MaoMao 3~4 Fly Level 18 Karo
Level 36 Baroka Cloud Star Ground Level Quest: MaoMao's dream of music, with a chance to get air crystals, same effect as above.
Moby+ 3~4 Ground Level 17 Goggle
Level 37 Rugas Cloudstar Ground Level Mission: Rare Elf Collection Program.
Bell 5~6 Water 16th level Abu
35 Bara Turtle Ocean Star Shallow Water Area Chance to get Water Essence, worth 40 Sailor Beans.
Flaming Shell 7~8 Fire Level 17 Bellamy
34 Level Bellus Volcanic Star Foothills Chance of obtaining the Flame Element, a necessary element for upgrading the Battlegroup's facilities. Valued at 50 Cybeans.
Bibi Rat 9~10 Electricity Level 15 Lightning Rat
Level 30 Sky Thunder Rat Hurricane Star Construction Zone Quest: Power Generation Energy for Bibi Rats, with a chance of obtaining Capacitor Balls. Worth 50 Cybeans.
Mushroom Monster* 10 Grass Small Mushroom Level 20 Mushroom Monster Cross Star Woods Defeat and send small mushroom.
Cactus Orb 11~12 Grass Level 16 Cactus
Level 32 Giant Cactus Crossstar Swamp Chance to get Photosynthetic Energy. Value
Small Bean Sprout+
11~12 Grass Level 21 Tinkerbell
Level 37 Magic Flower Fairy Crossstar Swamp Quest: Rare Elf Gathering Program.
Grim++ 1 Ground Level 16 Grim
Level 36 Grouchy High Now out of print Available in the Elf Twister.
Phantom 13~14 Fly Level 20 Halphard Cloudstar High Altitude Layer Quest: The Phantom who loves to play hide-and-seek.
YiYi 15 Grass Level 17 Ettins
Level 35 Ekaleon Cross Star Woods Slow it down with a flamethrower in order to fight it.
Nir++ 16 Supernatural 17 Fisley
37 Esfia Any scenario A supernatural elf that transforms. Now changed to 10 turns before escaping.
Level Sharptooth Fish 15~16 Water Level 20 Steeltooth Shark Ocean Star Deep Water
Link+ 15~16 Ice Level 17 Linsch
Level 36 Brinks Cecilia Star Cold Cave Quest: Rare Elf Collection Program.
Jelly Duck+ 17 Water Level 18 Wave Duck
Level 36 Crystal Duck Hurricane Underground Plaza Limit one per person.
Jill 17~18 Fire Level 20 Reno
Level 36 Logiras Volcano Cave
Rocky 19~20 Electricity Level 21 Kirola
Level 38 Cesarella Hurcas Ruins
Lilli++ 19~20 Electricity Level 21 Mian Mian
Level 37 Electro Rabbit Hurcas Ruins Out of stock, can be obtained from the Terrace Genie Twister in Lookout. Terrace Elf Twister.
Steel Tooth Shark* 25 Water Sharp Tooth Fish Level 20 Evolution Ocean Star Seabed After you fight it, you will get the Black Crystal Ore. You can get the Black Warrior Suit.
Basalt Beast 25~26 Ice Level 27 Frozen Beast Cecilia Star Hurricane Spaceship You may get Basalt Ice after beating it. Worth 50 Cybeans.
Rios* 35 Fire Huria Level 30 Rios Deep in the cave of Volcano Star Defeat for a chance to get Huria.
Thiath* 45 Fly Milami Level 28 Tiath Highest level of Cloudstar Defeat to get Tiath's Essence,
Rai* 55 Electricity Hecal Star Wasteland (now gone) May get its Essence. Now gone.
Akhya* 65 Ice Sola Level 18 Heras
Level 38 Akhya Cecilian Star Icefield Defeat to get Akhya's Essence, and one day later Sola. There is also a chance to get Arcane Ice.
Nadore* 70 Ground Nag 17 Nachiru
38 Level Nadore Twin Alpha Star Rocky Ground Gets Essence, hatches a day later.
Renardo* 75 Mechanical Reg level 19 Layton Tower,
Level 39 Renardo Twin Beta Star Wasteland Defeat it to get its essence, convert it with a molecular converter, and get it a day later.
Giant Tree Demon* 40 Grass Lesser Tree Spirit Level 28 Giant Tree Demon Elf Summoning Ground Defeat it and get its essence, transform it with the Molecular Transformer, and get the Lesser Tree Spirit a day later.
Brue++ 15 Water Brue Level 18 Brueb,
Level 39 Bruckeye Oceanstar Shallow Water, Oceanstar Deep Water It will run away after 5 rounds, and you have to take NONO with you to see it.
