Lao Wang is 58 years old and works in the same factory as his wife. She was a factory flower when she was young. At that time, Lao Wang was not qualified except for his good looks and high education, but Lao Wang's persistent pursuit touched her.
After getting married, Lao Wang has always spoiled her as a princess. She never touches the spring water. Lao Wang does all the housework, but his wife is just beautiful.
From the birth of children to primary schools, middle schools and universities, Lao Wang and grandma take care of them, and his wife has always taken care of herself.
With the growth of age, the children got married and his wife retired. Lao Wang became the technical backbone of the factory, but his health was not as good as before. After retirement, my wife even let herself go, dancing square dance, playing cards and traveling with her sister all day.
Home is like a hotel for her. Come back for dinner, take a bath and sleep. Sometimes Lao Wang thinks he can cook a meal at home and fry a dish after work, but his ex-wife says no.
Last summer, Lao Wang accidentally fell in the bathroom and caused a fracture. After the operation, a few days ago in the hospital, my son took care of me, my daughter-in-law cooked and delivered meals, and my wife just came to see and left.
After leaving the hospital, the doctor told me to stay in bed for at least two months, and then I could do some rehabilitation training slowly.
My wife never took care of anyone, and she didn't want to wait on them, so she hired a 48-year-old female nurse, Xiao Liu, to take care of her. She should still go dancing and shopping.
After a few months in bed, thanks to the care of Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu's family was in the countryside and her husband died in a car accident. In order to support her family and her son at school, she came out to work as a nurse.
Xiao Liu is careful and tries his best to take care of Lao Wang, but there are always places that are too busy or inconvenient, but his ex-wife is always away, and even Xiao Liu has to wait on him.
Xiao Liu is worried about bedsore lying in bed for a long time, and insists on wiping and turning over Lao Wang many times every day. Every time I turn over, I am exhausted and panting.
My wife only comes over occasionally every day to ask some innocuous questions, and even goes out to travel with friends during the period, which makes Lao Wang completely chilling.
Two months later, under the guidance of the doctor, Xiao Liu helped Lao Wang to start some rehabilitation training slowly, but his wife suspected that Lao Wang would affect his rest and took the initiative to move to the study to sleep.
Xiao Liu is kind and considerate, and always gives Lao Wang encouragement and confidence. Looking at his wife, Lao Wang's emotional balance tilted and he was determined to divorce.
After his physical recovery, Lao Wang resolutely divorced under secular pressure. No matter how his wife cried, he didn't change his mind.
When you get married, everyone has a beautiful vision of a lifetime, but reality will change people's minds.
After holding hands for more than 30 years, we broke up when we needed to spend the rest of our lives together. Is it just Lao Wang's fault?
It's no use just hating and scolding. Should his ex-wife think about the causes of real problems in marriage? Only by finding problems and correcting them is the secret of future psychological growth and happiness.