What do you think about playgrounds not being open to the public?

I think the playground should be open to the public in time, rather than completely closed, because this will not only allow students to have a place to go to school and exercise, but also the same can make all the people have a place to exercise and fitness.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that students normal classes and the use of the physical education scores are now higher and higher, indicating that the importance of sports is also increasing, so it is necessary to allow students to use the playground in a specific time, otherwise there is a square dance before the big mom and dad of the kind of situation for the students to speak is certainly not solved, and now advocate for national fitness campaigns, can not be a slogan, it must be! Starting from a young age, to develop a good habit of their movement, so that they do not only know the study and ignore sports, and this situation must ensure that students have a place to exercise, including basketball, soccer, bar, double bar, shot put field, and so on.

Secondly, China is originally a populous country, the population density is very low, so it is difficult to find some large playgrounds in China can be sports, now the people's living conditions are better, earn more and more, so the body is also more and more attention, so now many middle-aged and elderly people want to find a place to play sports, and now China's conditions certainly can not meet the situation, so the opening of the playgrounds can alleviate the situation of no place to exercise.

Once again, want to grasp the sports, want to let the students to improve the physical quality, not overnight can do, must be from childhood to cultivate, the child's first teacher is the parents, and if the parents also do not like sports, or want to exercise but there is no place to exercise, this is also not conducive to improve the students' sports ability, so I think that want to improve the quality of sports of the whole population, we must let everyone be able to exercise, to Cultivate the awareness of sports. So at a given time according to our current population and sports facilities conditions, open playgrounds are necessary.

Lastly, because our elderly population is growing, so the number of people who retire and exercise every day is also growing, so the opening of the operation is open at different times, is not open all day, and must be put into the relevant manpower to control or else there will be other "unexpected" situation. This understand the natural understand, so to ensure that the normal use of students, to open the playground by time is a better situation.