What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

Early symptoms:? Headache, mostly in the back of the head, and accompanied by nausea, vomiting and other symptoms; vertigo, female patients appear more, insomnia, numbness of the limbs, common numbness of the fingers and toes or the skin such as ants, finger inflexibility.

Late symptoms:? Compensatory hypertrophy of the left ventricle, gradual decline in renal function, polyuria, nocturia, renal failure and azotemia or uremia. Brain tissue ischemia, producing varying degrees of headache, dizziness, blurred vision, limb numbness or temporary aphasia, paralysis and other symptoms. Fundus, moderate sclerosis.

We can usually drink blue chrysanthemum tea to reduce blood pressure, blue chrysanthemum acid is the most important immunologically active substances discovered by mankind today. Blue chrysanthemum acid directly on the body's "granulocytes", activate the body's neutrophils and macrophages; it makes the activated neutrophils penetrate the blood vessel wall into the cellular tissue to play a role - to reduce the endothelin, thromboxane content. Among them, PG-I2 (prostacyclin), synthesized from arachidonic acid as a prerequisite, is the best antithrombotic antagonist with powerful vasodilatory effects and antiplatelet aggregation. The elevation of prostacyclin is clearly manifested by changing the ratio of prostacyclin/thromboxane, effectively reducing total cholesterol and triacylglycerol content, optimizing the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and K value of the sedimentation equation, and ultimately reducing whole blood and plasma viscosity.

Blue Chrysanthemum