English essay Square dancing is very popular these days, but the strong music is making the surrounding residents suffer a lot English essay

Nowadays, open-air dances are very popular, but the strong music is making the surrounding residents suffer a lot. Anyway, I wrote, the owner to see if it works

Nowadays, open-air fitnessdancing is very popular for people, especially the old people. Becausedancing can not only let them Becausedancing can not only let them keep fit, but also can make a lot of friend byit. They can meet some people in their age, so they may have same wavelength.

But it also exertsnegative When the old people are dancing, they make alot of noise, so it makes the inhabitants around the place feel terrible.Sometimes, it even causes conflict between the old people and their families. Sometimes, it even causes conflict between the old people and the inhabitants.

In my point of view, the old people need to consider thefeeling of the inhabitants, they have two ways to solve the problem. The firstone is turn down the music. The old people need some activity, but they canmake the music lower, make sure the music can't bother the inhabitants. The firstone is turn down the music. The old people need some activity, but they canmake the music lower, make sure the music can't bother the inhabitants, andthey can still have fun.

And they can also dancein 9:00 am to 12:00 am, the students and office workers in the absence during this time And they can also dancein 9:00 am to 12:00 am, the students and office workers in the absence duringthis time, so they can dance freely.