Scripts for The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episodes 1 to 13 (English-Chinese)

Episode 1

Elena and Caroline go off to college, and the identity of their new housemate Megan arouses Caroline's suspicions. Bonnie hides the news that she is dead, and her spirit often accompanies her friend. Silas poses as Stefan, only to be unmasked by Jamie. Catherine came to Damon's house to escape her enemies, but was almost killed by Silas. Megan is killed by a mysterious vampire at a college party, but the police declare her a suicide. At the end-of-summer tradition, Silas kills Bonnie's father, who mind-controls everyone looking for Catherine.

Episode 2

Damon begs Sheriff Forbes to help him find his missing brother.Elena and Caroline begin an investigation into just who is covering up the murders on campus.Whitmore University senior Jesse tells Elena interesting information about Professor Wes Maxfield.Jeremy wants to return to his old pattern of life. He's still the only one who can see Bonnie, but Bonnie is dead set against him telling anyone else what's going on - she doesn't want them to know that she sacrificed her life to save Jeremy.Damon learns that Silas is searching for Katherine and instructs Matt and Jeremy to hide Katherine.Silas is in pursuit of Katherine when Matt dies.In the process of coming back from the dead, he sees Bonnie and offers her solace, but will forget the experience after his resurrection.  A new character, the gypsy "Traveler," appears, adding to the confusion.

Episode 3

Stefan is rescued by the sorceress Quintessia, who reveals that Silas betrayed her by having an affair with the maid Amara, and the two of them drank the water of immortality to become immortal. When Quintessia learns of her betrayal, she forces Amara to drink the antidote to the water of immortality and kills her. Quintessentially, she put a spell on Stefan that weakened Silas and made him drink the antidote to become mortal, and Silas revealed why he was after Katherine, whose blood was the antidote and who was Amara's doppelg?nger.

Episode 4

Stefan has amnesia and can't control his craving for human blood.Nadia implants Regal's soul into Matt's brain and Regal threatens Matt to save a blade.Elena tries to help Stefan regain his memories.Stefan learns that Damon and Elena are passionately in love without his knowledge and he decides to stop Caroline asks to meet Jesse, Stefan appears out of nowhere and kills Jesse, Caroline makes Jesse drink her own blood.Jeremy publicizes Bonnie's death, the grieving crowd mourns Bonnie's death.

Episode 5

Elena is touched by a fellow student, Aaron, who appears to be sneaking around the school, sadly. Elena and Damon attend the Whitmore Historical Ball dressed as Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII. At the ball, Elena and Dr. Maxfied **** danced, and Dr. Maxfied told Elena to get out of college and go back to Mystic Falls. Caroline and Tyler's prom night went from initially happy to finally sad and heartbreaking. Meanwhile, Nadia reveals a surprising part of her past to Katherine, namely that she is Katherine's biological daughter. Damon tries to make a deal with Silas, who asks Damon to kill Stefan, and in the end Damon feeds Katherine's blood to Silas, who has been re-calcified by Tessa, and Katherine dies and is reborn. Katherine dies and is reborn.

Episode 6

Katherine is reborn from the dead, but is shocked to find gray hairs on her head and her own body showing aging-like symptoms. Desperate, she finds Caroline and with her asks Dr. Maxfied for a shocking secret: a secret organization called the August Society suspects Elena of being a vampire. Katherine, now a human, uses this to help clear Elena's name, and Damon and Jeremy are about to use Silas to bring Bonnie back to life, but are thwarted when Elena is taken hostage by Tessa; Stefan helps Elena get out of the trap even though she doesn't have her memories back, but Silas takes advantage of this to find the "anchor" Tess told her about. The vampire Amara drank Silas's blood and became human, and Damon brought her home.

Episode 7

An injured (neck) Silas chats with a couple at the station. Using magic, he burns the man's insides to scare the woman away, subjecting him to the same pain as himself. On his first night back, Stefan doesn't sleep well, painful memories of the past wake him up in nightmares and he decides to kill Silas to put an end to some of this. Amara, who has been petrified for 2,000 years, is determined to die. after a chance encounter, Jer realizes that Amara can see and touch Bonnie, and plans to have Tessa cast a spell to turn Bonnie into an anchor that connects the two sides of the body. katherine is aging, and the doctors have told her that she only has a few months left to live. tessa casts a spell for the three doppelgangers to give up their blood, and Silas arrives to sabotage them and attack Tessa, at which point Silas decides to kill Silas to end it. Tessa casts the spell, the three doppelgangers offer their blood, Silas arrives to destroy it and attacks Tessa, at which point Stefan grabs Amara to lure Silas away; Stefan kills Silas and Amara kills herself. Stefan kills Silas and Amara kills herself. Tessa finally completes the spell and Bonnie returns to the group. But the story doesn't end there, Stefan is still haunted by the torture Silas inflicted on him; Bonnie turns into an anchor and every supernatural creature that dies passes by her in pain; Katherine's daughter tries to take her back to Prague to start a new life, Katherine refuses and leaves alone.

