There is no such thing as the older you get, the easier it is to sweat. Sweating easily can be a problem of physical weakness, especially for those who are weak, and are particularly prone to colds and discomfort during seasonal changes, which are caused by long-term physical weakness, or nutritional deficiencies.
This summer because of the high temperature warning many times, my mother appeared to sweat particularly serious point, in her words, as long as a walk on the sweat, even if a little cooler at night to open the air conditioning to sleep, or also particularly easy to sweat, go to the hospital to see the doctor also said that because of the body of the weak and thus lead to the problem of sweating, and the key factors that cause this kind of problem is the body of the prolonged lack of nutrition, or lack of sleep on weekdays, the body is the key factor of the problem is the body of the long time. Or sleep in the weekdays, the long term will cause the body loss, the body once the problem will signal to the outside, and sweating is its signal.
Because of age, their own bodies consume too much, and the absorption of nutrients will not inevitably keep up, a large part of the elderly themselves alone at home will casually eat, get some leftover rice, or pickles can be on a meal, a person will rarely go out like young people to walk around, every day, just a person to eat, live, sleep and may be psychologically emotional, but also nonsense, the body will be able to eat and sleep, the body will not be able to eat and sleep, but the body will not be able to eat and sleep. In the long run the body will certainly be the problem of body weakness, whether day or night sweating is often encountered in life but was ignored by the situation. For this kind of people, we should be in the appropriate time to supplement the nutrition, such as in the spring, can be more in the dietary therapy to eat some nourishing food and fresh fruits and vegetables, in the fall after the more tonic food, less spicy and stimulating food, especially older consumption and absorption simply can not form a positive ratio, so pay more attention to their own physical health.
Family members may have too many problems when they get older, and loved ones need to spend more time caring for their family members, and this kind of sweating is not to be ignored.