Sita++ 1 Mechanical Sita level 18 Tidus, level 38 Reggios Twister Can be obtained in the Genie Twister with a small chance.
Pano++ 1 Mechanical Pano Level 16 Pallas, Level 35 Parcis Out of Print Earn 500 Battle Badges in the Elf King Tournament, now out of print.
Chita 1 Mechanical Chita level 20 Steel Towers, level 38 Regimus Twister The same as Chita
Reg 1 Mechanical Reg level 19 Layton Towers, level 39 Renaldo Obtained by defeating the BOSS Renaldo Obtained by defeating the BOSS Renaldo Obtained by defeating the BOSS Renaldo Obtained by hatching one day after the Essence
Cassie ++ 1 Mechanical Cassie level 29 Karte The summoning order invites 10 people to complete the novice quest
Pai Pai ++ 1 Mechanical Casse level 29 Karte Invite 10 people to complete the new quest
PaiPai+ 1 Mechanical PaiPai level 17 Pyruk, level 36 Pyrukida Collect Moby, Bean Sprout, and Link to get the "Quest: Rare Elf Collection Program" reward
Lainey 15~16 Common level 16 Truly, level 37 Ikaroni Gemini Beta Star
================================= ===Water Elves ==================================
Iyu Slap, Chirp, 8J Bubble (Special Attack 20),
11J Play with Water (halves the power of fire attacks for the next 5 turns),
Flying Strike 15J (Flying Punch 35).
16J Urien,
16J Steel Claw (Mechanical Pulse 50),
Restrain 19J (bounces opponent's damage against us at double power, Pulse),
Bubble Rays 24J (65),
Messy Raid 28J (Pulse 15),
Tidal Wave 33J (65) Opponent's strength is less than 1\2, and doubles its power when the opponent's strength is less than 1\2.
36J Baruth,
36J Sword Dance,
37J Bluff,
38J Water Jet (Special Attack 40),
Maelstrom 39J,
White Mist 46J,
Surge 52J (Pu 80),
High-Pressure Water Jet 59J (120, Low Hit ).
Bell Bump, Wagging Tail,
Bubble 8J (20),
Shrinking Head 10J,
Water Gun 13J (40),
Breakthrough 15J (60 on P&W).
16J Abu,
High Speed Spin 19J,
Protect 23J,
Water Wave 28J (60),
33J Water Tail (90).
36J Bara Turtle,
39J Rocket Headbutt (fatigue for one round after 100 use of Pu Attack), 43J Iron Arm (plus Defense Special Defense 1) 48J Praying for Rain (plus Special Attack and Special Defense 2 levels), 53J High-Pressure Water Gun (120 Special Attack), Lenticular Cannon 61J (fatigue for one round after 150 use of Special Attack) .
Sharp-toothed Fish Ghost Face, Ice Tooth (Ice, 65), Noise, Anger (Punch, 20) Stored Air, Glare, Bluff 18 Tooth Surge 20 (Punch, 60).
20J Steel Tooth Shark,
Slam 21J, Bite 26J (100), Slice 30J (70), Water Jet 34J (40), Deterrence 37J, High Speed Movement 41J (Acceleration 2), Feint 50J Rocket Headbutt 56J (Fatigue one turn after Punch 100 is used), High Pressure Pump (Power 90) Steel Tooth Strike 62J (100).
Jelly Duck Jumping Jelly (45), Transparency (physical attacks halved for 5 rounds, including restrained skills), Playing with Water, Slap (40).
18J Wave Duck,
20J Chasing Fist (Punch, 50),
24J Wall of Water (Gat Defense 2),
28J Water Wave (60),
32J Water Blade (60).
35J Crystal Duck, 36J Tsunami (70, +20 extra damage), 40J Breath of Condensation (Ice, 80), 42J Treading Waves (adds attack speed), 46J Combo Breaker (75), 50J Tornado Water Strike (90), 53J Water God Protector, 56J Blast Chopper (Attacks, 100), 59J Tumbling River (115), 64J Crystal Charge (Continuous). (Power +20 each time it is used up to a maximum power of 205).
