What is the timbre speed of Casio Electronic Organ1May DJ accompaniment?

Casio electronic piano1May DJ accompaniment timbre speed is 60. Casio electronic piano has a common beat form on the left and timbre on the right. The number pressed indicates the speed. The bigger the number, the faster the speed.

Brief introduction of timbre

Timbre means that different sounds always have different characteristics in waveform, and different objects also have different characteristics in vibration.

Different vocalists have different timbres because of different materials and structures. For example, pianos, violins and people make different sounds, and everyone makes different sounds. Timbre is the characteristic of sound, and it is always different like the appearance of people all over the world. Depending on the timbre.

Even in the case of the same pitch and sound intensity, we can tell whether it is made by different instruments or by different people. Just like the ever-changing palette, "timbre" will be ever-changing and easy to understand.

Timbre is also called timbre. Why is the timbre different? This is because different vibrations can always be combined into different sounds. Every musical instrument, different people's vocal cords, and all other vibrating objects can make different sounds. These sounds have their own characteristics, and some musical instruments can display the waveforms of these sounds.