How is the best way to lose weight please God!
Obesity how to do? The solution is to lose weight, weight loss, in addition to exercise, diet is to take drugs, but taking drugs is not safe and have side effects, the following information to you for reference ...... no matter what part you want to reduce, no matter what you take to lose weight, in short, the way to lose weight is a long way to go, stick to the end of the victory! ...... Simple version: appropriate exercise, reasonable diet. Full version: Slimming do not rely on diet pills, that more or less have a negative impact on the body, more exercise will naturally slimming, but also to increase their own immunity! Don't blindly go gullible advertisers! To lose weight, you first read this, you will have unexpected results. Acupuncture weight loss is through acupuncture point stimulation, appetite suppression, to achieve the purpose of diet control, weight loss, acupuncture process is very effective, but need to stop acupuncture continue to maintain good habits of diet control, in order not to rebound, if you stop and continue to overeat, the weight will rebound back. ◆ I. How to lose abdominal fat: Many office workers, due to long hours of sitting in the office, lack of exercise, it is easy to accumulate fat in the abdominal position, and abdominal fat is a deep layer of fat, to be effectively resolved, need to be multi-faceted cooperation; 1. To change the dietary habits. Do not sit down or sleep on your stomach immediately after eating, it is best to keep the form of standing, you can choose to take a walk or organize some things. So that in addition to reducing the accumulation of fat, but also to help digestion. Because 30 minutes after the meal, if you keep the state of immobility, it is most likely to form abdominal fat. 2. Walking and sitting posture should be correct; walk with head up and chest out, swing arms. Often ring around the arm in front of the chest, the abdominal muscles are not out of force, easy to protrude. And swinging arms walking, not only consume more energy, also look extraordinarily energetic. And when sitting down, also want to let the spine straight, do not bend over or straighten the abdomen, so as to train the abdominal muscles, so that the abdominal muscles are strong and not easy to collapse. 3. to cooperate with the movement; shake the hula hoop or do a sit-up, stretching, can gradually eliminate abdominal fat, and make the abdominal muscles increasingly strong and not easy to accumulate fat. How to lose belly fat: Many office workers sit in the office for a long time, and lack of exercise, it is easy to accumulate fat in the abdominal position, and abdominal fat is a deep fat, to effectively solve the problem, you need to cooperate in many ways. First of all, to change eating habits, do not sit down immediately after eating or sleep on the floor, it is best to maintain a standing form, you can choose to take a walk or organize something, so in addition to reducing fat accumulation, but also to help digestion, because 30 minutes after the meal, if you keep immobile state, the most likely to form abdominal fat. Then it is walking and sitting posture to be correct, walking to head up chest, swing arms, often ring arms in front of the chest, abdominal muscles did not force, easy to protrude, and swing arms walking, not only to consume more energy, look extraordinarily spiritual. And when sitting down, also want to let the spine straight, do not bend over or belly, so as to train the abdominal muscles, so that the abdominal muscles are strong and not easy to loose. Finally is to match the movement, shake the hula hoop or at any time to do a sit-ups, stretching, can gradually eliminate abdominal fat, and make the abdominal muscles increasingly strong and not easy to accumulate fat. General workshop many slimming cream, after the use of most can only help the body to eliminate water, can not really eliminate fat. There are even many slimming creams that add Aminophylline, which is claimed to be able to break down fat cells, and allow users to see immediate results. In fact, so far there is no relevant clinical research can confirm that Aminophylline can break down fat, so want to lose excess body fat, or from the diet and lifestyle habits to improve, is the right way to clear the source. ◆Three, flat belly tips: Every day from nine to five sitting at the work desk, so many white-collar women abdomen become a little "October baby" suspicion. Lack of exercise and lunch will sit after work, the abdomen is most likely to appear "belly", plus the city people are generally prone to intestinal and gastrointestinal problems, indigestion will also lead to abdominal body shape worse. In the details of daily life, if you pay a little attention to some basic rules, then the flat stomach will still be around. Eliminate tension when eating Many people, especially women, have sensitive stomachs and intestines. It may be a problem with the hormone receptors in the mucosa of the digestive tract that leads to frequent intestinal dysbiosis, which people wrongly call colitis. Daily prevention is