Blue, Bump (35), Glare (-1 to defense), Sprinkle (-1 to special attack), 16J Blister (water, 40)
18J Blub, level 21 Water Ray 55 (special attack that causes frostbite to the opponent for 10% of the time on a hit)
3, level 26 Swing 50 (physical attack that adds an extra 20 fixed points to the damage)
4 Level 31 Suction (Attack that changes 100% of your special defense by 2)
5 Level 36 Splash Power 70 (Special Attack that causes 10% frostbite on hit)
39J Brooke, Level 40 Wave Crash Power 80 (Physical Attack that bounces back 1/4 of the damage done to you)
Level 44 Thru the Water Gun Power 70 (Special Attack that doubles the power of a hit) Level 48 Shout (Attribute Attack 100% changes your Special Attack Level by 2)
Level 52 Wave Roar Power 90 (Special Attack 10% frostbite on hit)
Level 55 Flash Strike Power 70 (Normal Physical Attack)
Level 58 Storm Strike Power 120 (Special Attack 15% changes your opponent's Special Defense Level by -1)
Level 58 Storm Strike Power 120 (Special Attack 15% changes your opponent's Special Defense Level by -1)
Level 59 Waves Clash Power 80 (Physical Attack 1/4 bounces back to you) (Special Attack 15% change opponent's Defense Level -1)
Level 61 Breaking Wave Impact Power 100 (Physical Attack 15% change opponent's Defense Level -1)
Level 64 Blue Light Pump Power 150 (Special Attack)
Level 70 Heart of the Ocean Power 0 (Reduce opponent's HP by 1/4)
======================== ============ Fire Elves ==================================
Small Fire Monkey Grab, Glare, Spark 7J (40), Pick 9J
14J Blazing Fire Monkey, Sonic Fist 15J (Punch, 45), Crazy Scramble Grab 16J (Punch, 20×2~5), Flame Carriage 19J (95), Feint 26J (Pu, 50), Torment 29J
36J Fiery Gorilla, Punish (Pu, 60+), Full Force Strike 41J (Pu, 120 ), Flame Vortex 45J (15, Burn), Meditation 53J, Flame Punch 57J (125, Bounce 1/4),
Fiery Shellfish Punching Top, Hard, Fireball 9J ( 40), Heated 13J, Smoke
17J Bellamy, Spinning Dash 18J (pwd, 60), Deadly Clash 21J (60), Smokescreen 24J, Double Pipe Flame 27J (75), Flame Clash 31J (70)
34J Belle Rouge, Dry Strike 35J, Scorching Flame 41J, Deterrence 44J, Explosive Flame Blaze 49J, Fire Shot Octagon 54J, Bubbling Fire,
Jill Grip, Spark (40), Tooth of Fire (65), Chirp, Smokescreen
20J Reno, Ghost Face 24J, Dragon's Fury 29J (40, adds an additional 40 points of fixed damage), Slice 33J
36J Lochgilas, Dragon's Claw 38J (80), Heat Gathering 41J (changes self by 100%) Special Attack Level 1),
Air Slash 44J (Flight, 75, adds an additional 60 points of Fixed Damage), Flame Jet 47J (95),
Shadow Claw 51J (70), Concentration of Will 53J (+Defense), Wing Slap 56J (Flight, 60), Dragon Soaring Strike 59J (90), and Blazing Flame Charge 62J (125, 1/4th of damage dealt by the opponent will bounce back to yourself). 4 will bounce back to yourself), High Temperature Whirlwind 67J (120),
Huria Electric Lightning, Spark 5J 40), Wagging Tail 5J, Ghostly Fire 8J, Flame Spray 12J (hits for a killing blow from time to time) (95), Seal 15J, Spiral Flame 18J (80), Mystic Guardian 21J, Retaliation 24J, Seduction 27J, Dense Fire Web 29J (120)< /p>
30J Rios, Retaliation 32J, Intrigue 36J (100% change own Special Attack level by 2), Fire Cross 41J, Phantom 47J, Grudge 51J (reduce Special Defense by 2), Fiery Blaze 56J (150),
Di Da Gathering Breath, Slam (Attacks, 60), Spit of Fire (Attacks, 45), Painful Strike (
Pop Attacks, 40), Bubbling Fire 17J (plus attack, special defense), Fire Bomb 21J (special attack, 65),
Ling Li 24J (plus attack 2 speed 2), Yan Wang Strike 27J (physical attack, 50 the opponent's strength is less than half of the power doubled)
28J Dirks, Air Blaze Flash 30J (general attack, 45, a return to the cooperation of the 2-3 attacks), Flame Power 34J (plus attack 2 special attack 2), Spiral Flame 38J (Special Attack, 80), Inferno Dance Formation 42J (Physical Attack, 80 Increases power by 20 per consecutive use), Burning Pulse 46J (Special Attack, 100), Explosive Flame Shattering 50J (Physical Attack, 110), Bathed in Fire 55J (restores 1/1 of one's maximum stamina and exhaustion)
