Su Yiming two jump results have locked the gold medal, the last one why so perfunctory?

Because extreme sports are more dangerous.

The people who don't play sports do think that no matter what the game is to be serious are required to ask for better. They think that all the projects adhere to is victory, but the fact is that people who do not contact sports, do not know the dangers of extreme sports, only the athletes really understand. First of all, to correct a point, people's last jump is only low difficulty (the lowest difficulty in the field), but the spectacle and finish are not low, it is a serious jump.

The athlete's mental state of concentration on the performance of a great impact, any top athletes in the impact of the gold medal, have to be extremely high attention to adjust to the game, the mind to adjust to nothing as long as the track in front of the eyes / equipment, some projects do is beyond the limits of the body of the matter is more demanding, athletes and even their own one can not be adjusted to the must be coaches and coaching together to help! The weightlifting program coach in the side of the shouting that are very technical, the usual tacit cooperation with the timing of the shouting, not blind shout.

And this impact is not just negative, positive impact is also messing up, early championship this also can break your mental state. In the last round of the early championship Hou, the only goal of the last jump is to go through the program and avoid injuries. So I chose a less difficult maneuver, but for amateurs, it is good to watch. After all, already locked the title, at the risk of injury to challenge, to know that a fall will take a few months to slow down. Su Yiming's athletic career is still long.

This program is also a dangerous program, in the case of already winning the championship spirit of wild bees to spell the quality of the action, but it is very easy to get hurt or even seriously injured, the loss is not worth the gain, this is not even "in case of injury" "understandable" thing! The chances of injury are much higher when the excitement affects you than when you are training. But after all, it is the Olympic Games do not want to just give up, the athletes took to ensure the safety of giving up the quality of the way to complete the third jump, which is normal to can not be in the normal choice