Penguins' game
Left Left Right Right? Go Turn Around
Left Left Right Right Forward Turn Around?
Go Go Go Go? Right...
Forward, forward, forward, forward? Left Left Right Right
Left Left Right Right?Left Left Right Right
Left Left Right Right? Left Left Right Right?
Go Go Go?Left Left Right Right
Forward Forward Forward Forward? Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around?Go Go Go
Turn Around? Go Forward Go Forward Go Forward
Jumping Grooving Dancing Everybody
Jumping, Cheering, Dancing Everybody
Rolling Moving Singing Night&Day
Rolling, Moving, Singing Day&Day
Rolling, Moving, Singing, Day&Day
Let's Fun Fun Right
Go Turn Around?
Let's Fun Fun Together
Let's Fun Fun Together.
Let's Play The Penguine's Games
Play this fun game.
Smacking Beating Clapping All Together
Smacking shoulders, pounding paces, clapping all together.
Rocking Bumping Screaming All Night Long
Rocking, Bumping, Screaming All Night Long
Let's Go Everybody?And Play Again This Song
Let's Go Everybody. And Play Again This Song.
Left Left Right Right?Go Turn Around
Left Left Right Right Go Forward Turn Around?
Go Go Go
Forward, forward, forward, forward
Left Left Right Right? Go Turn Around
Left Left Right Right, forward, turn around?
Go Go Go
Forward, Forward, Forward
Penguins' game is sung by Italian singer Gelato. It was a song that traveled from Italy to Taiwan and then to China, and it didn't go over well in Italy, but it was a huge hit in Asia.
The narrow bunny dance is a kind of group dance in a square, where "Penguins' game" is played as background music during the dance, and then everyone dances back and forth with their hands on each other, in step with each other.
Broadly speaking, bunny dancing refers to a selection of the hottest disco dance music of the late 20th century, including Penguins' game, most of which is currently on the market as bootlegs, and the more recognized legitimate albums are AVEX-TRAX's BEST series of dance music (e.g., BEST 99), as well as a selection of VMP's published works. The albums that are more recognized as legitimate are AVEX-TRAX's BEST series of dance music (such as BEST 99) and some of the works published by VMP.