Rook Thunderbolt Strike, 40, Electricity/Special Attack, pp: 40
P>Collision, 35, Normal System/Physical Attack, pp: 35
Charge, 0. Attribute/Attribute Attack, x2 damage from using Electric Moves on yourself for 1 turn, pp: 20
17J Electromagnetic Wave, 0, Attribute/Attribute Attack, Paralyzes the opponent 100% of the time upon hitting, pp: 20 Karuga 19J 21J Rapid Spinning Charge, 50, Normal System/Physical Attack, pp. pp: 35
25J Lightning Wheel, 60, Electricity/Special Attack, pp: 30
30J Power Grid, 0, Attribute/Attribute Attack, 100% change your Special Defense by 2 when you succeed in using this skill, pp: 30
35J Chain Lightning, 35, Electricity/Special Attack, 2~3 attacks in 1 round, pp: 35
37J Evolution Kargas 39J Swift Strike, 65, Electricity/physical attack, pp: 35
43J Thunder Strike, 0, Attribute/Attribute Attack, 100% change opponent's special defense level by -1 when skill is used successfully, pp: 30
47J Xuan Thunder Formation, 75, Electricity/Special Attack, paralyzes opponent by 10% on hit, pp: 25
50J Chain Lightning, 35, Electricity/special attack, paralyzes opponent by 10% on hit, pp: 25
50J Break Defense Strike, 75, Normal/physical attack, 15% change opponent's defense level by -1 when skill is used successfully, pp: 30
53J Thunder Shock, 0, Attribute/attribute attack, 100% change opponent's defense level by -1 when skill is used successfully, 100% change opponent's special defense level by -1 when skill is used successfully, pp: 25
56J Green Lightning.
56J Green Lightning, 80, Electricity/Special Attack, when skill is used successfully, 20% changes your own Special Attack Rating by 1, pp: 20
59J Thunder Flash, 100, Electricity/Physical Attack, paralyzes opponent by 5% on hit, pp: 10
62J Thunder Storm, 0, Attribute/Attribute Attack, when skill is used successfully, 100% changes your own Attack Level 1, 100% change your Special Attack Level by 1 when using this skill successfully, pp: 20
68J Flash Thunder, 115, Electricity/Special Attack, paralyzes your opponent by 5% on hit, pp: 10
==================================== Ice Elves ===== =============================
Basalt Beast 25-26J Frozen Strike (35), Basalt Cone (55), Ice Armor, Cool Down, Slap, Frozen Ray (45)
27J Hasty Frozen Beast, Breakthrough 30J (P&P, 60), Claws of Ice 38J (65), Frozen Air, Frozen Wind 42J. Frost 45J, 52J Frozen Light Wave 55J Ice Lingering Mirror 58J Cracking Ice Combo 61J Ice Sky 66J Zero Degree Ice Break (120)
Sora Ice Blade (40), Tail Throw 5J (Pounce, 45), Frost Armor 9J, Ice Armor 13J, Frozen Rays 17J (45)
18J Heraeth, Chilling Frozen Air 20J (55), Ice Breaker Tail 25J ( Pulse Attack, 60), Cold Stream 30J, Arcane Ice Arrow 35J
38J Archea, Shattering Ice 40J (Normal Ice Attack 80), Cold Ice Protector 43J, Frozen Hail 47J, Ice Seal 50J, Icy Skies 55J (100), Holy Spirit Flash 60J (100), Polar Ice Storm 67J (150), Extreme Ice 75J (30% spike, remaining 70% is MISS)
Lynch Frost (-1 defense), Frozen Air (55), Cold Bubble (30), Grab
17J Lynch, Crazy Scramble Grab 19J, Ice Claw 23J, Gemstone Energy 27J , Ice Rinnegan Light 31J, Cracking Ice Strike 35J
36J Brinks, Cracking Toughness 39J, Frozen Air 43J, Gemstone Light 47J ) Freezing Wind 28J (Special Attack, Power 60, 15% chance to reduce opponent's Speed Level 1) Ice Mirror 32J (Attribute Attack, 100% change own Special Defense Level 2) Freezing Fist 37J (Physical Attack, Power 65) Ice Sphere 40J (Special Attack, Power 70) Crystal Cold Armor 44J (Attribute Attack, 100% enhancement of own Defense and Special Defense Level 2) Soft Fist 48J (Physical Attack, Power 55, make opponent lose all enhancements) (Physical Attack, reduce opponent's damage by 1/2 in normal attack state)Blizzard 51J (Special Attack, Power 90, 10% chance of frostbite) Ice Power 55J (Attribute Attack, 100% enhancement of your own Attack Level 2) Sky Cold 60J (Special Attack, Power 100, 10% chance of frostbite) Ice Blast 67J (Power 120)
Kaka Pain Strike (40) Ice Armor 5J, Ice Breaker Tail 10J, Cold Air Cannon 15J
