means: ① coat, coat; 2 Covered; Mosquitoes, flies, etc. ) crouch, stay, crawl, sting.

Therefore, the "raincoat" in Cantonese is "raincoat" and the "coat" in Cantonese is "coat".