Is Up in the Air worth watching?

I went to see this "A Ghost in the Floating Sky" because of the names of Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara. The movie's English title "A Ghost Story", directly translated as "A Ghost Story", is about a pair of lovers who are separated by a ghost in a story very similar to the one starring Demi Moore, "Ghosts and Ghosts" (the English title of which is directly translated as "Ghost"). The difference is that "Ghost" is a much warmer and more original film than "Ghost", which was widely acclaimed at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year.

C (Casey Affleck) is sweetly in love with M (Rooney Mara), who tells him that when she was a child and moved around a lot, she would write old poems and things she wanted to remember on slips of paper, fold them up tiny and hide them in different places. It was like leaving a part of herself there. If you find the note, you can go back in time. One day, C died in a car accident in front of his house, leaving behind a lonely M. C's ghost came back draped in a bedsheet to accompany his lover. m couldn't bear the torture of loneliness, and left the place where they *** lived together. c, however, searched for the note left behind by M in the corners and corners of the room, and followed the note to look back, lingering on the past warm times, and didn't want to leave for a long time.

We didn't know much about Casey Affleck earlier, and "Manchester by the Sea" made me and all the fans remember him. A year later, we find out that he's actually still stuck in grief and can't get out. This time around, C is even more sympathetic to tears than Lee Chandler in Manchester by the Sea. Without a few lines or much acting, mostly playing a ghost with a white sheet over his head and not even seeing, he brings to tears the dead ghost's longing for earth and his partner.

There are two scenes in the movie that are very shocking. the ghost of C sees a ghost in the opposite house and asks him what he's doing, to which the ghost replies, "I'm waiting for someone." "Waiting for who?" "I don't remember." Later after the house was demolished, the two ghosts conversed and the ghost told C, "I don't think they're coming." After saying this the sheet falls to the ground and the ghost fades away in an instant. At the end of the movie, a similar scene occurs again, and after C's ghost picks out the little note in a crack in the wall, the lifeless white sheet falls to the floor and the movie ends. The sadness of the separation between ghost and human, and the emptiness of life, permeates the screen strongly and brings tears to the eyes.

We have seen countless ghost movies, but this "Ghosts and Ghosts" is the most adorable and warm-hearted.

From the perspective of the living, Ghosts and Goblins is a movie about ghosts and ghosts who stay on earth. The Ghost of Floating Life is from the perspective of the ghosts of the dead. Draped in a white sheet silently gazing at the lover who watches over him, almost motionless. There is not a trace of horror, not a single expression, but the loneliness and sadness of the ghost is truly displayed. Although the movie's slow pace and long shots have received mixed reviews, as a whole, it is no less than a stunningly good movie. It is especially recommended for young literary figures, and will not disappoint.

You can go to the theater to experience it