17J Liz Ice Spike 19J, Boost 24J, Streaming Ice 29J, Cold Ice Strike 34J
36J Kroya 38J Ice Condensation Sphere (80), 42J Cold Flow, Cold Cyclone (90), Freeze, Ice Shock 58J, Ice World 61J (110), Cold Ice Crush 64J, Frost Flurry 69J (130)
==================================== Superpowered Elves =================================
Nir Psychic Ray (50), Space Jump, Change Art, Quick Attack ( Punch 45)
17J Fisley, 20J Swift Strike (Power 60), 25J Fantastic Light Wave (Power 70), 30J Sense (Special Defense plus 2), 35J Gravitational Suppression (Special Attack 70)
37J Esfia 39J Flying Swallow Chop ( Physical Attack 75) Level 42 Mind Control (75) 45J Intentional Interference (PP-2) 48J Flying Rush ( 90, Counter Blood) 51J Aura Recoil 54J Flash Meteor (105) 57J Extreme Spin (90) 60J Inspiration (Special Attack plus 2) 66J Cosmic Phantom (150)
==================================== Elves of the Common Lineage ===================== ============
YoYo Gaze 11J (Attribute Attack, 100% reduces opponent's defense level by 1)
YoYo Ray 16J (Special Attack, Power 55, makes all opponent's Enhancements disappear)
21J Combo Strike (Normal 30 2~3 Attacks)
25J Chakra (Boosts Attacks by 1)
30J Heart (Special Attack 70 5% puts opponent to sleep)
36J Chirp (-1 to opponent's attack)
41J Nod (Physical Attack 75)
50J Pentagram (Physical Attack 80)
Initial Skills
Spinning Rush (Physical Attack Power 60)
Spinning (1 round of our first attack, opponent's skill is disabled)
Crash (Physical Attack)
Level 17 Mud Throwing (Special Attack 40, 15% opponent's hit-1)
18J Truni
Level 17 Mud Throwing (Special Attack 40, 15% opponent's hit-1)
Level 20 Strong Strike (Physical Attack Power 80)
Level 25 Torture (-1 to opponent's defense)
Level 30 Gray Ray (Special Attack 55)
Level 35 Flying Spinning Strike (Physical Attack 70)
Level 37 Ikaroni
Level 39 Twilight Wave (Special Attack 70) causes all of the opponent's enhancements to be removed
Level 43 Gathering (Attack 100% of your own attack level1)
Level 43 Aggregate (Attack 100% of your own attack level1) (Attribute Attack: 100% of your own Attack Level 1)
Level 47 Return Attack (Physical Attack Power: 100)
Level 51 Wave of Air (Physical Attack Power: 80)
Level 55 Disturbance (Attribute Attack: Reduces your opponent's Hit Points by -1)
Level 59 Reikou (Attribute Attack: Adds 2 Hit Points)
Level 63 Air Swirl Chop (Physical Attack Power 100)
Level 66 Starry Flash (Special Attack Power 100)
Level 68 Shining Star Blade (Physical Attack Power 125 )
==================================== Battle Elves =================== ===============
Messy Rush Physical Normal Power 15, 2-5 attacks in 1 round
Wrestling Combat Physical Power 40
Qi Power Attribute, +1 Attack Level
Genki Wave Combat Special Power 45
Left and Right Combat Combat Physical Power 55, -1 to 15% opponent's defense
Storage of Qi Attribute increases the probability of an attack hitting the target's vitals by 1/16 for 5 rounds
Space Palm Combat Special Power 60 (a move of the Empty Fist)
Slam Attack Normal Physical Power 80
Fist Qi Combat Special Power 80
Name Level Attribute Evolutionary Level Distribution Description
Pippi 1~2 Fly Level 14 Bibi
34 Wave
Pippi 1~2 Fly Level 34 Bibi
Pippi 1~2 Fly Level 14 Bibi
Level 34 Bokor Ground Level of Cross Star There is a chance to get Air Crystals, collect 20 of them to make Yoyo evolve into Batty (Flying), worth 40 Sailor Beans.
MaoMao 3~4 Fly Level 18 Karo
Level 36 Baroka Cloud Star Ground Level Mission: MaoMao's dream of music, with a chance to get air crystals, same effect as above.
Moby+ 3~4 Ground Level 17 Goggle
Level 37 Rugas Cloudstar Ground Level Mission: Rare Elf Collection Program.
Bell 5~6 Water 16th level Abu
35 Bara Turtle Ocean Star Shallow Water Area Chance to get Water Essence, worth 40 Sailor Beans.
Flaming Shell 7~8 Fire Level 17 Bellamy
34 Level Bellus Volcanic Star Foothills Chance of obtaining the Flame Element, a necessary element for upgrading the Battlegroup's facilities. Valued at 50 Cybeans.
