1 USD =6.9 102 RMB.
The exchange rate of RMB against USD is: 0. 1447, which means that 1 RMB can be converted into USD 0. 1447.
The exchange rate of USD against RMB is 6.9 102, which means that 1 USD can be converted into RMB 6.9 102.
The "right" in exchange rate is exchange. For example, RMB against the US dollar means RMB is exchanged for US dollars, and vice versa.
Extended data:
exchange rate system
Exchange rate system, also known as exchange rate arrangement, is a system widely adopted by countries to determine the exchange rate between their own currencies and other currencies. It is a systematic stipulation made by countries or the international community on the principles, methods, ways and systems for determining, maintaining, adjusting and managing exchange rates. The exchange rate system has a great influence on the exchange rate decision-making of various countries.
According to the range of exchange rate fluctuation, exchange rate system can be divided into fixed exchange rate system and floating exchange rate system.
Fixed exchange rate system refers to a relatively stable exchange rate system based on the standard currency itself or the legal gold content. Different monetary systems have different fixed exchange rate systems.
Baidu encyclopedia-exchange rate