What about the surrounding facilities of Jiaxing Chenjia Garden Community?

Address of Chenjia Garden Community: Jiabei Road 197, Jiashan District.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (senior apartment, Chenjia Garden (south), Chenjia Garden (east), Chengdong Community, Huadu Square, Chengdong Village, Jiashan No.4 Middle School, Dujuan Community and Yong 'anli).

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Jiashan Education and Research Center, Jiashan Education and Research Center-Lecture Hall, Xiaoxing International Education (Huadu Plaza Store), Xiaoxing English School (Southwest Huadu Plaza), Jiashan Dadi Training School, K.S Dance, Preschool Education, Ding Xue Education, Jiashan New Century School, New Dream Education (Jiefang East Road)).

There are five major medical resources 2 kilometers around, of which Chenjia Surgical Hospital is 788 meters away from the community 169 meters, Jiashan Zheng Da Chinese Medicine Clinic is 788 meters away from the community, Jiashan Oriental Hospital is167 meters away from the community, Huimin Street Development Zone Community Health Service Station is 1254 meters away from the community, and Jiashan Chenjia Hospital is/kloc-0.

The commercial facilities around Chenjia Garden are: (Bolin Musical Instrument Store (Zhujiang Store), Gome (Jiashan Store), Jishengduo (Jiashan Tang Wei Chengdong Store), Fujiawang Supermarket, Hualian Supermarket (Lu Shijia Store), Wenfeng Supermarket (Jiashan Store), Lemate Supermarket (Lu Shijia Store), Jiashan Jiefang Road Shopping Mall, RT Mart (Jiashan Store) and Guoguang Gold Store (talk about it).

Click to see more: details of Chen Jia and garden club.