Bibi Rat 9~10 Electricity Level 15 Lightning Rat
Level 30 Sky Thunder Rat Hurricane Star Construction Zone Quest: Power Generation Energy for Bibi Rats, with a chance of obtaining Capacitor Balls. Worth 50 Cybeans.
Mushroom Monster* 10 Grass Small Mushroom Level 20 Mushroom Monster Cross Star Woods Defeat and send small mushroom.
Cactus Orb 11~12 Grass Level 16 Cactus
Level 32 Giant Cactus Crossstar Swamp Chance to get Photosynthetic Energy. Value
Small Bean Sprout+
11~12 Grass Level 21 Tinkerbell
Level 37 Magic Flower Fairy Crossstar Swamp Quest: Rare Elf Gathering Program.
Grim++ 1 Ground Level 16 Grim
Level 36 Grouchy High Now out of print Available in the Elf Twister.
Phantom 13~14 Fly Level 20 Halphard Cloudstar High Altitude Layer Quest: The Phantom who loves to play hide-and-seek.
YiYi 15 Grass Level 17 Ettins
Level 35 Ekaleon Cross Star Woods Slow it down with a flamethrower in order to fight it.
Nir++ 16 Supernatural 17 Fisley
37 Esfia Any scenario A supernatural elf that transforms. Now changed to 10 turns before escaping.
Level Sharptooth Fish 15~16 Water Level 20 Steeltooth Shark Ocean Star Deep Water
Link+ 15~16 Ice Level 17 Linsch
Level 36 Brinks Cecilia Star Cold Cave Quest: Rare Elf Collection Program.
Jelly Duck+ 17 Water Level 18 Wave Duck
Level 36 Crystal Duck Hurricane Underground Plaza Limit one per person.
Jill 17~18 Fire Level 20 Reno
Level 36 Logiras Volcano Cave
Rocky 19~20 Electricity Level 21 Kirola
Level 38 Cesarella Hurcas Ruins
Lilli++ 19~20 Electricity Level 21 Mian Mian
Level 37 Electro Rabbit Hurcas Ruins Out of stock, can be obtained from the Terrace Genie Twister in Lookout. Terrace Elf Twister.
Steel Tooth Shark* 25 Water Sharp Tooth Fish Level 20 Evolution Ocean Star Seabed After you fight it, you will get the Black Crystal Ore. You can get the Black Warrior costume.
Basalt Beast 25~26 Ice Level 27 Frozen Beast Cecilia Star Hurricane Spaceship You may get Basalt Ice after beating it. Worth 50 Cybeans.
Rios* 35 Fire Huria Level 30 Rios Deep in the cave of Volcano Star Defeat for a chance to get Huria.
Thiath* 45 Fly Milami Level 28 Tiath Highest level of Cloudstar Defeat to get Tiath's Essence,
Rai* 55 Electricity Hecal Star Wasteland (now gone) May get its Essence. Now gone.
Akhya* 65 Ice Sola Level 18 Heras
Level 38 Akhya Cecilian Star Icefield Defeat to get Akhya's Essence, and one day later Sola. There is also a chance to get Arcane Ice.
Nadore* 70 Ground Nag 17 Nachiru
38 Level Nadore Twin Alpha Star Rocky Ground Gets Essence, hatches a day later.
Renardo* 75 Mechanical Reg level 19 Layton Tower,
Level 39 Renardo Twin Beta Star Wasteland Defeat it to get its essence, convert it with a molecular converter, and get it a day later.
Giant Tree Demon* 40 Grass Lesser Tree Spirit Level 28 Giant Tree Demon Elf Summoning Ground Defeat it and get its essence, transform it with the Molecular Transformer, and get the Lesser Tree Spirit a day later.
Brue++ 15 Water Brue Level 18 Brueb,
Level 39 Bruckeye Oceanstar Shallow Water, Oceanstar Deep Water It will run away after 5 rounds, and you have to take NONO with you to see it.
Sita++ 1 Mechanical Sita level 18 Tidus, level 38 Reggios Twister Can be obtained in the Genie Twister, chances are small.
Pano++ 1 Mechanical Pano Level 16 Pallas, Level 35 Parcis Out of Print Earn 500 Battle Badges in the Elf King Tournament, now out of print.
