Standing on the neon street, happiness is someone else's, has nothing to do with has, you have this feeling?

In fact, this kind of feeling is often encountered. How do you see this sentence you wrote "standing in the neon street, the happiness is someone else's, has nothing to do with oneself". This kind of feeling, simply put, is just "out of place". Your heart is lost. Or, you should feel this way all the time. Such feelings of loss occur in many people. It depends largely on some of our attitudes towards life. I think that such emotions are more normal in life. After all, people are not happy all the time. This feeling of loss, like a bitter spice, spices up our life. It makes our life, so different. However, such feelings can not mainly sway our hearts. Therefore, such feelings appear more often, we still need to talk to others, in order to get more positive mood. In this way, we will not be lost and despondent. "Standing on the neon street, the happiness is someone else's, not related to oneself though. But aren't we bathed in the light as it pours down? Joy is already with us." I hope you are able to be happy and relieve your heart.