Flower Peak itinerary
Monday Flower Peak will be where?
9:00-11:40 Plaza (roundup of square dances)
12:30-02:00 Beach
Where is Flower Summit on Tuesday?
8:10/9:00-13:40 Plaza (Circle Square Dance)
14:00-23:30 Tavern (Counter)
Where will it be on Wednesday?
8:10/9:00-13:40 Plaza (surrounded by square dancers)
14:00-23:30 Tavern (counter)
Where will Thursday's Flower Summit be?
8:00-8:50 Plaza (standing) (you won't go to the plaza if you leave the house at 8:50)
9:20-13:40 Flower Mushroom Grocery, 2nd floor
14:00-23:30 Tavern (counter)
Friday Where is the Flower Summit?
8:10/9:00-13:40 Plaza (Circle Dance)
14:00-23:30 Tavern (Counter)
Where is the Saturday/Sunday Flower Summit?
14:23:30 Tavern (Counter)