Chita 1 Mechanical Chita level 20 Steel Towers, level 38 Regimus Twister The same as Chita
Reg 1 Mechanical Reg level 19 Layton Towers, level 39 Renaldo Obtained by defeating the Boss Renaldo Obtained by defeating the Boss Renaldo Obtained by defeating the Boss Renaldo Obtained by hatching one day after the Essence
Cassie ++ 1 Mechanical Cassie level 29 Karte The summoning order invites 10 people to complete the novice quest
Pai Pai ++ 1 Mechanical Casse level 29 Karte Invite 10 people to complete the new quest
PaiPai+ 1 Mechanical PaiPai level 17 Pyruk, level 36 Pyrukida Collect Moby, Bean Sprout, and Link to get the "Quest: Rare Elf Collection Program" reward
Lainey 15~16 Common level 16 Truly, level 37 Ikaroni Gemini Beta Star
================================= ===Water Elves ==================================
Iyu Slap, Chirp, 8J Bubble (Special Attack 20),
11J Play with Water (halves the power of fire attacks for the next 5 turns),
Flying Strike 15J (Flying Punch 35).
16J Urien,
16J Steel Claw (Mechanical Pulse 50),
Restrain 19J (bounces opponent's damage against us with double the power, Pulse),
Bubble Ray 24J (65),
Messy Raid 28J (Pulse 15),
Tidal Wave 33J (65) Opponent's strength is less than 1\2, and doubles its power when the opponent's strength is less than 1\2.
36J Baruth,
36J Sword Dance,
37J Bluff,
38J Water Jet (Special Attack 40),
Maelstrom 39J,
White Mist 46J,
Surge 52J (Pu 80),
High-Pressure Water Jet 59J (120, Low Hit ).
Bell Bump, Wagging Tail,
Bubble 8J (20),
Shrinking Head 10J,
Water Gun 13J (40),
Breakthrough 15J (P&W 60).
16J Abu,
High Speed Spin 19J,
Protect 23J,
Water Wave 28J (60),
33J Water Tail (90).
36J Bara Turtle,
39J Rocket Headbutt (fatigue for one round after 100 use of Pu Attack), 43J Iron Arm (plus Defense Special Defense 1) 48J Praying for Rain (plus Special Attack and Special Defense 2 levels), 53J High-Pressure Water Gun (120 Special Attack), Lenticular Cannon 61J (fatigue for one round after 150 use of Special Attack) .
Sharp-toothed Fish Ghost Face, Ice Tooth (Ice, 65), Noise, Anger (Punch, 20) Stored Air, Glare, Bluff 18 Tooth Surge 20 (Punch, 60).
20J Steel Tooth Shark,
Slam 21J, Bite 26J (100), Slice 30J (70), Water Jet 34J (40), Deterrence 37J, High Speed Movement 41J (Acceleration 2), Feint 50J Rocket Headbutt 56J (Fatigue one turn after Punch 100 is used), High Pressure Pump (Power 90) Steel Tooth Strike 62J (100).
Jelly Duck Jumping Jelly (45), Transparency (physical attacks halved for 5 rounds, including restrained skills), Playing with Water, Slap (40).
18J Wave Duck,
20J Chasing Fist (Punch, 50),
24J Wall of Water (Gat Defense 2),
28J Water Wave (60),
32J Water Blade (60).
35J Crystal Duck, 36J Tsunami (70, +20 extra damage), 40J Breath of Condensation (Ice, 80), 42J Treading Waves (adds attack speed), 46J Combo Breaker (75), 50J Tornado Water Strike (90), 53J Water God Protector, 56J Blast Chopper (Attacks, 100), 59J Tumbling River (115), 64J Crystal Charge (Continuous). (Power +20 each time it is used up to a maximum power of 205).
