If you want to be happy and fit in 2010, skateboarding is a good choice. Skateboarding is an extension of surfing on land, with the former being limited by geography and weather conditions, while the latter offers more freedom. The sport mimics cross-country skiing (one of the best all-around fitness sports) in that it involves skating on a mounted skateboard. Because it's a non-impact sport, it's ideal for people recovering from injury or illness.
Skateboarding is the land-based extension of surfing. Beijing's skateboarding crowd is concentrated in the square in front of the Wangfujing Church, where skateboarders can be found if they are interested in watching. Fifty years ago, residents of the beach communities of Southern California made the world's first skateboards, and today, skateboarding has blended the thrill of surfing with the spontaneity of street culture, and has become a label for young people all over the world in pursuit of individuality. The level of attention has dropped slightly.
Two, riding
Riding is actually a kind of relaxation
Under the call of national fitness, people are getting out of the outdoors. It's a good idea to get together with friends and go for a ride in the countryside on the weekend. Although the weather has not been conducive to this sport lately, throughout the year, we can see that the ranks of those who ride for fitness are growing, and folding bikes in shopping malls are off the market. Taking a long trip once in a while is a test of the body's overall fitness, improving muscle strength, bone flexibility, and ligament suppleness. The amount of exercise during cycling is not small, if you keep the speed, the heart rate can reach 150 times / minute
three, mountaineering
Mountaineering requires endurance and physical strength
Mountaineering is a very good aerobic exercise, not only cardiorespiratory function to get a great workout (the heart rate can be up to 150 times / minute or more), to enhance blood circulation, increase the flow of blood to the brain, but also very quickly to consume fat and strengthen the strength of leg muscles. In terms of exercise, mountaineering is equivalent to a long-distance long-distance run.
Climbing to the top of the mountain is not only refreshing and relaxing, but also a great way to sharpen one's will. It is best to wear a lightweight sportswear, bring a timely replenishment of drinking water, band-aid, etc.. Mountaineering, with the height in a certain range of up, the atmosphere of hydrogen ions and called "air vitamins" anion content is more and more, coupled with the lower air pressure, can promote a series of changes in human physiological functions, asthma and other diseases can play a role in assisting in the treatment of the role of blood glucose can be lowered to increase the anemia of the patient's hemoglobin and red blood cell count. hemoglobin and red blood cell count of anemic patients. The degree of concern is the same.
Four, baseball
Baseball is not too hot in China, but in the past year, two baseball clubs were opened in Beijing, which began to attract attention, especially from young people. Baseball, which is both an amateur and professional sport, is the national sport of the United States and is played outdoors with nine players on a side. The bats are hard, smooth wooden bats, generally 3 feet 6 inches long (1.668 meters), and the surface of the ball is wrapped in horsehide. Baseball requires speed and strength, balance and coordination, flexibility and agility. The fun comes with teamwork, so it is not a sport of "individual heroism" and facilitates interpersonal communication. The degree of concern is rising.
Fifth, parkour
Parkour: very trendy and dangerous
In 2010, the parkour movement was destined to become popular. It's an unofficial street walking extreme sport that treats the entire city as one big training ground, with all the walls and rooftops becoming objects to climb and traverse, especially abandoned houses. It's a great sport for everyone, and many parts of the UK hold races every Saturday morning, and the best part is that it's organized by the local community and it's free, all you have to do is register your details online the night before. Parkour is not only an art of sport, but also a way of life, running, jumping, climbing, free soul in motion in the infinite stretch, it is indeed an art.
Six, climbing snowy mountains
Climbing snowy mountains
Because of the recent cold snap, Britons have been able to enjoy some of the best ice climbing conditions in recent years. The sport involves climbing icefalls or snowy mountains, with ice shafts and gullies probably the hardest to climb.
Seven, open swimming
The healthiest sport
Swimming, as one of the healthiest ways to travel, will never go out of fashion and is suitable for young and old alike, it doesn't require too much courage, and even less technical movements, so as long as you know how to swim, you should be well exercised! Open swimming is now one of the most popular sports. Open swimming is very exciting, exhilarating and just a little bit cold. Challenge yourself, join an organized open swim meet!
Eight, lacrosse
Somewhat savage lacrosse
Lacrosse is a kind of use of the top of the bag with a netted bag as a tool for holding the ball, by the players holding the bag with the bag of hockey to grab the ball and try to shoot the goal of the team sports, is now mainly prevalent in North America and the United Kingdom and other places. Lacrosse is a fast-paced aerial sport that requires a strong body and good hand-eye coordination. The sport originated as a Native American game that was meant to resolve conflicts and develop combat skills. No wonder it's called a violent sport.
Nine, Telemark skiing
The enduring fashionable sport
Telemark skiing is a skiing technique that is gradually becoming popular in the United States. Telemark skiers are said to have the lungs of American astronaut Armstrong and the legs of football star Jonny Wilkinson. Trima skiing is a kind of knee bending technique for skiing turns, which allows for more freedom in the knees because the heels can be lifted. The use of the knee is very important in snowboarding, and adding a degree of freedom to the knee is definitely an additional direction of skill. Before landing the board, the skier must perform a "lunge" with one knee on the ground. It's intense, but you get a lot of exercise.
Trim skiing fell off the map in the 1940s, but Americans picked it up again in the 1990s, and with the leaps in ski and bindings technology in the last decade, it's been able to make a comeback.
Ten, "light sports" movement
Healthy light sports
It is a light load, do not pursue a large amount of exercise, physical energy consumption, the body's function of the various systems play a role in regulating the mood of exercisers, so that the exercise of the people comfortable, as much as possible. In recent years, some sports scholars of scientific research has confirmed that the pursuit of high volume of exercise, physical energy limit consumption, is often the cause of physical injury. Some countries in the world quietly emerging "light sports", to become a new fashion of physical fitness. "Light sports", also known as "easy sports" or "fast sports", is a form of popular sports. The rise of "light sports" signifies that popular sports are constantly adapting to people's needs, focusing on spiritual and psychological adjustment, both physical and mental fitness, so that fitness is developing in a more scientific direction.