to eat with proper posture, eat slowly, in a quiet environment (if you turn off the TV), and chew well enough. Cook your food well The fashionable cooking nowadays is half-cooked, which results in the starch not being destroyed, and the starch sugar in most vegetables and grains collects in the large intestine, producing carbon dioxide and leading to a bulging abdomen. Eat healthy foods Yogurt and fermented milk activate substances essential for digestion and help improve the gut microbial system, thus preventing belly bulges. Drink fewer aerated drinks and chew less chewing gum When you drink aerated drinks or chew chewing gum, you swallow a lot of air, especially the polyols contained in gum, which are not digested by the small intestine. Exercise for a firm abdomen A firm abdominal wall results in less bulging of the intestines. Walking, Drinking Water, Massage Walking and drinking water are good for a flat stomach. You can also do a daily circular massage on your abdomen. Increase minerals to avoid premenstrual syndrome If your waistline is larger than usual before your period, try eating foods rich in iron (fruits, dried fruits), calcium (dairy products and mineral water), and zinc (red meats, fish, shells, seafood ......). These minerals can help you balance your hormones and avoid this premenstrual syndrome. Control Breathing Correct breathing can help eliminate toxins and tension in the body, making one feel good and maintaining a beautiful body posture. ◆4. Shoulder and Back Exercises for Slimming Beauty: 1. Stand upright with your feet slightly wider than your hips apart, bending your knees slightly. Look straight ahead with both eyes and keep your back straight. Hold a two-pound ball or other heavy object with both hands on your hips. 2. Holding the ball in your right hand, straighten your arms up and pass the ball into your left hand at the top of your head. 3. The arms descend, return to the hips, and restart the up-and-down passing motion. The arms look like rotating windmills. 4. Repeat the passing motion 20 times. Move slowly and do not rely on impulse to move. Note: Do not pass the ball by moving your wrists. Keep your arms, back, and neck straight so you can pass the ball naturally instead of rolling it. ◆ V. Calf Exercises 1. Sit against a wall with your back straight and your feet on the ground. Hold a 16-pound exercise bar in your hand on your thigh, about three inches from your knee. 2. Heel upward, while both hands pressed down on the fitness bar. 3. Repeat the routine 25 times. ◆ Six, deal with your lower body fat legs thick fat greatly affect the female body beauty. This has something to do with heredity. If most of the members of your family have thick and fat legs, there is a big chance that you also have bloated thighs. Exercise physiologists have found that lower body fat, which accumulates in the hips and thighs, can be particularly difficult to eliminate. While you can easily gain and lose fat cells in all other parts of your body, this is not the case with lower body fat. There are ways to make your thighs slimmer and they are not complicated; with consistency, it is entirely possible. The following are three methods recommended by experts after a long period of research to attack to the thick fat thighs: There are many kinds of sports, if you set your goal on the thick fat thighs, you'd better choose a kind of exercise to exercise the legs mainly. This is because by moving large muscles, such as the thighs and buttocks, you increase the total amount of calories burned. The best exercises to build thigh and buttock muscles are walking, biking (including riding an exercise bike indoors), cross-country skiing, and stair climbing. Experts agree that running burns fat, but for people with thick legs and fat hips, they may find it strenuous and uncomfortable and not want to stick with it. Therefore, combining walking and running is a good way to go. That is to walk the main, on the way to make a few short-distance running, each running one or two hundred meters, after getting used to, and gradually extend the running time. Swimming is a popular fitness activity. Experts believe that if you want to exercise your legs in a swimming pool, you can run at the shallow end or wear a life jacket and run at the deep end. The resistance of the water makes it harder to move your legs, but it's not as jarring as running on the ground, so it's a great way to lose fat in your legs and buttocks. How much exercise is enough for slimmer thighs? If you are cardiovascularly healthy, you should exercise for 20 minutes a day; if you want to burn more fat and make your thighs more graceful, it's best to exercise once a day in the morning and once in the evening, for 20 to 30 minutes each time. Also, consider doing something like gardening. Exercise should be kept at a low to moderate level of intensity - at most 60% of the maximum. Keeping exercise at this level of intensity will burn more fat. The length of time you exercise is more important than the intensity of the exercise. To lose fat, walking for an hour has the same effect as running for 20 minutes.