What is the first part of Bahubali?

The story takes place in a kingdom called Mohist Mordecai. The fierce battle for the throne between Bahobali (played by Prabhas Prabhas) and Bahalaladwa (played by Rana Dagba di Rana Dagba) is in full swing. Bahobali is honest and brave. He firmly believes that he will win the throne with real strength, while Bahara Deva is just the opposite. In order to get what he wants, he is cunning and willing to do whatever it takes. ?

In the end, the representative of justice, Ba Hobartri, became the king. However, Ba-Halla Deva carried out the assassination and sought the power to usurp the throne. Ba Hobari's son went into exile and was adopted by a kind family, named Shiva (Prabhas Prabhas). As an adult, Shiva learned about her life experience and the royal blood flowing in her body. He decided to overthrow the tyranny of the ruler and regain the throne.

Female characters are beautiful whether they are young or old, in all senses, such as face value, wisdom, tenacity and strength. The story comes from Indian mythology and religious system, and the scenes and special effects are all right. At first, I laughed every time I sang and danced, and I was used to it, so I wouldn't overdo it. Individual brain holes are weird, and the whole film is very positive. For example, the Queen Mother said, "Killing the enemy can only be regarded as a warrior, and saving one person is God."