What are the must-read books for learning to invest

Lots of reading is especially important for investors, and Mr. Charlie Munger said, "Investing is a broad field, and if you think you can be a good investor without reading all day, then I can't agree." We at CloudPalm Finance have done a lot of research for this and have compiled a list of the 100 most voted must-read books by investors in the industry for your reference.

1, "Securities Analysis" (Benjamin Graham)

2, "The Intelligent Investor" (Benjamin Graham)

3, "How to Choose Growth Stocks" (Phillip Fisher)

4, "The Way to Stock Market Investing and Getting Rich" (Phillip Fisher)

5, "Warren Buffett's Letter to Shareholders (1956 Marks)

8, "Advice - from 94 years of investing" (Roy Neuberger)

9, "Beat Wall Street" (Peter Lynch)

10, "Peter Lynch's Successful Investing" (Peter Lynch)

11, "Hedge Fund Windfalls" (Barton Biggs)

12, "Bill Gross, King of Bonds" (Timothy Middleton)

13, "Attacking and Defending - The Active and Conservative Investor" (Martin Whitman)

14, "Berg Investments -The First 50 Years of the Smart Investor" (John Berg)

15, "*** Same Fund Must Win - A New Strategy for Smart Investors" (John Berg)

16, "Berg's Way to Long-Term Winning Investments" ( John Berg)

17, "What is Value Investing" (Lawrence Cormingham)

18, "Mr. Miscalculated Market" (James Grant)

19, "The Man Who Threw Away the Stock Market Before the Great Crash - The Autobiography of Baruch" (Bernard Baruch)

20, "The Innovative Path of Institutional Investing" (David Swenson)

21, "Uncommon Success - The Best Individual Investing Approach" (David Swenson)

22, "Value Investing - The Road to The Road to Rational Investing (James Montiel)

23, The Successful Investing of John Nieff (John Nieff)

24, A Walk Down Wall Street (Burton McGill)

25, Learning to Think Like a Graham, Learning to Invest Like a Warren Buffett (Lawrence Carningham)

26, Contrarian Investment Strategies (David Dreyman)

27, The Mother of Success (Sydney Finkelstein)

28, Only the Paranoid Survive (Andy Grove)

29, Value Investing for the Win (Janet Lowe)

30, Benjamin Graham on Value Investing (Janet Lowe)

31, Beat the Standard Poole - Investing with Bill Miller" (Janet Low)

32, "Charlie Munger Biography" (Janet Low)

33, "Graham's Classic Investment Strategy - Making Value Investing Easier" ( Janet Low)

34, Beyond Finance: the Philosophy of George Soros (George Soros)

35, Saving Wall Street - The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management (Roger Lowenstein)

36, Warren Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist ( Roger Lowenstein)

37, A Comprehensive Explanation of Warren Buffett (Robert Myers)

38, Warren Buffett's Investment Path (Robert Hagstrom)

39, Warren Buffett's Investment Portfolios (Robert Hagstrom)

40, From Newton and Darwin to Warren Buffett: A Gridlock Theory of Investing ( Robert Hagstrom)

41, Warren Buffett's New Proposition (Robert Hagstrom)

42, The New Finance - A Counter-Example to Efficient Markets (Robert Hagstrom)

43, The Investing Bible - The -The True Story of Warren Buffett (Andy Kilpatrick)

44, Wall Street Dream Team (Nikki Rose)

45, Wall Street Stock Market Investing Classics (James P. O'Shaughnessy)

46, Irrational Exuberance (Robert Shiller)

47, Soros. Biography (Robert Slater)

48, The Money Game (Adam Smith)

49, Super Money (Adam Smith)

50, The New Financial Gurus - Investment Ideas from the Most Successful Investment Gurus of Our Time (John Traynor)

51, "investment skills - proven personal finance strategy" (John Traynor)

52, "Warren Buffett teaches you to choose stocks" (John Traynor)