Episode 8

Jesse breaks free and attacks the doctor during the experiment; Bonnie enjoys her return and college life, but is still in pain from the supernatural deaths that pass through her from time to time; Elena and Caroline prepare to throw Bonnie a welcoming party when Jesse calls out of the blue; Caroline helps Jesse adjust to being a vampire. Stefan, still haunted by his traumatic experiences, refuses to attend Elena's party. At the bar, Matt tells Katherine about his obsession with being possessed. In line, Jesse and Caroline begin to flirt, but inadvertently bite C. Damon tortures a doctor with a variety of germs in his lab to question the purpose of his experiments, only to make a startling discovery. katherine takes Nadia and Stefan to kill the spirit possessing Matt, and is blamed for doing so by her daughter, Nadia. After helping Stefan control his pain once more, Queen K decides to kill herself, only to be saved by Stefan's discovery of a suicide note. In the lab Jesse can't hold back his desire for vampire blood and attacks Damon, showing even more strength, Elena can't do anything but kill Jessa, arriving just in time Caroline is estranged from her best sister.Damon is sneak attacked by the doctor and is once again locked up in the August Club's cell.

Episode 9

Wes pulls a scam to catch Damon and Elena is also caught. Wes informs Aaron of the truth and it turns out that the Whitmore family, to which Aaron belongs, has been studying vampires for generations. Damon and Elena were locked up, Damon told his girlfriend that he had been tortured by Dr. Whitmore's research in 1953, and that he had made a friend, Enzo, in prison, but that he had betrayed Enzo and fled alone. Damon then hunts down the Whitmore family and their descendants in retaliation, and Aaron learns of this and decides to accept the family's mission. Elena is taken to the lab table, where she discovers that another test subject is none other than Enzo.

Episode 10

In the final episode of the year, Stefan kidnaps Aaron in an attempt to get Dr. Wes to release Elena and Damon.Stefan looks furious and warns Aaron in the harshest possible way not to test his patience. Meanwhile, Enzo may turn on Damon. Damon struggles to escape from prison, with Stefan capturing Aaron, and Wes releasing Enzo to deal with Damon. Damon encounters Enzo again and he revives a poisoned Enzo, who accuses him of being his true nature. Wes tries to turn Elena into an Augustine vampire, and Stefan saves Elena at the critical moment. Feeling guilty for what he did, Damon breaks up with Elena. Meanwhile, Aaron takes the potion to transform the vampire from the lab. Catherine decides to accept her daughter's proposal to prolong her life, who suddenly faints.

Episode 11

In a moment of life-and-death crisis, Katherine recalls that painful night in 1490. She struggles to give birth to her daughter Nadia, but she is immediately taken away.Stefan tells Elena, Caroline and Bonnie about Katherine's deteriorating health, while Damon, Matt and Jeremy gather to talk about the most abhorrent things Katherine has done in her life.Nadia makes a desperate attempt to protect her her mother by coming up with a terrible plan, and Stefan and Elena are forced to help her. Meanwhile, Caroline forgets to tell Elena about the recent 'shocking scandal' (presumably a reference to Katherine's one-night stand with Stefan?) ), which makes her feel very ashamed. But Caroline herself soon engages in some sort of 'shameful behavior' (and she's quite content with it.) Elena and Katherine finally get a chance to sit down and share their thoughts on each other, and surprisingly, they have a sense of empathy.

Episode 12

Enzo brings Damon a creepy gift and insists that they can be good buddies like they used to be - as long as Damon agrees to work with him on his plan for revenge.Damon wants to do the right thing, so isn't about to agree to him straight away. Matt is embarrassed and confused by several conversations with Nadia, and he impulsively decides to throw a party. Sharer Films, Caroline admits something shocking to Elena at the party. She has to pay for the consequences of her actions - which means she has to deal with Stefan and Tyler's strong reactions to the incident.Aaron does his best to atone for the family's past crimes and intends to start a new life.Elena is suddenly put in a life-or-death situation, and she only has a few minutes to think about how to save herself.

Episode 13

In an effort to help her friends get through this, Caroline persuades Elena and Bonnie to join her at Whitmore University's 'Agony Ball' - a special dance hosted for students who have had their hearts broken due to loss of love or other reasons. Bonnie discovers that another female student, Liv, may know a bit of witchcraft and takes an interest in her.Tyler begins to worry that Matt's relationship with Nadia will get Matt into trouble.Stefan discovers something troubling and has a talk with Damon and Enzo... ...

Episode 14

As Damon's behavior becomes more and more unbelievable and potentially even deadly, Stefan begins to regret the words he recently said to Damon. He decides to find Damon as soon as possible and intervene in his behavior. Katherine, who is pretending to be Elena, offers to help Stefan find Damon in order to achieve her goal of being with Stefan. Dr. Wes asks the Travelers to set a trap, and Damon and Enzo's friendship is once again put to the test. ......