Blue, Bump (35), Glare (-1 to defense), Sprinkle (-1 to special attack), 16J Blister (water, 40)
18J Blub, level 21 Water Ray 55 (special attack that causes frostbite to the opponent for 10% of the time on a hit)
3, level 26 Swing 50 (physical attack that adds an extra 20 fixed points to the damage)
4 Level 31 Suction (Attack that changes 100% of your special defense by 2)
5 Level 36 Splash Power 70 (Special Attack that causes 10% frostbite on hit)
39J Brooke, Level 40 Wave Crash Power 80 (Physical Attack that bounces back 1/4 of the damage done to you)
Level 44 Thru the Water Gun Power 70 (Special Attack that doubles the power of a hit) Level 48 Shout (Attribute Attack 100% changes your Special Attack Level by 2)
Level 52 Wave Roar Power 90 (Special Attack 10% frostbite on hit)
Level 55 Flash Strike Power 70 (Normal Physical Attack)
Level 58 Storm Strike Power 120 (Special Attack 15% changes your opponent's Special Defense Level by -1)
Level 58 Storm Strike Power 120 (Special Attack 15% changes your opponent's Special Defense Level by -1)
Level 59 Waves Clash Power 80 (Physical Attack 1/4 bounces back to you) (Special Attack 15% change opponent's Defense Level -1)
Level 61 Breaking Wave Impact Power 100 (Physical Attack 15% change opponent's Defense Level -1)
Level 64 Blue Light Pump Power 150 (Special Attack)
Level 70 Heart of the Ocean Power 0 (Reduce opponent's HP by 1/4)
======================== ============ Fire Elves ==================================
Small Fire Monkey Grab, Glare, Spark 7J (40), Pick 9J
14J Flaming Monkey, Sonic Fist 15J (P&P, 45), Crazy Scrambling Grab 16J (P&P, 20×2~5), Flame Carriage 19J (95), Feint 26J (Pu, 50), Torment 29J
36J Fiery Gorilla, Punish (Pu, 60+), Full Force Strike 41J (Pu, 120 ), Flame Vortex 45J (15, Burn), Meditation 53J, Flame Punch 57J (125, Bounce 1/4),
Fiery Shellfish Punching Top, Hard, Fireball 9J ( 40), Heated 13J, Smoke
17J Bellamy, Spinning Dash 18J (pwd, 60), Deadly Clash 21J (60), Smokescreen 24J, Double Pipe Flame 27J (75), Flame Clash 31J (70)
34J Belle Rouge, Dry Strike 35J, Scorching Flame 41J, Deterrence 44J, Explosive Flame Blaze 49J, Fire Shot Octagon 54J, Bubbling Fire,
Jill Grip, Spark (40), Tooth of Fire (65), Chirp, Smokescreen
20J Reno, Ghost Face 24J, Dragon's Fury 29J (40, adds an additional 40 points of fixed damage), Slice 33J
36J Lochgilas, Dragon's Claw 38J (80), Heat Gathering 41J (changes self by 100%) Special Attack Level 1),
Air Slash 44J (Flight, 75, adds an additional 60 points of Fixed Damage), Flame Jet 47J (95),
Shadow Claw 51J (70), Concentration of Will 53J (+Defense), Wing Slap 56J (Flight, 60), Dragon Soaring Strike 59J (90), and Flame Rush 62J (125, 1/4th of damage dealt by the opponent will bounce back to themselves). 4 will bounce back to yourself), High Temperature Whirlwind 67J (120),
Huria Electric Lightning, Spark 5J 40), Wagging Tail 5J, Ghostly Fire 8J, Flame Spray 12J (hits for a killing blow from time to time) (95), Seal 15J, Spiral Flame 18J (80), Mystic Guardian 21J, Retaliation 24J, Seduction 27J, Dense Fire Web 29J (120)< /p>
30J Rios, Retaliation 32J, Intrigue 36J (100% change own Special Attack level by 2), Fire Cross 41J, Phantom 47J, Grudge 51J (reduce Special Defense by 2), Fiery Blaze 56J (150),
Di Da Gathering Breath, Slam (Attacks, 60), Spit of Fire (Attacks, 45), Painful Strike (
Pop Attacks, 40), Bubbling Fire 17J (plus attack, special defense), Fire Bomb 21J (special attack, 65),
Ling Li 24J (plus attack 2 speed 2), Yan Wang Strike 27J (physical attack, 50 the opponent's strength is less than half of the power doubled)
28J Dirks, Air Blaze Flash 30J (general attack, 45, a return to the cooperation of the 2-3 attacks), Flame Power 34J (plus attack 2 special attack 2), Spiral Flame 38J (Special Attack, 80), Inferno Dance Formation 42J (Physical Attack, 80 Increases power by 20 per consecutive use), Burning Pulse 46J (Special Attack, 100), Explosive Flame Shattering 50J (Physical Attack, 110), Bathed in Fire 55J (restores 1/1 of one's maximum stamina and exhaustion)
Rook Thunderbolt Strike, 40, Electricity/Special Attacks, pp: 40
p>Collision, 35, Normal System/Physical Attack, pp: 35
Charge, 0. Attribute/Attribute Attack, x2 damage from using Electric Moves on yourself for 1 turn, pp: 20
17J Electromagnetic Wave, 0, Attribute/Attribute Attack, Paralyzes the opponent 100% of the time upon hitting, pp: 20 Karuga 19J 21J Rapid Spinning Charge, 50, Normal System/Physical Attack, pp. pp: 35
25J Lightning Wheel, 60, Electricity/Special Attack, pp: 30
30J Power Grid, 0, Attribute/Attribute Attack, 100% change your Special Defense by 2 when you succeed in using this skill, pp: 30
This is the first time you have used this skill.