53, "corporate strategy game - unveiling the Competitive Advantage" (Bruce Greenwald)

54, "Winning the "loser's game" - a timeless winning strategy for investors" (Charles Iris)

55, "Managing money like Warren Buffett" (James O'Loughlin) (James O'Loughlin)

56, "Halo effect - what is the pursuit of excellence, how the foundation of the long-lasting" (Phil Rosenway)

57, "speculative frenzy" (Edward Chansler)

58, "boiling years" (John Brooks)

59, "the great boomerang game" - a timeless winning strategy for investors. p>59, The Great Game - The Rise of Wall Street's Financial Empire (John Gordon)

60, The Bean Raider Investor - A Low-Risk, High-Yield Model of Investing (Monish Pablo)

61. Why the Snowball Doesn't Roll (Matthew Olson, Derek Bever)

62, "The Billion Dollar Lesson Lesson" (Paul Carroll, Zhenjia Mei)

63, "Experience Warren Buffett's Shareholders' Meeting Firsthand" (Jeff Matthews)

64, "Stock Market Genius - Discover the Stock Market's Profit's Secret Hiding Places" (Joel Greenblatt)

65, "From $8 Million to $20 Billion - Julian Robertson and His Tiger Fund" (Daniel Sturgeman)

66, "When Brain Meets Money" (Jason Zweig)

67, Random Riches for Dummies (Nassim Taleb)

68, The Black Swan - How to Cope with the Unpredictable Future (Nassim Taleb)

69, The Investment Jungle - An Investment Guru's 50-Year Spanning The Personal Handbook of a Master Investor Spanning 50 Years" (Stephen Garrislovsky)

70, "The Stock Market's Long-Term Magic" (Jeremy Siegel)

71, "The Future of the Investor" (Jeremy Siegel)

72, "Where the Client's Yachts Are" (Fred Schweder, Jr.)

73, "Winning the Value Investing Method Without a Fight" (Timothy Vick)

74, Warren Buffett's Moat (Pat Dorsey)

75, The True Rules of the Stock Market (Pat Dorsey)

76, The Davis Dynasty - Fifty Years of Successful Wall Street Investing (John Rothchild)

77, The The Investment Game - A Retail Investor's Investment Journey (John Rothchild)

78, The Magic of Value - Graham and Dodd's Modern Approach to Investing (Thomas O)

79, The Ragamuffin -- A Study in Mass Psychology" (Gustave Le Bon)

80, "The Art of Thinking Against the Grain -- The Way to Profitable Investing with a Difference" (Humphrey Neal)

81, "The Snowball --Buffett and His Life of Wealth" (Alice Schroeder)

82, "The Investor's Brain User's Manual" (Richard Peterson)

83, "The Devil's Investing Science" (Michael Mauboussin)

84, "Anthony Bourdon Teaches You to Pick Stocks" (Anthony Bolton)

85, "John Templeton Teaches You Reverse Investing" (Lauren Templeton)

86, "Sir John Templeton's Gold Nuggets" (John Templeton)

87, "Value Investing - How to Become a Trained Investor" (Glenn Arnold)

88, The Number One Law of Investing (Christopher Brown)

89, Value Investing - From Graham to Buffett (Bruce Greenwell)

90, Exploring the Wisdom - The -From Darwin to Munger (Pete Bevering)

91, Value Investing Today (Charles Blundy)

92, Competitive Strategy (Michael Porter)

93, Competitive Advantage (Michael Porter)

94, Positioning (Jack Trout)

95, "Business War" (Jack Trout)

96, "Charlie? Munger's Book of Words of Wisdom:Poor Charlie's Book (Peter Kaufman)

97, The Extraordinary Popular Fantasy and the National Madness (Charles Mackie)

98, The Innovator's Dilemma (Clayton Christensen)

99, The Essence of Drucker, the Master of Management (Peter Drucker)

100, The The Effective Manager (Peter Drucker)