My friend, what should I pay attention to when I go to a woman's house for the first time? What gifts to bring?
If you have reached the stage of marriage, the first door must be careful, the importance of the gift is second only to the marriage proposal! According to the traditional etiquette of a few big things must be prepared! Even if you resist these or the other side of the family is not excited about these, it is best to prepare. After all, this door, not only on behalf of personal, but also on behalf of the sincerity of Mom and Dad, not only to her parents, or to her relatives, neighbors and friends to see, face must be prepared! Cigarettes and alcohol needless to say, within your ability to choose the best will be correct! In addition to cigarettes and alcohol should also be equipped with souvenirs and other gifts for the elderly and children to prepare gifts for the elderly family to prepare a red packet should be heavy rather than light, for the children to prepare a small red packet meaning. Respect for the elderly and young and considerate and careful young man is always especially favored and recognized.