What are the most important issues on the minds of the elderly nowadays?

A country or society that does not attach importance to the welfare of the elderly is also destined to have a limited degree of civilization. With the new crown epidemic, certain countries are incapable of fighting the epidemic, do they have the intention of trying to eliminate some of the elderly through the new crown in order to reduce the burden of welfare for the elderly?

The bottom of the fifth census, the population over 60 years of age amounted to 130 million people, accounting for 10.2% of the total population; 65 years of age or older population has reached 88.11 million people, accounting for 6.96% of the total population. Measured by international standards, both have entered an aging society in the past decade, the speed of aging accelerated, the annual growth rate of 3.4%, faster than the national population growth rate of 1.1% more than twice. 2020, China has 250 million elderly people, accounting for nearly 18% of the population of 14. 65-year-olds amounted to 167 million people, accounting for 12% of the population. Should China be considered a super-aged society. France's aging took 115 years, Switzerland 85 years, the United Kingdom 80 years, the United States 60 years, while our country only took 18 years (1981-1999) to enter the aging society, and aging is still accelerating, faster than the country's total population growth rate.

In the society's material wealth, all kinds of social service facilities and other conditions are not in place, in people's psychological preparation are still far from the situation, China is running into the aging society.

1, the pension problem.

2, medical costs.

3, the problem of insufficient beds for elderly services.

4. The problem of not setting up socialized services for the elderly.

WHO: the world's 49 high-income countries per capita healthy life expectancy of 70 years, while our country is only 66 years old; developed countries over the age of 60 years old population in good health more than 60%, while our country is only about 43%.

Ministry of Health: the overall level of health literacy among urban and rural residents in China is 6.48%, with 4.69% in the 55-64 age group and the lowest 3.81% in the 65-69 age group. Arthritis, heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, influenza and acute pneumonia, substance abuse, obesity, and depression are among the most common diseases among the elderly in China.

The average life expectancy in China is 76 years for men and 78 years for women. The average healthy life expectancy in China is about 66 years. Just about every older person has ten years to live with a disease. The resulting problems are:

1. Health problems. There are a lot of sick people.

2. Loneliness problems. There are more elderly people living alone, empty nesters, and more people with psychological problems.

3, pension problems. There are many elderly people in rural areas and middle and low-end family income earners in cities.

In response to these three problems, some manufacturers have produced health care products, some companies combined with the psychological characteristics of the elderly loneliness, the use of warm marketing, so that the elderly to buy many health care products.

Internet finance, which was popular in the last few years, and many health care products marketing have also produced great losses for the few pensions of the elderly.

Biologists say: people can live 120 years. Life practice tells us: some people can die without disease. But the vast majority, 99.99 percent, have not been able to do so. Why?

Surface reason: lost to biological ageing. It turns out that health conditions that take 70 years to appear may be present in our 60s. Secondary causes: lost to social influence. Popular food and drink, the elderly eat more, play too much and sick, such as obesity. Intrinsic cause: abandonment of upward mobility efforts in the name of living well in the present.

(i) Overall horizontal comparison.

China's elderly are lower than those in advanced developed countries in both health literacy and healthy life expectancy. Our mental health is poorer than that of others in the same age group. We have more "shrunken" seniors (hunchbacks and lower heights).

We have a low percentage of older people in their 70s who are still working and struggling as much as older people in Japan and the United States. For example, this U.S. presidential campaign is two people in their 70s hustling. What does it mean? It shows that we are in such a situation, not necessarily, but that there are human influences.

(2) The state of our aging culture

1. Chinese people retire early.

Many workers in our country retire at the age of 55, and cadres in the organization retire at the age of 60. The United States is 67 years old. There are many Japanese old people who work until they are 70 years old.

2. Why are our old people more likely to have problems after retirement?

Our culture has: people over forty do not learn. An even more vicious way of saying it is: people don't learn anything past thirty, and people pass forty when it's too late for lunch. When there is a high rate of boredom when you are a student and a high rate of boredom when you are working (not willingly wanting to work, but being forced to work, working just to survive, and being managed unbearably at work), when you retire, it's easy to go to the other extreme of: vindictive touring, vindictive not doing things, vindictive spontaneity, and capriciousness.

Unless there is some professional ability, it is not easy to find a job. Many companies are hiring people under the age of 35. Retired people, square dancing, traveling, go home to help their children with their children are the main activities, upscale will participate in the senior university to learn the arts, play photography, singing and dancing, the overall far from creating value. In contrast: many retired seniors abroad, in addition to continue to work for a period of time, like to travel, like to do volunteer work, reading, doing gardening, etc..

1, the future development of society brings too much uncertainty. I can't see clearly, and I can't see what I can do for the future society at this age.

2. Disease. There are a lot of people around who have suddenly died of cancer. Their realization is: I really don't know who will come first, the accident or tomorrow.

3. Consumption of the moment is indeed the trend of the current society, and so are the young people.

Why living well in the present is more of a way to fulfill materialistic desires, people usually feel what the source of happiness is

Satisfaction after getting something. Needs make people stressed, and satisfying them releases the stress and creates a sense of comfort. For example, eating good food, wearing good clothes, driving a fancy car, living in a luxurious house, etc., immerses our mind in a state where we don't want to worry about things. For example, playing cards, chess, karaoke, movies, TV, novels, and so on.

Overall, the fulfillment of material desires is the most important aspect of people's often happy, joyful, and blissful feelings. Very few people are truly able to take pleasure in suffering. For example, reading, usually gives; work, takes effort, sweat, brain, consumes physical strength and energy; sports, brings some physical discomfort, pain, etc.; not many people will like it. A lot of the effort that is being put in now, what the future outcome will be is still unknown.

This kind of living in the present why doesn't really lead to good results;

Buddhism says: To know the cause of the past life, the recipient of this life is; to know the fruit of the next life, the author of this life is.

Cause and effect is a universal law of nature. The elderly of today are in poor health because they did not do well in the past.

That is to say: living well in the present in the past did not lead to good in the present.

That is to say: living the present well now does not lead to good in the future.

That is to say: living the present well now is wrong.

What's wrong? Heavy on the reality of consuming less to plow tomorrow. What do you mean? Man today, man here and now part of the belonging must belong to the future.

The reasoning is: tomorrow to be able to continue to have a good life, to eat, today must be plowed for tomorrow. This is true of the planting that governs the stomach, and it is equally true of the learning that governs the mind.

What will happen if you give up

In hospitals, sometimes doctors will tell their families: take the patient back, try to satisfy him with whatever wishes he has, whatever he wants to eat, whatever he wants to play with, he doesn't have many more days to live. You can only give up the treatment, or you will still be left with no money.

Is there a lot of elderly people who eat what they want and play what they want. May I ask what is the difference between the two? None.

Giving up medical treatment to help the body in a state of illness generally results in a quick passing away.

Giving up study helps the mind in a state of poverty and generally results in rapid aging.

People are a combination of body and mind, as long as the ego gives up, the body cells will surely cooperate with you, as long as they don't give up, the body cells will surely cooperate with you. Why, every cell is spiritual.